List of Variables

Household characteristics
HSIZE Household size All individuals One person
Two persons
Three persons
Four persons
Five persons or more
Number of household members. Note that the counter includes only household members, i.e. individuals who share the budget in the household. In practice, this excludes domestic servants (and family) and guests/boarders/lodgers.
HHTYP Household composition All individuals One person household
Couple without children
Couple with children
One parent with children
The composition of the household with respect to the head and following the definition of family nucleus that includes married and cohabiting couples and considers only first-degree relationships between parents and children. Note that the indicator is contructed only based on household members, i.e. individuals who share the budget in the household. In practice, this excludes domestic servants (and family) and guests/boarders/lodgers.
NBCHI Number of household members 17 or younger in household All individuals No child
One child
Two children
Three children or more
Number of household members aged 17 or younger. Note that the counter includes only household members, i.e. individuals who share the budget in the household. In practice, this excludes domestic servants (and family) and guests/boarders/lodgers.
NBELD Number of household members 65 or older in household All individuals No elderly
One elderly person
Two elderly persons
Three elderly persons or more
Number of household members aged 65 or older. Note that the counter includes only household members, i.e. individuals who share the budget in the household. In practice, this excludes domestic servants (and family) and guests/boarders/lodgers.
URBAN Living in rural area All individuals Not rural area
Rural area
Indicator of residency in urban versus rural area.
The classification of geographical areas into urban and rural follows the country-specific guidelines (i.e. the urban/rural classification is not based on absolute numbers across all countries, but the cutoff point changes from country to country and can change within the same country from year to year in order to retain the individual country’s classifications).
HOUSE Living in owned housing All individuals Owned
Not owned
Indicator of housing tenure (owned/not owned).
The category “Owned” includes cases in which the dwelling is owned by one or more household members, whether with outstanding mortgage or not.
The category “Not owned” includes rental agreements (at market value or subsidised) as well as other rent free agreements such as employer provided housing, government/public provided housing, housing provided by others, illegal occupation.
Individual socio-demographic characteristics
AGEYE Age All individuals Under 18 years
18 to 24 years
25 to 34 years
35 to 44 years
45 to 54 years
55 to 64 years
65 to 74 years
75 years and over
Age of the individual regrouped into 8 categories.
GENDE Gender All individuals Male
Gender of the individual.
RELAT Relationship to household head All individuals Head
Classification of household members according to their relationship to the head.
PARTN Has a partner Adult individuals (aged 18+) Has partner
No partner
Classification of adult household members according to their marital status and the co-residence with their partner.  A person is considered as having a partner if he/she is married or in consensual union.
EDUCA Highest level of education attained Adult individuals (aged 18+) Low
Classification of adult persons according to the highest completed level of education in three categories:
– low: less than secondary education completed (never attended, no completed education or education completed at the ISCED levels 0, 1 or 2);
– medium: secondary education completed (completed ISCED levels 3 or 4);
– high: tertiary education completed (completed ISCED levels 5 or 6).
Individual labour market characteristics
EMPYD Employed Working age individuals (18-64) Not employed
Indicator of any employment activity in the current period. Ideally this contains the recode of the employed persons according to the ILO definition of employment, but in case this was not available the current main activity status or the usual activity status in the income reference period may be used instead.
STATU Status in employment Employed working-age individuals Dependent employed
Classification of employed persons according to the status in employment in first job. Ideally, the indicator is based on the following regrouping of the international ILO classification for status in employment (ICSE – International Classification of Status in Employment):
– dependent employed: employees (ICSE major group 1)
– self-employed: employers, own account workers, members of producers cooperatives, contributing family workers (ICSE major groups 2 to 5).
INDUS Industry Employed working-age individuals Agriculture
Classification of employed persons according to the industry in first job. Ideally, the indicator is based on the following regrouping of the 17 major groups of ISIC Rev. 3.1:
– Agriculture: agriculture, forestry, and fishing (ISIC major groups A and B)
– Industry:  mining and quarrying, manufacturing, utilities, construction (ISIC major groups C to F)
– Services: wholesale and retail trade, repair, hotels and restaurants, transport, storage and communications, financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities, public administration, education, health and social work, other community, social/personal services, activities of households, extra-territorial organizations and bodies (ISCI major groups G to Q).
OCCUP Occupation Employed working-age individuals Managers & professionals
Other skilled workers
Classification of employed persons according to the occupation in first job. Ideally, the indicator is based on the following regrouping of the 10 major groups of ISCO-88:
– Managers and professionals (ISCO-88 major groups 1 & 2)
– Other skilled workers: technicians and associate professionals, clerical support workers, service and sales workers, skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers, craft and related trades workers, plant and machine operators, and assemblers, armed forces occupations (ISCO-88 major groups 3-8, 10)
– Labourers/elementary (ISCO-88 major group 9).
PARTI Part-time worker Employed working-age individuals Not part-time worker
Part-time worker
Indication of whether an employed person is part-time or full-time.  Part-time is defined with respect to the number of weekly hours worked, as indicated by the respondent himself or by the data provider. If no such definition if provided, LIS uses the threshold of less than 30 hours a week.
WHOUR Weekly hours worked in dependent employment Working-age individuals working as employees Works less than 16 hours
Works between 16 and 30 hours
Works between 31 and 45 hours
Works more than 45 hours
Classification of dependent employed persons according to the number of regular hours worked at all jobs currently held.
Household income measures
EDHI Equivalised disposable household income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EHI Equivalised household gross income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EFACG Equivalised household gross factor income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income from labour and capital gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EFACN Equivalised household net factor income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income from labour and capital net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EHILG Equivalised household gross labour income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income from labour (including income from paid dependent employment and self-employment) gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EHILN Equivalised household net labour income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income from labour (including income from paid dependent employment and self-employment) net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members..
EHICG Equivalised household gross capital income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income from capital (including income from interest and dividends, voluntary individual pensions, rental income and royalties) gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EHICN Equivalised household net capital income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current income from capital (including income from interest and dividends, voluntary individual pensions, rental income and royalties) net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
ESOCG Equivalised household gross social security redistribution All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current social security transfers gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
ESOCN Equivalised household net social security redistribution All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current social security transfers net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EPRIG Equivalised household gross private redistribution All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current private transfers gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EPRIN Equivalised household net private redistribution All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household monetary and non-monetary current private transfers net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EPENG Equivalised household total gross pension income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household pension income from all pillars (private, occupational, public), all types (insurance, universal, assistance) and all functions (old-age, disability, survivors), gross of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EPENN Equivalised household total net pension income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household pension income from all pillars (private, occupational, public), all types (insurance, universal, assistance) and all functions (old-age, disability, survivors), net of income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
EHXIT Equivalised household income taxes and social security contributions All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Total household income taxes and social security contributions, equivalised by dividing by the square root of the number of household members.
Individual income measures
PEMPG Individual gross paid employment income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Monetary and non-monetary payments received in counterpart for dependent employment.
PEMPN Individual net paid employment income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Monetary and non-monetary payments received in counterpart for dependent employment.
PSELG Individual gross self-employment income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Monetary and non-monetary profit/loss from self-employment activities. The income is recorded gross of social insurance contributions and income taxes, but net of expenses.
Value of home production such as food and fuel for own consumption and barter gains is included.
PSELN Individual net self-employment income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Monetary and non-monetary profit/loss from self-employment activities. The income is recorded gross of social insurance contributions and income taxes, but net of expenses.
Value of home production such as food and fuel for own consumption and barter gains is included.
PPENG Individual total gross pension income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Individual pension income from all pillars (private, occupational, public), all types (insurance, universal, assistance), all functions (old-age, disability, survivors).
PPENN Individual total net pension income All individuals Amount in 2011 PPPs international dollars Individual pension income from all pillars (private, occupational, public), all types (insurance, universal, assistance), all functions (old-age, disability, survivors).
Household poverty and distribution measures
POOR4 Household relative poverty status (threshold:40) All individuals Not poor
Indicator of poverty status of the household to which the individual belongs to, based on the equivalised disposable household income concept and with respect to the 40% of the median.
POOR5 Household relative poverty status (threshold:50) All individuals Not poor
Indicator of poverty status of the household to which the individual belongs to, based on the equivalised disposable household income concept and with respect to the 50% of the median.
POOR6 Household relative poverty status (threshold:60) All individuals Not poor
Indicator of poverty status of the household to which the individual belongs to, based on the equivalised disposable household income concept and with respect to the 60% of the median.
DECILE Household decile groups All individuals First decile
Second decile
Third decile
Fourth decile
Fifth decile
Sixth decile
Seventh decile
Eighth decile
Ninth decile
Tenth decile
Indicator of the income decile to which the household belongs to, based on the equivalised disposable household income.