LIS - Serbia 2013 : person file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 DATASET NOTES: 1. [rs13] Flow variables: The reference period for expenditure is: 15 days for food, beverages and non-monetary consumption; 3 months for goods and services other than food, beverages and durable goods; and 12 months for durable goods. 2. [rs13] Flow variables: Farm self-employment income could not be divided into monetary and non-monetary amounts (HMILSF/HNILSF), therefore only the total amount is provided (HILSF); consequently the variables HMILS/HMIL/HMI/DPI cannot be constructed, therefore are not provided; while the variables HNILSF/HNILS/HNIL/HNI are filled with a different content (only the market value of the own produced food and beverages). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 13053 1 4517 2258.14 1304.17 pid person identifier 13053 1 11 2.41 1.47 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 13053 307 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 13053 "rs13" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 13053 "Serbia" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 13053 "rs" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 13053 2013 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13053 9 Wave IX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwgt person weight (normalised) 13053 0.43 3.08 0.77 0.21 ppopwgt person weight (inflated) 13053 304.38 2185.08 543.64 151.76 hhmem household member (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13053 1 household member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relation relationship to household head -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4517 1000 head 2751 2000 spouse/partner 3739 3000 child 182 4100 other relative 465 4110 spouse/partner of child 830 4120 grandchild or greatgrandchild (incl in-laws) 517 4130 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt (incl in-laws) 52 4200 other non-relative partner partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1118 100 has partner 5502 110 living with partner 13 120 not living with partner 6420 200 does not have partner parents living with parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 780 110 living with one parent 2959 120 living with two parents 9314 . children living with own children -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 553 110 living with own children aged 0-5 590 120 living with own children 6-12 466 130 living with own children 13-17 2626 140 living with own children 18+ 3033 200 not living with own children 5785 . nchildren number of own children living in household -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3033 0 not living with own children 2208 1 living with 1 own child 1670 2 living with 2 own children 293 3 living with 3 own children 51 4 living with 4 own children 11 5 living with 5 own children 2 6 living with 6 own children 5785 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageyoch age of youngest own child living in household 4235 0 72 23.05 14.43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMOGRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- age age in years 13053 0 95 44.04 22.89 sex gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6303 1 male 6750 2 female marital marital status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6317 110 married 268 120 in consensual union 2677 210 never married/not in union 51 221 separated 532 222 divorced 1496 223 widowed 1712 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMIGRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ educ highest completed education level (3-category recode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3988 1 low 5739 2 medium 1614 3 high 1712 . NOTES: 1. [rs13] Scope limitation: available only for persons aged 15 years and older. educ_c education level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 280 1 no education 1045 2 incomplete primary school 2458 3 primary school 205 4 one/two-year vocational school 2123 5 secondary: three years vocational school for skilled 3290 6 secondary: four years vocational school for highly skilled 326 7 gymnasium (high school) 583 8 high education: college 956 9 university education: B.A. 47 10 postgraduate education: master level 28 11 doctorate 1712 . NOTES: 1. [rs13] Scope limitation: available only for persons aged 15 years and older. 2. [rs13] In Serbian educational system the compulsory primary school (osnovna škola) is a continuous cycle of 8 years that corresponds to ISCED1 and ISCED2 levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVITY STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6928 0 not employed 4413 1 employed 1712 . NOTES: 1. [rs13] Definitional deviation: The employed dummy is based on the main activity status in income reference period. mainemp mainly employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7093 0 not mainly employed 4248 1 mainly employed 1712 . unemp unemployed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 9536 0 not unemployed 1805 1 unemployed 1712 . NOTES: 1. [rs13] Definitional deviation: The unemployed dummy is based on the main activity status in income reference period. umas usual activity status in income reference period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4248 100 usually employed 142 200 not mainly employed 3341 210 retired, pensioner or rentier 1016 220 in education 667 230 homemaker 121 240 disabled 1 250 in military or civil service 1805 260 unemployed 1712 . NOTES: 1. [rs13] Mixed categories: code 250 "in military or civil service" includes also prisoners. milit in military/conscript service (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11316 0 not in military/conscript service 25 1 in military/conscript service 1712 . NOTES: 1. [rs13] Mixed categories: code 1 "in military/conscript service" includes also prisoners. oddjob_c earning additional income in other ways -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 9830 0 no 141 1 as employed/contracted 58 2 small-scale business 1312 3 in other ways 1712 . notoff_c unregistered family business -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10614 0 no family business 432 1 registered family business 295 2 unregistered family business 1712 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPLOYMENT INTENSITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- weeks annual weeks worked, any information 11341 0 52 19.38 24.42 secjob multiple jobs holder (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4379 0 one job 34 1 more than one job 8640 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status1 status in employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3114 100 dependent employed 52 200 self-employed 96 210 employer 804 220 own-account worker 347 240 contributing family worker 8640 . sector1 sector of employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2967 100 private sector 1281 200 public sector 8805 . occa1 occupation (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 620 1 managers and professionals (ISCO 1 & 2) 3215 2 other skilled workers (ISCO 3-8, 10) 397 3 labourers/elementary (ISCO 9) 8821 . occb1 occupation (10-category ISCO recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 170 1 managers 450 2 professionals 351 3 technicians and associate professionals 406 4 clerical support workers 718 5 service and sales workers 801 6 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 554 7 craft and related trades workers 361 8 plant and machine operators, and assemblers 397 9 elementary occupations 24 10 armed forces occupations 8821 . occ1_c occupation (ISCO-88),job1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 24 1 armed forces 9 11 legislators, senior officials & managers 31 12 corporate managers 130 13 general managers 56 21 physical, mathematical & engineering science professionals 56 22 life science & health professionals 188 23 teaching professionals 150 24 other professionals 135 31 physical & engineering science associate professionals 102 32 life science & health associate professionals 15 33 teaching associate professionals 99 34 other associate professionals 342 41 office clerks 64 42 customer services clerks 385 51 personal & protective services workers 333 52 models, salespersons & demonstrators 344 61 skilled agricultural & fishery workers 457 62 subsistence agricultural and fishery workers 111 71 extraction & building trades workers 253 72 metal, machinery etc trades workers 38 73 precision, handicraft, printing etc trades workers 152 74 other craft etc trades workers 45 81 stationary-plant etc operators 98 82 machine operators & assemblers 218 83 drivers & mobile-plant operators 149 91 sales & services elementary occupations 144 92 agricultural, fishery etc labourers 104 93 labourers in mining, construction, manufact. & transport 16 99 other category 8805 . status2 status in employment, job 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 28 100 dependent employed 6 200 self-employed 13019 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pi total income, person 13029 0 4878696 193884 235934 pmi total income, person, monetary 13029 0 4878696 193699 235738 pni total income, person, non-monetary 13029 0 360000 165.55 5504 pil labour income, person 13029 0 4542696 105426 214607 pmil labour income, person, monetary 13029 0 4542696 105260 214397 pnil labour income, person, non-monetary 13029 0 360000 165.55 5504 pile paid employment income, person 13029 0 4542696 105426 214607 pmile paid employment income, person, monetary 13029 0 4542696 105260 214397 pnile paid employment income, person, non-monetary 13029 0 360000 165.55 5504 piler regular paid employment income, person 13029 0 1920000 98350.6 206503 pmiler regular paid employment income, person, monetary 13029 0 1920000 98350.6 206503 pilers wage supplements, person 13029 0 1086000 978.46 16851.8 pmilers wage supplements, person, monetary 13029 0 1086000 978.46 16851.8 pilec casual paid employment income, person 13029 0 2652000 6909.41 55522.5 pmilec casual paid employment income, person, monetary 13029 0 2652000 6909.41 55522.5 pic capital income, person 13029 0 1080000 1136.35 20000.6 pmic capital income, person, monetary 13029 0 1080000 1136.35 20000.6 pit transfer income, person 13029 0 2034000 84990 157051 pmit transfer income, person, monetary 13029 0 2034000 84970.5 157046 pits social security transfers, person 13029 0 2034000 80589.7 150293 pmits social security transfers, person, monetary 13029 0 2034000 80570.2 150288 pitsi work-related insurance transfers, person 13029 0 2034000 76696.6 148712 pmitsi work-related insurance transfers, person, monetary 13029 0 2034000 76696.6 148712 pitsil long-term insurance transfers, person 13029 0 2034000 75241.8 148192 pmitsil long-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 13029 0 2034000 75241.8 148192 pitsilep employment-related public pensions, person 13029 0 2034000 75241.8 148192 pmitsilep employment-related public pensions, person, monetary 13029 0 2034000 75241.8 148192 pitsis short-term insurance transfers, person 13029 0 672000 1454.79 19319.9 pmitsis short-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 13029 0 672000 1454.79 19319.9 pitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person 13029 0 384000 920.41 13786.9 pmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person, monetary 13029 0 384000 920.41 13786.9 pitsu universal benefits, person 13029 0 939528 718.58 14298.5 pmitsu universal benefits, person, monetary 13029 0 939528 718.58 14298.5 pitsudi disability universal benefits, person 13029 0 939528 718.58 14298.5 pmitsudi disability universal benefits, person, monetary 13029 0 939528 718.58 14298.5 pitsa assistance benefits, person 13029 0 684000 3174.53 23886 pmitsa assistance benefits, person, monetary 13029 0 684000 3155.03 23799.2 pitp private transfers, person 13029 0 1800000 4400.3 46691 pmitp private transfers, person, monetary 13029 0 1800000 4400.3 46691 pitped merit-based education transfers, person 13029 0 84000 39.42 1619.47 pmitped merit-based education transfers, person, monetary 13029 0 84000 39.42 1619.47 piatfam family/children transfers, person 13053 0 144000 1007.83 8167 pmiatfam family/children transfers, person, monetary 13053 0 144000 1007.83 8167 piatune unemployment transfers, person 13053 0 384000 918.72 13774.3 pmiatune unemployment transfers, person, monetary 13053 0 384000 918.72 13774.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwt windfall transfer income, person 13053 0 1380000 2828.73 27361.8 pmwt windfall transfer income, person, monetary 13053 0 1380000 2828.73 27361.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ptil inflows from loans, person 13053 0 68000 9.23 682.39 pmtil inflows from loans, person, monetary 13053 0 68000 9.23 682.39 ptilr repayments from borrowings, person 13053 0 68000 9.23 682.39 pmtilr repayments from borrowings, person, monetary 13053 0 68000 9.23 682.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ppension individual total pension income 13029 0 2034000 75241.8 148192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13053 941 RSD - Serbian Dinar Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 13053 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13053 200 net, taxes and contributions not captured