LIS Summer Lecture Series

In 2009, LIS launched an annual lecture series. The lectures are co-sponsored by LIS and local institutions in Luxembourg and are designed for public audiences.

Past Lectures

Ravi Kanbur

Ravi Kanbur, Professor at Cornell University, presented the 2024 LIS Summer Lecture:
Predistribution vs Redistribution

July 8, 2024 | Ignore on home | read more »

Richard Blundell

Sir Richard Blundell, Professor at the University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies, presented the 2023 LIS 40th Anniversary Lecture:
Connecting Income and Consumption Measurements of Inequality and Poverty: New Ideas and New Empirics

May 30, 2023 | Ignore on home | read more »

Cecilia García-Peñalosa

Cecilia García-Peñalosa Professor of Economics at Aix Marseille School of Economics, presented the 2022 LIS Summer Lecture:
The geography of income mobility

September 14, 2022 | Ignore on home | read more »

Peter Lanjouw

LIS Director and a Professor in development economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam presented the 2021 LIS Summer Lecture:
High Frequency Poverty Monitoring in the Face of Data Deprivation

November 3, 2021 | Ignore on home | read more »

Gero Carletto

Gero Carletto the Manager of the Data Production and Methods Unit in the Development Data Group (DECDG) at the World Bank presented the 2019 LIS Summer Lecture:
A Thing of the Past? Household Surveys in the New Global Data Landscape

August 14, 2019 | Ignore on home | read more »

François Bourguignon

Professor of Economics at the Paris School of Economics and LIS President presented the 2018 LIS Summer Lecture:
Inequality and globalisation, a brief review of facts and arguments.

July 9, 2018 | Lecture Series | read more »

Louis Chauvel

Professor of Sociology at the University of Luxembourg, presented the 2017 LIS Summer Lecture:
On the way to extreme inequalities: how income and wealth research highlights the challenges for the 21st century?

July 20, 2017 | Lecture Series | read more »

Francisco Ferreira

Senior Adviser in the World Bank’s Development Research Group, where he oversees the Bank’s research programs on poverty, inequality and agriculture, presented the 2016 LIS Summer Lecture:
Measuring Global Poverty: Past, Present and Future.

July 18, 2016 | Lecture Series | read more »

Stephen Jenkins

Professor of Economic and Social Policy at the London School of Economics, Visiting Professor at the University of Essex, and a Research Fellow at IZA, presented the 2015 LIS Summer Lecture:
To what extent has income inequality increased? Some data issues.

July 28, 2015 | Lecture Series | read more »

Branko Milanovic

LIS Senior Scholar and Visiting Presidential Professor, Graduate Center – CUNY, presented the 2014 LIS Summer Lecture:
Global Income Inequality: Current Trends, Issues of Justice and Politics.

July 7, 2014 | Lecture Series | read more »

Holly Sutherland

Research Professor at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, and Director of EUROMOD, presented the 2013 LIS Summer Lecture:
Who Pays for Austerity? The Design and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Consolidation in the European Union.

July 9, 2013 | Lecture Series | read more »

Thomas Piketty

Professor of Economics at the Paris School of Economics, Thomas Piketty presented the 2012 Summer Lecture:
Wealth and Inheritance in the Long Run.

October 1, 2012 | Lecture Series | read more »

Paul Krugman

Nobel Prize in Economics in 2008 and Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs at Princeton University presented the 2010 LIS Summer lecture:
“Inequality and Crises: Coincidence or Causality?

April 29, 2011 | Lecture Series | read more »

Lawrence Mishel

President of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI – Washington D.C.), Lawrence Mishel presented the 2009 LIS Summer Lecture:
Waging Inequality in America

April 29, 2011 | Lecture Series | read more »