LIS - Poland 1992 : household file Codebook generated: 2015-09-27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 6602 1 6602 3301.5 1905.98 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 6602 57 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 6602 "pl92" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 6602 "Poland" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 6602 "pl" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 6602 1992 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6602 3 Wave III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hwgt household weight (normalised) 6602 0.11 12.29 1.51 0.75 hpopwgt household weight (inflated) 6602 138.67 15001.87 1848.38 921.12 svyunit survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6602 1 household npers number of persons in survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1339 1 1 person 1982 2 2 persons 1113 3 3 persons 1245 4 4 persons 572 5 5 persons 214 6 6 persons 87 7 7 persons 30 8 8 persons 12 9 9 persons 5 10 10 persons 2 11 11 persons 1 12 12 persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ region_c Region of residence -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 825 1 Central: Warszawskie, Ciechanowskie, Ostroleckie, Radomskie, Siedleckie 385 2 North-East: Bialostockie, Lomzynskie, Olsztynskie, Suwalskie 665 3 North: Elblaskie, Gdanskie, Koszalinskie, Slupskie, Szczecinskie 1287 4 South: Bielskie, Czestochowskie, Katowickie, Opolskie 911 5 South-East: Kieleckie, Krakowskie, Krosnienskie, Nowosadeckie, Przemyskie, Rzeszowskie, Tarnobrzeskie, Tarnowskie 372 6 Middle-East: Bielskopodlaskie, Chelmskie, Lubelskie, Zamojskie 574 7 Middle: Lodzkie, Piotrkowskie, Plockie, Sieradzkie, Skierniewickie 878 8 Middle-West: Bydgoskie, Kaliskie, Koninskie, Leszczynskie, Pilskie, Poznanskie, Torunskie, Wloclawskie 705 9 South-West: Gorzowskie, Jeleniogorskie, Legnickie, Walbrzyskie, Wroclawskie, Zielonogorskie NOTES: 1. [pl92] The categories are not exactly comparable with Wave V and VI data due to the changes of administrative boundaries in 1999. rural rural area (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4316 0 not rural area 2286 1 rural area NOTES: 1. [pl92] variable constructed from locsz_c; locsz_c population size of the locality of residence -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2286 1 rural 786 2 city <20 thousand 1389 3 city 20-100 thousand 2141 4 city >100 thousand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DWELLING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ own owned/rented housing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3187 100 owned 1179 200 not owned 108 210 rented 1922 221 employer provided housing 206 223 provided by others NOTES: 1. [pl92] original categories and assigned to owned; assigned to own and assigned to not own; assigned to employer provided housing; assigned to provided by others; category assigned to not own ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FARMING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hhtype household composition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1339 100 one person household 1608 210 couple without children 2181 220 couple with children 216 230 one parent with children 1258 . hpartner head living with partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4514 100 head living with partner 2088 200 head not living with partner nhhmem number of household members -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1339 1 1 hh member 1982 2 2 hh members 1113 3 3 hh members 1245 4 4 hh members 572 5 5 hh members 214 6 6 hh members 87 7 7 hh members 30 8 8 hh members 12 9 9 hh members 5 10 10 hh members 2 11 11 hh members 1 12 12 hh members nhhmem65 number of household members 65 or older -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4694 0 no hh members 65 or older 1428 1 1 hh member 65 or older 475 2 2 hh members 65 or older 5 3 3 hh members 65 or older nhhmem17 number of household members 17 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3841 0 no hh members 17 or younger 930 1 1 hh member 17 or younger 1211 2 2 hh member 17 or younger 431 3 3 hh member 17 or younger 118 4 4 hh member 17 or younger 53 5 5 hh member 17 or younger 11 6 6 hh member 17 or younger 4 7 7 hh member 17 or younger 2 8 8 hh member 17 or younger 1 9 9 hh member 17 or younger nhhmem13 number of household members 13 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4260 0 no hh members 13 or younger 980 1 1 hh member 13 or younger 952 2 2 hh member 13 or younger 305 3 3 hh member 13 or younger 70 4 4 hh member 13 or younger 29 5 5 hh member 13 or younger 4 6 6 hh member 13 or younger 1 7 7 hh member 13 or younger 1 8 8 hh member 13 or younger nhhmem5 number of household members 5 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5484 0 no hh members 5 or younger 793 1 1 hh member 5 or younger 282 2 2 hh member 5 or younger 39 3 3 hh member 5 or younger 4 4 4 hh member 5 or younger Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageymem age of youngest household member 6602 0 88 34.14 26.46 nearn number of household members with labour income -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3137 0 no hh members with labour income 2378 1 1 hh member with labour income 1017 2 2 hh members with labour income 64 3 3 hh members with labour income 6 4 4 hh members with labour income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi total income, household 6602 0 6.06e+08 5.3e+07 3.5e+07 hmi total income, household, monetary 6602 0 601400000 5.1e+07 3.5e+07 hni total income, household, non-monetary 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 hil labour income, household 6602 0 341300000 2.9e+07 3.2e+07 hmil labour income, household, monetary 6602 0 328900000 2.8e+07 3.1e+07 hnil labour income, household, non-monetary 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 hile paid employment income, household 6602 0 2.08e+08 2.6e+07 2.9e+07 hmile paid employment income, household, monetary 6602 0 2.08e+08 2.4e+07 2.9e+07 hnile paid employment income, household, non-monetary 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 hils self-employment income, household 6602 0 328900000 3400000 1.5e+07 hmils self-employment income, household, monetary 6602 0 328900000 3400000 1.5e+07 hilsf farm self-employment income, household 6602 0 328900000 3400000 1.5e+07 hmilsf farm self-employment income, household, monetary 6602 0 328900000 3400000 1.5e+07 hic capital income, household 6602 0 5.08e+08 472737 7200000 hmic capital income, household , monetary 6602 0 5.08e+08 472737 7200000 hit transfer income, household 6602 0 162100000 1.8e+07 1.4e+07 hmit transfer income, household, monetary 6602 0 162100000 1.8e+07 1.4e+07 hits social security transfers, household 6602 0 92246000 1.6e+07 1.4e+07 hmits social security transfers, household, monetary 6602 0 92246000 1.6e+07 1.4e+07 hitsi work-related insurance transfers, household 6602 0 92246000 1.4e+07 1.5e+07 hmitsi work-related insurance transfers, household, monetary 6602 0 92246000 1.4e+07 1.5e+07 hitsil long-term insurance transfers, household 6602 0 90485000 1.2e+07 1.5e+07 hmitsil long-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 6602 0 90485000 1.2e+07 1.5e+07 hitsilep employment-related public pensions, household 6602 0 90485000 1.2e+07 1.5e+07 hmitsilep employment-related public pensions, household, monetary 6602 0 90485000 1.2e+07 1.5e+07 hitsis short-term insurance transfers, household 6602 0 43401000 1400000 3600000 hmitsis short-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 6602 0 43401000 1400000 3600000 hitsisma maternity/parental wage replacement, household 6602 0 22942000 47910.5 778222 hmitsisma maternity/parental wage replacement, household, monetary 6602 0 22942000 47910.5 778222 hitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household 6602 0 43401000 1400000 3500000 hmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household, monetary 6602 0 43401000 1400000 3500000 hitsu universal benefits, household 6602 0 25580000 1900000 3e+06 hmitsu universal benefits, household, monetary 6602 0 25580000 1900000 3e+06 hitsufa family/child universal benefits, household 6602 0 25580000 1900000 3e+06 hmitsufa family/child universal benefits, household, monetary 6602 0 25580000 1900000 3e+06 hitp private transfers, household 6602 0 161500000 2100000 5700000 hmitp private transfers, household, monetary 6602 0 161500000 2100000 5700000 hitpih inter-household transfers, household 6602 0 161500000 2100000 5700000 hmitpih inter-household transfers, household, monetary 6602 0 161500000 2100000 5700000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hxvc voluntary contributions, household 6602 0 13646000 147054 690328 hnxvc voluntary contributions, household, non-monetary 6602 0 13646000 147054 690328 hxvce voluntary contributions, paid by employer, household 6602 0 13646000 147054 690328 hnxvce voluntary contributions, paid by employer, household, non-monetary 6602 0 13646000 147054 690328 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSUMPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hcbgift consumption of goods and services received, household 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 hncbgift consumption of goods and services received, household, non-monetary 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 hcbgifte from employment, household 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 hncbgifte from employment, household, non-monetary 6602 0 44587000 1800000 3700000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dhi disposable household income 6602 0 6.06e+08 5.3e+07 3.5e+07 dpi cash disposable household income 6602 0 601400000 5.1e+07 3.5e+07 factor factor income 6602 0 576700000 3e+07 3.3e+07 socred social security redistribution 6602 0 92246000 1.6e+07 1.4e+07 privred private redistribution 6602 0 161500000 2100000 5700000 pension total pension income 6602 0 90485000 1.2e+07 1.5e+07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6602 616 PLZ - old Zloty (historic) Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 6602 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6602 200 net, taxes and contributions not captured