Overview DART Aggregates, Indicators, and Decompositions

Aggregate list (common for ‘trends’, ’scatter plots’, ‘distributions’ and ‘maps’)

Equivalised Disposable Household Income Equivalised Disposable Household Income
Equivalised Market Household Income
Equivalised Market Household Income (including contributory transfers)
Gross Wages
Equivalised Gross Household Income
Disposable Net Worth
Value of Principal Residence
Financial Assets
Total Debt

Indicators list (‘trends’, ‘scatter plots’, and ‘maps’)

Gini Index Gini Index
Atkinson Index (Aversion parameter = 1.5) Atkinson Index (Aversion parameter = 1.5)
90/10 Percentile Ratio 90/10 Percentile Ratio
90/50 Percentile Ratio 90/50 Percentile Ratio
50/10 Percentile Ratio 50/10 Percentile Ratio
Average (PPP in $US) Average (PPP in $US)
Median (PPP in $US) Median (PPP in $US)
Share of Low Income Workers (< 50% of Median)
Relative Poverty Rate at 50% of the Median Relative Poverty Rate at 50% of the Median
Relative Poverty Rate at 60% of the Median Relative Poverty Rate at 60% of the Median
Share of Category in Total Population Share of Category in Total Population
Participation Rate
Income and Asset Poor in %
Not Income Poor, Asset Poor in %
Income Poor, not Asset Poor in %
Median Debt-to-Asset Ratio
Median Debt-to-Income Ratio
Median Debt Payment-to-Income Ratio

Indicators list (‘distributions’)

Lorenz Curve Lorenz Curve
Density Function Density Function

Decomposition list (common for ‘trends’, and ’scatter plots’)

Decomposition Decomposition Categories Decomposition Decomposition Categories
Total Population Total population Total Population Total population
Income Deciles (n.a. for ‘distributions’) 1st – 10th Income Deciles (n.a. for ‘distributions’) 1st – 10th
Wealth Percentiles (n.a. for ‘distributions’) 1st – 50th
51st – 75th
76th – 90th
91st – 95th
96th – 100th
Sex Men
Sex (head of household) Men
Age Group (with aggregate ‘Gross Wages’) 16-24 years
25-34 years
35-44 years
45-54 years
55-64 years
Household Type One person households
Couples without children
Couples with children
Single parents
Other family / non-family households
Household Type One person households
Couples without children
Couples with children
Single parents
Other family / non-family households
Education Level Low education
Medium education
High education
Education Level (head of household) Low education
Medium education
High education
Immigration Not immigrants
Homeownership Homeowners
Not homeowners
Homeownership Homeowners
Not homeowners
Urban vs. Rural Urban area
Rural area
Age Group (head of household) Below 35 years
35 – 44 years
45 – 54 years
55 – 64 years
65 years or older
Age Group (with aggregate ‘Equivalised Disposable Household Income’ for poverty rates and Gini index) Children (aged 17 or below)
Working age adults (aged 18 – 64)
Elderly (aged 65 or above)
Wage Deciles (with aggregate ‘Gross Wages’; n.a. for ‘distributions’) 1st – 10th
Income Deciles (with aggregate ‘Equivalised Gross Household Income; n.a. for ‘distributions’) 1st – 10th