Greece 2016 Added to the LIS Database!
One new dataset from Greece, GR16 (Wave X) has been added to the LIS Database.
The dataset is based on the 2017 wave of the Greek Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), carried out by Hellenic Statistical Authority (El.Stat.).
In addition, the previous datasets of the series (GR95, GR00, GR04, GR07, GR10, and GR13) have been slightly revised for consistency, including notably the allocation of tax adjustments to income taxes in GR95, GR00 and GR04. Please note that in the whole series of Greek data, variable hxitax (income taxes) includes only tax adjustments; in GR04, GR07, GR10 and GR13, income taxes are available only together with social contributions (in variable hxitsc: income taxes and contributions), whereas datasets GR95 and GR00 are net datasets (taxes and contributions are not at all available).