Compare.It — LIS Comparability Tool

Compare.It, LIS’ new Comparability Tool aims to inform users of country-specific data comparability-related issues in a concise way. The tool is an innovative addition to the LIS METadata Information System (METIS).

Access Compare.It

Please note that Compare.It is not meant for cross-country comparisons. For visualising income and wealth indicators across countries and overtime, users are advised to use DART.

Compare.It Main Features

  • Displaying which survey series were harmonised in a country in the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database and the Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS) Database.
  • Documenting methodological changes within a country survey series and major deviations from LIS general harmonisation practices.
  • Presenting new country-level indicators: 1) coverage ratios of LIS datasets versus National Accounts, and 2) inequality estimates with confidence intervals.
  • Enabling users to find (1) information about country-level consistency and limitations of the LIS harmonisation efforts, (2) visualisation of inequality measures by the underlying country series and (3) continuously updated comparisons between aggregated micro data and national accounts figures.

Currently, the tool covers a subset of LIS countries, more countries will be gradually added.