
List of Research Output

  • Passaretta Giampiero, Petra Sauer, Ulrike Schwabe and Katarina Weßling (2023). The role of overeducation and horizontal mismatch for gender inequalities in labor income of higher education graduates in Europe. Research in Comparative & International Education 0(0), 1-24.
  • Sauer Petra, Narasimha D. Rao and Shonali Pachauri (2023). Explaining Income Inequality Trends: An Integrated Approach. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Rodríguez, J.G. (Ed.) Mobility and Inequality Trends (Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 30). Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 1-47.
  • Sauer Petra, Philippe Van Kerm and Daniele Checchi (2022): Higher education expansion & labour income inequality: A gender-specific perspective. LIS working paper 837.
  • Sauer Petra, Miriam Rehm and Katharina Mader (2021): Gender and Income Inequality. In: Zimmermann, K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.

Newsletter Contributions
