
Philippe Van Kerm
Jun 18, 2024 | LIS Directors

Research Director bio Philippe is an economist and a professor in inequality and social policy analysis at the University of Luxembourg’s Department of Social Sciences. He has a vast experience in micro-data analysis on poverty and inequality. Besides publishing numerous research in peer-reviewed journals, he has been developing software tools that are widely used […]

Peter Lanjouw
Sep 09, 2021 | LIS Directors

Director bio Peter Lanjouw, (PhD London School of Economics), Professor in development economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, is the overall Director and oversees all aspects of LIS’ work. Prior to joining the VU Economics department in January 2015 he had spent more than two decades in the Development Economics Research Group of the World […]

Teresa Munzi
Feb 17, 2011 | LIS Directors

Director of Operations bio Teresa Munzi has a background in economics. She earned a degree in Economics from the University of Rome and an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics. Before coming to work at LIS in 2002, she served as an economist at the Economics Directorate of the European Commission […]