Using R on LISSY
This page explains the special methods used to load LIS and LWS data in R and generate output, and documents the add-on packages currently available on the system.
Loading Data
Data is read into the workspace using the read.LIS function, which has one required argument and three optional arguments. It works as follows:
read.LIS(ccyyuu, labels=TRUE, vars=NULL, subset=NULL)
ccyyuu | A string or vector of strings containing dataset identifiers, indicating which datasets to load. For the formatting of this identifier, see Details. |
labels | A logical value indicating whether to use the value labels for categorical variables. If TRUE, creates a factor from the labels. If FALSE, uses the numeric codes. |
subset | An optional string specifying a subset of observations to be return. By default, all observations are returned. |
vars | An optional vector of variables to be loaded. By default, all variables are returned. |
The format of ccyyuu is a country and year code followed by a one-letter code used to identify the specific type of dataset within each database:
Package | Version | Title |
abind | 1.4-5 | Combine Multidimensional Arrays |
acepack | 1.4.1 | ACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression Transformations |
acid | 1.1 | Analysing Conditional Income Distributions |
AER | 1.2-10 | Applied Econometrics with R |
afex | 1.3-0 | Analysis of Factorial Experiments |
Amelia | 1.8.1 | A Program for Missing Data |
anytime | 0.3.9 | Anything to ‘POSIXct’ or ‘Date’ Converter |
arrow | 18.1.0 | Integration to ‘Apache’ ‘Arrow’ |
arsenal | 3.6.3 | An Arsenal of ‘R’ Functions for Large-Scale Statistical Summaries |
AsioHeaders | 1.22.1-2 | ‘Asio’ C++ Header Files |
askpass | 1.1 | Safe Password Entry for R, Git, and SSH |
assertthat | 0.2.1 | Easy Pre and Post Assertions |
backports | 1.4.1 | Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0 |
base64enc | 0.1-3 | Tools for base64 encoding |
bayestestR | 0.13.1 | Understand and Describe Bayesian Models and Posterior Distributions |
BBmisc | 1.13 | Miscellaneous Helper Functions for B. Bischl |
bda | 15.2.5 | Binned Data Analysis |
bdsmatrix | 1.3-6 | Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric Matrices |
BH | 1.78.0-0 | Boost C++ Header Files |
bigD | 0.2.0 | Flexibly Format Dates and Times to a Given Locale |
biglm | 0.9-2.1 | Bounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear Models |
binsreg | 0.9 | Binscatter Estimation and Inference |
BiocGenerics | 0.36.1 | S4 generic functions used in Bioconductor |
BiocManager | 1.30.20 | Access the Bioconductor Project Package Repository |
BiocVersion | 3.12.0 | Set the appropriate version of Bioconductor packages |
bit | 4.0.5 | Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections |
bit64 | 4.0.5 | A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers |
bitops | 1.0-7 | Bitwise Operations |
blme | 1.0-5 | Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models |
blob | 1.2.3 | A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data (‘BLOBS’) |
BMisc | 1.4.5 | Miscellaneous Functions for Panel Data, Quantiles, and Printing Results |
bookdown | 0.33 | Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown |
BradleyTerry2 | 1.1-2 | Bradley-Terry Models |
brant | 0.3-0 | Test for Parallel Regression Assumption |
brew | 1.0-8 | Templating Framework for Report Generation |
brglm | 0.7.2 | Bias Reduction in Binomial-Response Generalized Linear Models |
bridgesampling | 1.1-2 | Bridge Sampling for Marginal Likelihoods and Bayes Factors |
brio | 1.1.3 | Basic R Input Output |
Brobdingnag | 1.2-9 | Very Large Numbers in R |
broom | 1.0.1 | Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles |
broom.helpers | 1.15.0 | Helpers for Model Coefficients Tibbles |
broom.mixed | | Tidying Methods for Mixed Models |
bslib | 0.8.0 | Custom ‘Bootstrap’ ‘Sass’ Themes for ‘shiny’ and ‘rmarkdown’ |
cachem | 1.0.6 | Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning |
callr | 3.7.3 | Call R from R |
car | 3.1-1 | Companion to Applied Regression |
carData | 3.0-5 | Companion to Applied Regression Data Sets |
caret | 6.0-94 | Classification and Regression Training |
caTools | 1.18.2 | Tools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc |
cellranger | 1.1.0 | Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns |
checkmate | 2.1.0 | Fast and Versatile Argument Checks |
chk | 0.9.0 | Check User-Supplied Function Arguments |
classInt | 0.4-8 | Choose Univariate Class Intervals |
cli | 3.6.2 | Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces |
clipr | 0.8.0 | Read and Write from the System Clipboard |
clock | 0.6.1 | Date-Time Types and Tools |
clubSandwich | 0.5.10 | Cluster-Robust (Sandwich) Variance Estimators with Small-Sample Corrections |
coda | 0.19-4 | Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC |
coin | 1.4-2 | Conditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework |
collapse | 1.8.9 | Advanced and Fast Data Transformation |
colorspace | 2.0-3 | A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes |
combinat | 0.0-8 | combinatorics utilities |
commonmark | 1.9.1 | High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R |
conquer | 1.3.1 | Convolution-Type Smoothed Quantile Regression |
convey | 0.2.4 | Income Concentration Analysis with Complex Survey Samples |
corpcor | 1.6.10 | Efficient Estimation of Covariance and (Partial) Correlation |
correlation | 0.8.4 | Methods for Correlation Analysis |
corrplot | 0.92 | Visualization of a Correlation Matrix |
covr | 3.6.1 | Test Coverage for Packages |
cowplot | 1.1.1 | Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for ‘ggplot2’ |
cpp11 | 0.4.3 | A C++11 Interface for R’s C Interface |
crayon | 1.5.2 | Colored Terminal Output |
credentials | 1.3.2 | Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials |
crosstalk | 1.2.0 | Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets |
crul | 1.3 | HTTP Client |
cubelyr | 1.0.2 | A Data Cube ‘dplyr’ Backend |
Cubist | 0.4.1 | Rule- And Instance-Based Regression Modeling |
curl | 4.3.3 | A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R |
curry | 0.1.1 | Partial Function Application with %<%, %-<%, and %><% |
cvAUC | 1.1.4 | Cross-Validated Area Under the ROC Curve Confidence Intervals |
CVST | 0.2-3 | Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing |
data.table | 1.14.8 | Extension of `data.frame` |
datamods | 1.5.2 | Modules to Import and Manipulate Data in ‘Shiny’ |
datawizard | 0.9.0 | Easy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations |
DBI | 1.1.3 | R Database Interface |
dbplyr | 2.2.1 | A ‘dplyr’ Back End for Databases |
decr | | Tools to Perform Decompositions of Differences Between Two Groups |
deldir | 1.0-6 | Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation |
DEoptimR | 1.0-11 | Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R |
Deriv | 4.1.3 | Symbolic Differentiation |
desc | 1.4.2 | Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files |
descriptio | 1.3 | Descriptive Statistical Analysis |
DescTools | 0.99.47 | Tools for Descriptive Statistics |
devtools | 2.4.5 | Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier |
dfidx | 0.0-5 | Indexed Data Frames |
did | 2.1.2 | Treatment Effects with Multiple Periods and Groups |
diffobj | 0.3.5 | Diffs for R Objects |
digest | 0.6.30 | Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects |
dineq | 0.1.0 | Decomposition of (Income) Inequality |
diptest | 0.76-0 | Hartigan’s Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality – Corrected |
DirectEffects | 0.2.1 | Estimating Controlled Direct Effects for Explaining Causal Findings |
discretization | 1.0-1.1 | Data Preprocessing, Discretization for Classification |
dlookr | 0.6.1 | Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation |
doParallel | 1.0.17 | Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the ‘parallel’ Package |
downlit | 0.4.2 | Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking |
dplyr | 1.1.1 | A Grammar of Data Manipulation |
dpm | 1.1.2 | Dynamic Panel Models Fit with Maximum Likelihood |
DRDID | 1.0.6 | Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators |
dreamerr | 1.2.3 | Error Handling Made Easy |
drifr | 0.1.0 | Decomposit Recentered Influence Function Regression with R |
DT | 0.33 | A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library ‘DataTables’ |
dtplyr | 1.2.2 | Data Table Back-End for ‘dplyr’ |
dummies | 1.5.6 | Create dummy/indicator variables flexibly and efficiently |
dygraphs | | Interface to ‘Dygraphs’ Interactive Time Series Charting Library |
e1071 | 1.7-12 | Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien |
earth | 5.3.1 | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines |
easystats | 0.6.0 | Framework for Easy Statistical Modeling, Visualization, and Reporting |
effects | 4.2-2 | Effect Displays for Linear, Generalized Linear, and Other Models |
effectsize | 0.8.5 | Indices of Effect Size |
ellipse | 0.4.3 | Functions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions |
ellipsis | 0.3.2 | Tools for Working with … |
emmeans | 1.7.2 | Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means |
estimability | 1.4.1 | Tools for Assessing Estimability of Linear Predictions |
estimatr | 1.0.0 | Fast Estimators for Design-Based Inference |
etwfe | 0.3.1 | Extended Two-Way Fixed Effects |
evaluate | 0.18 | Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default |
Exact | 3.2 | Unconditional Exact Test |
expm | 0.999-6 | Matrix Exponential, Log, ‘etc’ |
expss | 0.11.4 | Tables, Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and ‘SPSS’ Statistics |
extraDistr | 1.9.1 | Additional Univariate and Multivariate Distributions |
extrafont | 0.19 | Tools for Using Fonts |
extrafontdb | 1.0 | Package for holding the database for the extrafont package |
fancycut | 0.1.2 | A Fancy Version of ‘base::cut’ |
fansi | 1.0.3 | ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions |
farver | 2.1.1 | High Performance Colour Space Manipulation |
fastDummies | 1.6.3 | Fast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows from Categorical Variables |
fastICA | 1.2-3 | FastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit |
fastmap | 1.2.0 | Fast Data Structures |
fastmatch | 1.1-3 | Fast ‘match()’ Function |
feather | 0.3.5 | R Bindings to the Feather ‘API’ |
fit.models | 0.64 | Compare Fitted Models |
fitdistrplus | 1.1-11 | Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data |
fixest | 0.11.1 | Fast Fixed-Effects Estimations |
fmsb | 0.7.5 | Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data |
FNN | | Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications |
fontawesome | 0.4.0 | Easily Work with ‘Font Awesome’ Icons |
fontBitstreamVera | 0.1.1 | Fonts with ‘Bitstream Vera Fonts’ License |
fontLiberation | 0.1.0 | Liberation Fonts |
fontquiver | 0.2.1 | Set of Installed Fonts |
forcats | 1.0.0 | Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors) |
foreach | 1.5.2 | Provides Foreach Looping Construct |
Formula | 1.2-5 | Extended Model Formulas |
formulaic | 0.0.8 | Dynamic Generation and Quality Checks of Formula Objects |
fs | 1.6.3 | Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on ‘libuv’ |
furrr | 0.3.1 | Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures |
future | 1.29.0 | Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone |
future.apply | 1.10.0 | Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures |
gam | 1.22 | Generalized Additive Models |
gamlss | 5.4-10 | Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape | | 6.0-2 | Data for Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
gamlss.dist | 6.0-5 | Distributions for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
gargle | 1.2.1 | Utilities for Working with Google APIs |
gdata | | Various R Programming Tools for Data Manipulation |
gdtools | 0.3.2 | Utilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management |
gee | 4.13-25 | Generalized Estimation Equation Solver |
generics | 0.1.3 | Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting |
gert | 1.9.1 | Simple Git Client for R |
gfonts | 0.2.0 | Offline ‘Google’ Fonts for ‘Markdown’ and ‘Shiny’ |
GGally | 2.1.2 | Extension to ‘ggplot2’ |
ggeffects | 1.3.0 | Create Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for ‘ggplot’ from Model Outputs |
ggiraph | 0.8.7 | Make ‘ggplot2’ Graphics Interactive |
ggiraphExtra | 0.3.0 | Make Interactive ‘ggplot2’. Extension to ‘ggplot2’ and ‘ggiraph’ |
ggplot2 | 3.4.3 | Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics |
ggplotify | 0.1.0 | Convert Plot to ‘grob’ or ‘ggplot’ Object |
ggpubr | 0.5.0 | ‘ggplot2’ Based Publication Ready Plots |
ggrepel | 0.9.2 | Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with ‘ggplot2’ |
ggsci | 2.9 | Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for ‘ggplot2’ |
ggsignif | 0.6.4 | Significance Brackets for ‘ggplot2’ |
ggthemes | 4.2.4 | Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for ‘ggplot2’ |
gh | 1.3.1 | ‘GitHub’ ‘API’ |
GiniWegNeg | 1.0.1 | Computing the Gini-Based Coefficients for Weighted and Negative Attributes |
git2r | 0.30.1 | Provides Access to Git Repositories |
gitcreds | 0.1.2 | Query ‘git’ Credentials from ‘R’ |
gld | 2.6.6 | Estimation and Use of the Generalised (Tukey) Lambda Distribution |
glmnet | 4.1-7 | Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models |
globals | 0.16.2 | Identify Global Objects in R Expressions |
glue | 1.6.2 | Interpreted String Literals |
gmm | 1.7 | Generalized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical Likelihood |
gmodels | | Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting |
goftest | 1.2-3 | Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions |
googledrive | 2.0.0 | An Interface to Google Drive |
googlesheets4 | 1.0.1 | Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4 |
gower | 1.0.0 | Gower’s Distance |
GPArotation | 2022.10-2 | GPA Factor Rotation |
gplots | 3.1.3 | Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data |
graph | 1.68.0 | graph: A package to handle graph data structures |
gridExtra | 2.3 | Miscellaneous Functions for Grid Graphics |
gridGraphics | 0.5-1 | Redraw Base Graphics Using ‘grid’ Graphics |
gt | 0.10.1 | Easily Create Presentation-Ready Display Tables |
gtable | 0.3.1 | Arrange ‘Grobs’ in Tables |
gtools | 3.9.3 | Various R Programming Tools |
gtsummary | 1.7.2 | Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables |
hardhat | 1.2.0 | Construct Modeling Packages |
haven | 2.5.1 | Import and Export ‘SPSS’, ‘Stata’ and ‘SAS’ Files |
healthequal | 1.0.0 | Compute Summary Measures of Health Inequality |
here | 1.0.1 | A Simpler Way to Find Your Files |
highr | 0.9 | Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code |
Hmisc | 4.7-2 | Harrell Miscellaneous |
hms | 1.1.2 | Pretty Time of Day |
hrbrthemes | 0.8.7 | Additional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for ‘ggplot2’ |
htmlTable | 2.4.1 | Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML |
htmltools | | Tools for HTML |
htmlwidgets | 1.6.4 | HTML Widgets for R |
httpcode | 0.3.0 | ‘HTTP’ Status Code Helper |
httpuv | 1.6.6 | HTTP and WebSocket Server Library |
httr | 1.4.4 | Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP |
IC2 | 1.0-1 | Inequality and Concentration Indices and Curves |
ids | 1.0.1 | Generate Random Identifiers |
igraph | 1.3.5 | Network Analysis and Visualization |
iml | 0.11.3 | Interpretable Machine Learning |
import | 1.3.0 | An Import Mechanism for R |
incdist | 0.94-1 | A collection of functions for income distribution analysis |
ineq | 0.2-13 | Measuring Inequality, Concentration, and Poverty |
ineq.2d | 0.1.0 | Two-Dimensional Decomposition of the Theil Index and the Squared Coefficient of Variation |
ini | 0.3.1 | Read and Write ‘.ini’ Files |
inline | 0.3.19 | Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R |
insight | 0.19.6 | Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects |
interactions | 1.1.5 | Comprehensive, User-Friendly Toolkit for Probing Interactions |
interflex | 1.2.6 | Multiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and Visualization |
interp | 1.1-3 | Interpolation Methods |
inum | 1.0-4 | Interval and Enum-Type Representation of Vectors |
ipred | 0.9-13 | Improved Predictors |
isoband | 0.2.6 | Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids |
ISwR | 2.0-8 | Introductory Statistics with R |
iterators | 1.0.14 | Provides Iterator Construct |
janitor | 2.1.0 | Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data |
jomo | 2.7-4 | Multilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation |
jpeg | 0.1-9 | Read and write JPEG images |
jquerylib | 0.1.4 | Obtain ‘jQuery’ as an HTML Dependency Object |
jsonlite | 1.8.3 | A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R |
jtools | 2.2.1 | Analysis and Presentation of Social Scientific Data |
juicyjuice | 0.1.0 | Inline CSS Properties into HTML Tags Using ‘juice’ |
kableExtra | 1.3.4 | Construct Complex Table with ‘kable’ and Pipe Syntax |
Kendall | 2.2.1 | Kendall Rank Correlation and Mann-Kendall Trend Test |
kernlab | 0.9-31 | Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab |
khb | 0.11 | KHB: Comparing nonlinear regression models |
klaR | 1.7-1 | Classification and Visualization |
knitr | 1.41 | A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R |
ks | 1.14.0 | Kernel Smoothing |
labeling | 0.4.2 | Axis Labeling |
labelled | 2.12.0 | Manipulating Labelled Data |
laeken | 0.5.2 | Estimation of Indicators on Social Exclusion and Poverty |
later | 1.3.0 | Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event Loops |
latticeExtra | 0.6-30 | Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice |
lava | 1.7.0 | Latent Variable Models |
lavaan | 0.6-12 | Latent Variable Analysis |
lazyeval | 0.2.2 | Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation |
leaps | 3.1 | Regression Subset Selection |
lfe | 2.8-8 | Linear Group Fixed Effects |
libcoin | 1.0-9 | Linear Test Statistics for Permutation Inference |
lifecycle | 1.0.3 | Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions |
lissyrtools | 0.1.8 | Tools for LISSY Jobs |
listenv | 0.9.0 | Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists |
lme4 | 1.1-35.3 | Linear Mixed-Effects Models using ‘Eigen’ and S4 |
lmerTest | 3.1-3 | Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models |
lmom | 2.9 | L-Moments |
Lmoments | 1.3-1 | L-Moments and Quantile Mixtures |
lmtest | 0.9-40 | Testing Linear Regression Models |
loo | 2.5.1 | Efficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC for Bayesian Models |
lpSolve | 5.6.17 | Interface to ‘Lp_solve’ v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs |
lubridate | 1.9.2 | Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier |
maditr | 0.8.3 | Fast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipes and ‘data.table’ |
magrittr | 2.0.3 | A Forward-Pipe Operator for R |
maptools | 1.1-5 | Tools for Handling Spatial Objects |
marginaleffects | 0.14.0 | Predictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and Hypothesis Tests |
margins | 0.3.26 | Marginal Effects for Model Objects |
markdown | 1.12 | Render Markdown with ‘commonmark’ |
Matching | 4.10-8 | Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization |
MatchIt | 4.5.4 | Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference |
matrixcalc | 1.0-6 | Collection of Functions for Matrix Calculations |
MatrixModels | 0.5-1 | Modelling with Sparse and Dense Matrices |
matrixStats | 0.63.0 | Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors) |
maxLik | 1.5-2 | Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Related Tools |
mclust | 6.0.0 | Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation |
mda | 0.5-3 | Mixture and Flexible Discriminant Analysis |
measures | 0.3 | Performance Measures for Statistical Learning |
mediation | 4.5.0 | Causal Mediation Analysis |
memoise | 2.0.1 | ‘Memoisation’ of Functions |
merTools | 0.5.2 | Tools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression Models |
Metrics | 0.1.4 | Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning |
mhurdle | 1.3-0 | Multiple Hurdle Tobit Models |
mice | 3.15.0 | Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations |
microbenchmark | 1.4.9 | Accurate Timing Functions |
mime | 0.12 | Map Filenames to MIME Types |
miniUI | | Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens |
minqa | 1.2.5 | Derivative-Free Optimization Algorithms by Quadratic Approximation |
misc3d | 0.9-1 | Miscellaneous 3D Plots |
miscTools | 0.6-26 | Miscellaneous Tools and Utilities |
mitml | 0.4-3 | Tools for Multiple Imputation in Multilevel Modeling |
mitools | 2.4 | Tools for Multiple Imputation of Missing Data |
mixR | 0.2.0 | Finite Mixture Modeling for Raw and Binned Data |
mixtools | 2.0.0 | Tools for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models |
mlbench | 2.1-3 | Machine Learning Benchmark Problems |
MLmetrics | 1.1.1 | Machine Learning Evaluation Metrics |
mlogit | 1.1-1 | Multinomial Logit Models |
mnormt | 2.1.1 | The Multivariate Normal and t Distributions, and Their Truncated Versions |
modelbased | 0.8.6 | Estimation of Model-Based Predictions, Contrasts and Means |
ModelMetrics | | Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics |
modelr | 0.1.10 | Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe |
modelsummary | 1.4.3 | Summary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data: Beautiful, Customizable, and Publication-Ready |
modeltools | 0.2-23 | Tools and Classes for Statistical Models |
multcomp | 1.4-20 | Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models |
multicool | 0.1-12 | Permutations of Multisets in Cool-Lex Order |
multimode | 1.5 | Mode Testing and Exploring |
munsell | 0.5.0 | Utilities for Using Munsell Colours |
mvtnorm | 1.1-3 | Multivariate Normal and t Distributions |
mycor | 0.1.1 | Automatic Correlation and Regression Test in a ‘data.frame’ |
nFactors | | Parallel Analysis and Other Non Graphical Solutions to the Cattell Scree Test |
nleqslv | 3.3.3 | Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations |
nloptr | 2.0.3 | R Interface to NLopt |
numDeriv | 2016.8-1.1 | Accurate Numerical Derivatives |
nycflights13 | 1.0.2 | Flights that Departed NYC in 2013 |
oaxaca | 0.1.5 | Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition |
openssl | 2.0.4 | Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL |
openxlsx | | Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files |
optimParallel | 1.0-2 | Parallel Version of the L-BFGS-B Optimization Method |
optimx | 2022-4.30 | Expanded Replacement and Extension of the ‘optim’ Function |
optmatch | 0.10.5 | Functions for Optimal Matching |
ordinal | 2022.11-16 | Regression Models for Ordinal Data |
packrat | 0.8.1 | A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies |
pacman | 0.5.1 | Package Management Tool |
pagedown | 0.20 | Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print |
pamr | 1.56.1 | Pam: Prediction Analysis for Microarrays |
pan | 1.6 | Multiple Imputation for Multivariate Panel or Clustered Data |
pander | 0.6.5 | An R ‘Pandoc’ Writer |
panelr | 0.7.6 | Regression Models and Utilities for Repeated Measures and Panel Data |
parallelly | 1.32.1 | Enhancing the ‘parallel’ Package |
parallelMap | 1.5.1 | Unified Interface to Parallelization Back-Ends |
parameters | 0.21.2 | Processing of Model Parameters |
ParamHelpers | 1.14.1 | Helpers for Parameters in Black-Box Optimization, Tuning and Machine Learning |
party | 1.3-11 | A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning |
partykit | 1.2-16 | A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning |
pbapply | 1.7-2 | Adding Progress Bar to ‘*apply’ Functions |
pbivnorm | 0.6.0 | Vectorized Bivariate Normal CDF |
pbkrtest | 0.5.1 | Parametric Bootstrap, Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite Based Methods for Test in Mixed Models |
pcaPP | 2.0-3 | Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit |
pcse | | Panel-Corrected Standard Error Estimation in R |
pdftools | 3.3.3 | Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents |
pdp | 0.8.1 | Partial Dependence Plots |
performance | 0.10.5 | Assessment of Regression Models Performance |
pewmethods | 1.0 | Pew Research Center Methods Miscellaneous Functions |
phosphoricons | 0.2.1 | ‘Phosphor’ Icons for R |
pillar | 1.8.1 | Coloured Formatting for Columns |
pkgbuild | 1.4.0 | Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages |
pkgconfig | 2.0.3 | Private Configuration for ‘R’ Packages |
pkgdown | 2.0.7 | Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package |
pkgload | 1.3.2 | Simulate Package Installation and Attach |
plm | 2.6-2 | Linear Models for Panel Data |
plogr | 0.2.0 | The ‘plog’ C++ Logging Library |
plot3D | 1.4 | Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data |
plotly | 4.10.1 | Create Interactive Web Graphics via ‘plotly.js’ |
plotmo | 3.6.2 | Plot a Model’s Residuals, Response, and Partial Dependence Plots |
plotrix | 3.8-2 | Various Plotting Functions |
pls | 2.8-1 | Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression |
plyr | 1.8.8 | Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data |
pmml | 2.5.2 | Generate PMML for Various Models |
png | 0.1-7 | Read and write PNG images |
poLCA | | Polytomous Variable Latent Class Analysis |
polyclip | 1.10-4 | Polygon Clipping |
polynom | 1.4-1 | A Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations |
ppcor | 1.1 | Partial and Semi-Partial (Part) Correlation |
pracma | 2.4.2 | Practical Numerical Math Functions |
praise | 1.0.0 | Praise Users |
prediction | 0.3.14 | Tidy, Type-Safe ‘prediction()’ Methods |
prettyunits | 1.1.1 | Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities |
pROC | 1.18.0 | Display and Analyze ROC Curves |
processx | 3.8.0 | Execute and Control System Processes |
prodlim | 2019.11.13 | Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis |
profileModel | 0.6.1 | Profiling Inference Functions for Various Model Classes |
profvis | 0.3.7 | Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code |
progress | 1.2.2 | Terminal Progress Bars |
progressr | 0.11.0 | An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates |
promises | | Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming |
proxy | 0.4-27 | Distance and Similarity Measures |
ps | 1.7.2 | List, Query, Manipulate System Processes |
pscl | 1.5.5 | Political Science Computational Laboratory |
psych | 2.2.9 | Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research |
psychotools | 0.7-2 | Psychometric Modeling Infrastructure |
psychotree | 0.16-0 | Recursive Partitioning Based on Psychometric Models |
purrr | 1.0.2 | Functional Programming Tools |
qpdf | 1.3.2 | Split, Combine and Compress PDF Files |
quadprog | 1.5-8 | Functions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems |
quantmod | 0.4.20 | Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework |
quantreg | 5.94 | Quantile Regression |
questionr | 0.7.7 | Functions to Make Surveys Processing Easier |
qvcalc | 1.0.2 | Quasi Variances for Factor Effects in Statistical Models |
R.cache | 0.16.0 | Fast and Light-Weight Caching (Memoization) of Objects and Results to Speed Up Computations |
R.methodsS3 | 1.8.2 | S3 Methods Simplified |
R.oo | 1.25.0 | R Object-Oriented Programming with or without References |
R.utils | 2.12.2 | Various Programming Utilities |
R6 | 2.5.1 | Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics |
ragg | 1.2.4 | Graphic Devices Based on AGG |
randomForest | 4.6-14 | Breiman and Cutler’s Random Forests for Classification and Regression |
randomizr | 0.22.0 | Easy-to-Use Tools for Common Forms of Random Assignment and Sampling |
ranger | 0.14.1 | A Fast Implementation of Random Forests |
RANN | 2.6.1 | Fast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2 Metric |
rappdirs | 0.3.3 | Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs |
rbibutils | 2.2.10 | Read ‘Bibtex’ Files and Convert Between Bibliography Formats |
rclipboard | 0.2.1 | Shiny/R Wrapper for ‘clipboard.js’ |
rcmdcheck | 1.4.0 | Run ‘R CMD check’ from ‘R’ and Capture Results |
RColorBrewer | 1.1-3 | ColorBrewer Palettes |
Rcpp | 1.0.11 | Seamless R and C++ Integration |
RcppArmadillo | | ‘Rcpp’ Integration for the ‘Armadillo’ Templated Linear Algebra Library |
RcppEigen | | ‘Rcpp’ Integration for the ‘Eigen’ Templated Linear Algebra Library |
RcppParallel | 5.1.5 | Parallel Programming Tools for ‘Rcpp’ |
RcppProgress | 0.4.2 | An Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages |
RcppTOML | 0.1.7 | ‘Rcpp’ Bindings to Parser for Tom’s Obvious Markup Language |
Rdpack | 2.4 | Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects |
reactable | 0.4.4 | Interactive Data Tables for R |
reactR | 0.4.4 | React Helpers |
readr | 2.1.3 | Read Rectangular Text Data |
readstata13 | 0.10.0 | Import ‘Stata’ Data Files |
readxl | 1.4.1 | Read Excel Files |
recipes | 1.0.5 | Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling |
relations | 0.6-13 | Data Structures and Algorithms for Relations |
rematch | 1.0.1 | Match Regular Expressions with a Nicer ‘API’ |
rematch2 | 2.1.2 | Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching |
remotes | | R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including ‘GitHub’ |
report | 0.5.7 | Automated Reporting of Results and Statistical Models |
reprex | 2.0.2 | Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard |
reshape | 0.8.9 | Flexibly Reshape Data |
reshape2 | 1.4.4 | Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package |
reticulate | 1.26 | Interface to ‘Python’ |
rex | 1.2.1 | Friendly Regular Expressions |
rgenoud | 5.9-0.3 | R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives |
Rgraphviz | 2.34.0 | Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects |
rineq | 0.2.3 | Concentration Index and Decomposition for Health Inequalities |
rio | 0.5.29 | A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O |
rJava | 1.0-6 | Low-Level R to Java Interface |
rlang | 1.1.3 | Functions for Base Types and Core R and ‘Tidyverse’ Features |
rlemon | 0.2.0 | R Access to LEMON Graph Algorithms |
rmarkdown | 2.18 | Dynamic Documents for R |
rmdformats | 1.0.4 | HTML Output Formats and Templates for ‘rmarkdown’ Documents |
rngtools | 1.5.2 | Utility Functions for Working with Random Number Generators |
robust | 0.7-1 | Port of the S+ Robust Library |
robustbase | 0.95-0 | Basic Robust Statistics |
ROCR | 1.0-11 | Visualizing the Performance of Scoring Classifiers |
rootSolve | | Nonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations |
ROSE | 0.0-4 | Random Over-Sampling Examples |
roxygen2 | 7.2.3 | In-Line Documentation for R |
rprojroot | 2.0.3 | Finding Files in Project Subdirectories |
rrcov | 1.7-2 | Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point |
rsconnect | 0.8.28 | Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications |
rstantools | 2.2.0 | Tools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with ‘Stan’ |
rstatix | 0.7.1 | Pipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests |
rstudioapi | 0.14 | Safely Access the RStudio API |
Rttf2pt1 | 1.3.12 | ‘ttf2pt1’ Program |
rversions | 2.1.2 | Query ‘R’ Versions, Including ‘r-release’ and ‘r-oldrel’ |
rvest | 1.0.3 | Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages |
RWeka | 0.4-44 | R/Weka Interface |
RWekajars | 3.9.3-2 | R/Weka Interface Jars |
sandwich | 3.0-2 | Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators |
sass | 0.4.9 | Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (‘Sass’) |
scales | 1.2.1 | Scale Functions for Visualization |
scatterplot3d | 0.3-42 | 3D Scatter Plot |
scorecard | 0.4.1 | Credit Risk Scorecard |
see | 0.8.0 | Model Visualisation Toolbox for ‘easystats’ and ‘ggplot2’ |
segmented | 1.6-1 | Regression Models with Break-Points / Change-Points (with Possibly Random Effects) Estimation |
selectr | 0.4-2 | Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions |
sensemakr | 0.1.4 | Sensitivity Analysis Tools for Regression Models |
servr | 0.26 | A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents |
sessioninfo | 1.2.2 | R Session Information |
sets | 1.0-24 | Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals |
sgeostat | 1.0-27 | An Object-Oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+ |
shape | 1.4.6 | Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors |
shiny | 1.7.4 | Web Application Framework for R |
shinybusy | 0.3.3 | Busy Indicators and Notifications for ‘Shiny’ Applications |
shinyjs | 2.1.0 | Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds |
shinythemes | 1.2.0 | Themes for Shiny |
shinyWidgets | 0.8.6 | Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny |
showtext | 0.9-5 | Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs |
showtextdb | 3.0 | Font Files for the ‘showtext’ Package |
sjlabelled | 1.2.0 | Labelled Data Utility Functions |
sjmisc | 2.8.9 | Data and Variable Transformation Functions |
sjstats | 0.18.2 | Collection of Convenient Functions for Common Statistical Computations |
slam | 0.1-50 | Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices |
snakecase | 0.11.0 | Convert Strings into any Case |
sourcetools | 0.1.7 | Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code |
sp | 1.5-1 | Classes and Methods for Spatial Data |
SparseM | 1.81 | Sparse Linear Algebra |
spatstat | 3.0-2 | Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests |
spatstat.core | 2.4-4 | Core Functionality of the ‘spatstat’ Family | | 3.0-0 | Datasets for ‘spatstat’ Family |
spatstat.explore | 3.0-5 | Exploratory Data Analysis for the ‘spatstat’ Family |
spatstat.geom | 3.0-3 | Geometrical Functionality of the ‘spatstat’ Family |
spatstat.linnet | 3.0-3 | Linear Networks Functionality of the ‘spatstat’ Family |
spatstat.model | 3.0-2 | Parametric Statistical Modelling for the ‘spatstat’ Family |
spatstat.random | 3.0-1 | Random Generation Functionality for the ‘spatstat’ Family |
spatstat.sparse | 3.0-0 | Sparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities |
spatstat.utils | 3.0-1 | Utility Functions for ‘spatstat’ |
splancs | 2.01-43 | Spatial and Space-Time Point Pattern Analysis |
splitstackshape | 1.4.8 | Stack and Reshape Datasets After Splitting Concatenated Values |
spls | 2.2-3 | Sparse Partial Least Squares (SPLS) Regression and Classification |
SQUAREM | 2021.1 | Squared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms |
srvyr | 1.1.2 | ‘dplyr’-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Survey Data |
StanHeaders | 2.21.0-7 | C++ Header Files for Stan |
stargazer | 5.2.3 | Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables |
StatMatch | 1.4.1 | Statistical Matching or Data Fusion |
statmod | 1.5.0 | Statistical Modeling |
strat | 0.1 | An Implementation of the Stratification Index |
stringi | 1.7.8 | Fast and Portable Character String Processing Facilities |
stringr | 1.5.0 | Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations |
strucchange | 1.5-3 | Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes |
subselect | 0.15.3 | Selecting Variable Subsets |
superpc | 1.12 | Supervised Principal Components |
survey | 4.1-1 | Analysis of Complex Survey Samples |
svglite | 2.1.1 | An ‘SVG’ Graphics Device |
sys | 3.4.1 | Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R |
sysfonts | 0.8.8 | Loading Fonts into R |
systemfit | 1.1-29 | Estimating Systems of Simultaneous Equations |
systemfonts | 1.0.4 | System Native Font Finding |
tables | 0.9.17 | Formula-Driven Table Generation |
TeachingDemos | 2.12 | Demonstrations for Teaching and Learning |
tensor | 1.5 | Tensor product of arrays |
tensorA | 0.36.2 | Advanced Tensor Arithmetic with Named Indices |
tesseract | 5.1.0 | Open Source OCR Engine |
testthat | 3.1.5 | Unit Testing for R |
texreg | 1.39.3 | Conversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables |
textshaping | 0.3.6 | Bindings to the ‘HarfBuzz’ and ‘Fribidi’ Libraries for Text Shaping | | 1.1-1 | TH’s Data Archive |
threejs | 0.3.3 | Interactive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes |
tibble | 3.2.1 | Simple Data Frames |
tictoc | 1.1 | Functions for Timing R Scripts, as Well as Implementations of Stack and List Structures |
tidyr | 1.2.1 | Tidy Messy Data |
tidyselect | 1.2.0 | Select from a Set of Strings |
tidyverse | 1.3.2 | Easily Install and Load the ‘Tidyverse’ |
timechange | 0.1.1 | Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times |
timeDate | 4021.106 | Rmetrics – Chronological and Calendar Objects |
tinytex | 0.42 | Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents |
TMB | 1.9.1 | Template Model Builder: A General Random Effect Tool Inspired by ‘ADMB’ |
tmvnsim | 1.0-2 | Truncated Multivariate Normal Simulation |
toastui | 0.3.3 | Interactive Tables, Calendars and Charts for the Web |
trend | 1.1.4 | Non-Parametric Trend Tests and Change-Point Detection |
triebeard | 0.4.1 | ‘Radix’ Trees in ‘Rcpp’ |
tripack | 1.3-9.1 | Triangulation of Irregularly Spaced Data |
truncreg | 0.2-5 | Truncated Gaussian Regression Models |
trust | 0.1-8 | Trust Region Optimization |
tseries | 0.10-52 | Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance |
TTR | 0.24.3 | Technical Trading Rules |
twopartm | 0.1.0 | Two-Part Model with Marginal Effects |
tzdb | 0.3.0 | Time Zone Database Information |
ucminf | 1.1-4.1 | General-Purpose Unconstrained Non-Linear Optimization |
unbalanced | 2.0 | Racing for Unbalanced Methods Selection |
urlchecker | 1.0.1 | Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions |
urltools | 1.7.3 | Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing |
usethis | 2.1.6 | Automate Package and Project Setup |
utf8 | 1.2.2 | Unicode Text Processing |
uuid | 1.1-0 | Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs |
V8 | 4.4.2 | Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R |
varImp | 0.4 | RF Variable Importance for Arbitrary Measures |
vcd | 1.4-10 | Visualizing Categorical Data |
vctrs | 0.6.5 | Vector Helpers |
VGAM | 1.1-11 | Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models |
viridis | 0.6.5 | Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R |
viridisLite | 0.4.1 | Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps (Lite Version) |
vroom | 1.6.0 | Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly |
waldo | 0.4.0 | Find Differences Between R Objects |
webp | 1.1.0 | A New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression |
webshot | 0.5.4 | Take Screenshots of Web Pages |
websocket | 1.4.1 | ‘WebSocket’ Client Library |
WeMix | 4.0.3 | Weighted Mixed-Effects Models Using Multilevel Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
whisker | 0.4 | {{mustache}} for R, Logicless Templating |
withr | 2.5.0 | Run Code ‘With’ Temporarily Modified Global State |
writexl | 1.4.1 | Export Data Frames to Excel ‘xlsx’ Format |
xefun | 0.1.3 | X-Engineering or Supporting Functions |
xfun | 0.43 | Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by ‘Yihui Xie’ |
xgboost | | Extreme Gradient Boosting |
XML | 3.99-0.12 | Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus |
xml2 | 1.3.3 | Parse XML |
xopen | 1.0.0 | Open System Files, ‘URLs’, Anything |
xtable | 1.8-4 | Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML |
xts | 0.12.2 | eXtensible Time Series |
yaml | 2.3.6 | Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back |
yulab.utils | 0.0.6 | Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by ‘YuLab-SMU’ |
zip | 2.2.2 | Cross-Platform ‘zip’ Compression |
zoo | 1.8-11 | S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z’s Ordered Observations) |