Janet Gornick gave a lecture titled “High and Rising Inequality: Causes and Consequences” at the Cercle Münster in Luxembourg on January 15, 2015. Her lecture was delivered to about 40 members of the Oxford University Society of Luxembourg and their guests. It was followed by a 30-minute question-and-answer period.
During her recent stay in Luxembourg, LIS Director Janet Gornick was interviewed by Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne about inequality in the US, in comparative perspective. She observed: “Our inequality is already high because of the low minimum wage, the weakness of unions, and very high levels of private-sector compensation at the top. But, on […]
DIW, the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, presents LIS in the 107th edition of the SOEPnewsletter. The January 2015 newsletter offers the latest developments regarding the SOEP, and dedicates a section to LIS and its upcoming events in 2015. Get a copy here (see p. 10).
LIS Director Janet Gornick is featured in a news article on the Graduate Center’s homepage. The article presents a summary of LIS’ work, and addresses the growing role that LIS is playing in cross-national inequality research. It also highlights LIS’ increasing prominence at the Graduate Center. “Janet Gornick: in the global spotlight” can be read […]
Dear LISSY users, We are approaching the end of 2014 and it is soon time to renew your access! Since registration to access the LIS and LWS Databases corresponds to the calendar year, a renewal of your access is required to extend your subscription. Please note that you may renew for 2015, starting on 1 […]
LIS is delighted to announce the launch of Wave IX of the LIS Database. The first dataset in Wave IX is the United States 2013, which is now available for use. This dataset is based on the Current Population Survey (CPS) carried out by the US Census Bureau. In addition, the US datasets in Wave […]
Two new datasets from Australia, AU08 and AU10 (Waves VII & VIII), have been added to the LIS Database. The AU08 dataset is from the 2007-2008 Survey of Income and Housing (SIH), while the AU10 dataset is from the 2009-2010 integrated Survey of Income and Housing (SIH) and Household Expenditure Survey (HES), both provided by the […]
The latest dataset from France, FR10 (Wave VIII), has been added to the LIS Database. The dataset is based on the 2010-2011 Household Budget Survey (Enquête Budget de Famille), and is provided by the National Statistical Office (INSEE). In addition, FR84, FR89, FR94, FR00 and FR05 (Waves II to VI) have been revised for consistency. […]
During the process of preparing the launch of LIS’ new Wave IX, LIS made some minor adjustments to the current template (i.e., the set of LIS variables and definitions). The changes mostly concerned the clarification of variable and value labels, and the standardization of three labour market variables which were previously dataset-specific (TEN1_C, TEN2_C and […]
Janet Gornick, Director of the LIS Center in New York and Director of LIS in Luxembourg, delivered a keynote address to the United Nations General Assembly, on Tuesday, October 7. Her keynote address was hosted by the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) of the UN General Assembly. Gornick’s talk, titled “High and Rising Inequality: Causes […]