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2023 Winter Data Splash
LIS is happy to announce the following data updates:
- Belgium (4 new datasets and all revised) – Further annualisation from BE18 to BE21 in the LIS Database
Read more »Four new datasets from Belgium (BE18 to BE21) have been added to the LIS Database. The datasets are based on the respective waves 2019 to 2022 of the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) carried out by Statistics Belgium (StatBel).
Earlier datasets of the Belgian data were revised for consistency with the later series; the revisions have no impact on the LIS Key Figures. Hourly wages (gross1) which had a substantial number of missing values were recovered by using the yearly wage. Furthermore, the variable pwgta is now provided in BE04 with the personal intergenerational cross-sectional weight to be used with the variables edmom_c and eddad_c that were asked only to a subsample of selected respondents, aged 26-66 years at the moment of the interview. The variable immigr_c is now provided in BE10 and filled with the country(ies) of birth of parents. The variables disabled and health_c are provided now for children as well in BE16. - Brazil (6 new datasets and 1 revised) – Partial annualisation from BR17 to BR22 in the LIS Database
Read more »LIS has released a first set of annual data for Brazil in the LIS Database. The six new datasets BR17 to BR22 are based on the National Continuous Household Sample Survey (PNADC) from the Brazilian Geographical and Statistical Institute (IBGE). Since income amounts were collected gross of taxes and contributions and taxes and social contributions were not collected nor simulated by the data provider, LIS added to the PNADC micro-simulated amounts computed by a team of experts from the University of Pernambuco (Prof. José Ricardo Bezerra Nogueira) and the Centro de Pesquisas Ageu Magalhães – CPqAM (Dr. Carlos Feitosa Luna). More information about this is available in Compare.It.
The dataset BR16, the first available year from PNADC, has been re-harmonised with the slightly adjusted simulation techniques and newly available data version, taking into account adjusted weighting factors based on the newly available population census information. - Israel (3 new datasets and 17 revised) – Addition of IL19, IL20 & IL21 to the LIS Database
Read more »Three new datasets have been added to the LIS Database (IL19, IL20 & IL21 ). The datasets are based on the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) carried out by Central Bureau of Statistics and reworked by the National Insurance Institute of Israel.
The previous datasets IL02 to IL18 have been slightly revised. Variable ptime1 (part-time employment (dummy), main job) is now available, approximated by using the overall working hours in all jobs, considering as part-time all persons who work 30 hours or less. The income section has been slightly adjusted, with a minor impact on the LIS Key Figures for some years. - Italy (16 new datasets and all revised) – Addition of IT77 to IT84, IT02, IT06 & IT12 to the LIS Database;
addition of IT98, IT02, IT06, IT12 & IT20 to the LWS Database
Read more »LIS Database
Various new data points from Italy have been added to the LIS Database. The series has been extended to include all of the datapoints currently available from the Survey of Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) carried out by the Bank of Italy, which implied the addition of annual data from IT77 to IT84, and the years IT02, IT06, and IT12. It should be noted that until IT12 the datasets refer to net income in hitotal (total current income). Conversely, from IT14 the availability of detailed variables for taxes and social contributions (as simulated by the Bank of Italy) allowed the addition of those amounts to all labour income and pension variables, so that the latter datasets are considered gross. Note that for the datasets IT04, IT108 and IT10 taxes and contributions were also simulated by the Bank of Italy, but only as total amounts on overall income; as a result, while income taxes (p/hxitax) and social contributions (p/hxscont) are provided, the income variables are all net of taxes and contributions so that hitotal is equal to dhi (as all other datasets until IT12).
Note that the whole SHIW series was re-harmonised according to the latest variable list, in order to increase the coherence of the whole series. Thus, various consistency revisions have been carried out for the earlier available datasets IT86 to IT20, using the latest version of the historical database available at the Bank of Italy; this involved the filling of some variables which had been left empty in the older datasets (locsz_c, area_c, rural, farming, marital, weeks, net1), the consistency of the subset of the population for which the variables are filled (marital, ctrybrth, migrat_c, immigr, disabled, educ_c, lfs, weeks), the uniformisation of the categories across years (region_c, own, migrat_c, disabled, educ_c, lfs). In addition, a different recoding of the tertiary degrees has implied some changes in variable educlev.
LWS Database
Various new dataset from Italy have been added to the LWS Database. The series has been extended by the new data point IT20, and the remaining gap years in the LWS database IT02, IT06, and IT12 have been added. All datasets in the series are from the Survey of Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) carried out by the Bank of Italy. It should be noted that until IT12 included the datasets refer to net income in hitotal (total current income). See further remarks in the above `LIS Database’ section.
The earlier available datasets in the series have been revised for consistency. Among other minor changes, the variable boef_c (country-specific expectations about household finances) has been added to IT10. - Luxembourg (1 new dataset and 3 revised) – Addition of LU21 to the LWS Database
Read more »LIS has added one more data point (LU21) to the Luxembourgish wealth data series in the LWS Database. The datasets are based on the Luxembourg Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS), acquired from Banque Centrale du Luxembourg (BCL).
LIS added to the earlier datasets in the series the number of businesses held by the household, which is available in the variable bus3_c in the datasets LU10, LU14 and LU18, and in bus2_c in LU21. - Romania (3 new datasets and 12 revised) – Addition of RO14 , RO16 & RO20 to the LIS Database
Read more »Three more datasets have been added to the recently announced annual Romanian data series. The three new datapoints RO14 , RO16 & RO20, extend the annual data series of RO06 to RO20. The data series is based on the Quality of Life Survey (ACAV) on which is based the Romanian Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) and is provided by the Romanian National Institute of Statistics (INSSE). We are grateful to INSSE for making available information on the value of own consumption (LIS variable hi14) for these three datasets explicitly for LIS. Own consumption is part of the construction of LIS disposable income and it is an important source of in-kind income in Romania.
New variables are provided for the series: in RO10 the variable pwgta (the additional person weight) which is the personal intergenerational cross-sectional weight to be used with variables edmom_c and eddad_c that were asked only to a subsample of selected respondents, aged 25-59 years at the moment of the interview; in RO19 hxloan (instalment for other loans) & public1 (public sector) are now additionally available. - Switzerland (1 new dataset and 13 revised) -Addition of CH19 to the LIS Database
Read more »One new dataset from Switzerland, CH19, has been added to the LIS Database. The dataset is based on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.
The datasets CH06 to CH18 have been revised for consistency in the variables ctrybrth, citizen, yrsresid, and ptime1. Variable hxmort (mortgage instalments) refers now to annual amounts (previously monthly amounts); this affects also the derived variable hhouscost (housing costs). Transfers from general social assistance have been now placed to LIS variable hi45 (general assistance), previously added directly at the higher aggregate hipublic (public transfer) - United Kingdom (1 new dataset and 1 revised) – Addition of UK21 to the LIS Database
Read more »One new data point for the United Kingdom (UK21) was added to the LIS Database. The dataset is based on the Family Resources Survey (FRS) from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
A correction to the benefits section was applied to dataset UK20, the previously weeklyised amount for the ‘self-employment income support scheme (SEISS)’ (introduced in 2020 during the Coronavirus pandemic) has no longer been used; instead, the reported amounts are now treated as lump sum amounts. This change affects slightly the LIS Key Figures.
Click on `Read more’ to access more details on the newly added and revised datasets
December 8, 2023 | Highlight