LIS - Israel 1997 : household file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 5230 1 5230 2615.5 1509.92 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 5230 90 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 5230 "il97" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 5230 "Israel" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 5230 "il" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 5230 1997 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5230 4 Wave IV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hwgt household weight (normalised) 5230 0.05 8.36 1.91 1.05 hpopwgt household weight (inflated) 5230 9.22 1428.57 326.73 179.7 svyunit survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5230 1 household npers number of persons in survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 826 1 1 person 1220 2 2 persons 823 3 3 persons 954 4 4 persons 750 5 5 persons 337 6 6 persons 143 7 7 persons 91 8 8 persons 35 9 9 persons 26 10 10 persons 8 11 11 persons 5 12 12 persons 3 13 13 persons 4 14 14 persons 2 15 15 persons 2 21 21 persons 1 30 30 persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DWELLING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ own owned/rented housing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3689 100 owned 1541 200 not owned Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dwelval value of dwelling 3689 5000 5652800 661304 447760 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FARMING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hpartner head living with partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 107 100 head living with partner 3655 110 married couple 1468 200 head not living with partner nhhmem number of household members -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 826 1 1 hh member 1220 2 2 hh members 823 3 3 hh members 954 4 4 hh members 750 5 5 hh members 337 6 6 hh members 143 7 7 hh members 91 8 8 hh members 35 9 9 hh members 26 10 10 hh members 8 11 11 hh members 5 12 12 hh members 3 13 13 hh members 4 14 14 hh members 2 15 15 hh members 2 21 21 hh members 1 30 30 hh members nhhmem65 number of household members 65 or older -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3935 0 no hh members 65 or older 840 1 1 hh member 65 or older 451 2 2 hh members 65 or older 4 3 3 hh members 65 or older nhhmem17 number of household members 17 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2643 0 no hh members 17 or younger 868 1 1 hh member 17 or younger 818 2 2 hh member 17 or younger 514 3 3 hh member 17 or younger 207 4 4 hh member 17 or younger 95 5 5 hh member 17 or younger 45 6 6 hh member 17 or younger 20 7 7 hh member 17 or younger 10 8 8 hh member 17 or younger 4 9 9 hh member 17 or younger 4 11 11 hh member 17 or younger 1 13 13 hh member 17 or younger 1 17 17 hh member 17 or younger NOTES: ageymem: 1. [il97] original data provided in intervals for ages 0-14; value given is the lowest value of the interval Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageymem age of youngest household member 5230 0 97 25.21 25.86 nearn number of household members with labour income -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1212 0 no hh members with labour income 1775 1 1 hh member with labour income 1839 2 2 hh members with labour income 316 3 3 hh members with labour income 88 4 4 hh members with labour income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi total income, household 5230 1574 2607064 116565 115074 hmi total income, household, monetary 5230 1574 2607064 116565 115074 hil labour income, household 5230 0 2535281 92166.9 114312 hmil labour income, household, monetary 5230 0 2535281 92166.9 114312 hile paid employment income, household 5230 0 2535281 77902.1 104691 hmile paid employment income, household, monetary 5230 0 2535281 77902.1 104691 hils self-employment income, household 5230 -42695 1306143 14264.8 52042.8 hmils self-employment income, household, monetary 5230 -42695 1306143 14264.8 52042.8 hic capital income, household 5230 -11083 1019181 3222.69 22220.7 hmic capital income, household , monetary 5230 -11083 1019181 3222.69 22220.7 hit transfer income, household 5230 0 341158 21175.6 27724.4 hmit transfer income, household, monetary 5230 0 341158 21175.6 27724.4 hits social security transfers, household 5230 0 251872 19703.4 26436.9 hmits social security transfers, household, monetary 5230 0 251872 19703.4 26436.9 hitsi work-related insurance transfers, household 5230 0 251872 7786.65 21199.9 hmitsi work-related insurance transfers, household, monetary 5230 0 251872 7786.65 21199.9 hitsil long-term insurance transfers, household 5230 0 251872 6766.81 20619.1 hmitsil long-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 5230 0 251872 6766.81 20619.1 hitsilo ccupational pensions, household 5230 0 251872 6766.81 20619.1 hmitsilo occupational pensions, household, monetary 5230 0 251872 6766.81 20619.1 hitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household 5230 0 66723 1019.84 5360.18 hmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household, monetary 5230 0 66723 1019.84 5360.18 hitsu universal benefits, household 5230 0 72322 8464.25 10066 hmitsu universal benefits, household, monetary 5230 0 72322 8464.25 10066 hitsup old-age/disability/survivors universal pensions, household 5230 0 67484 5528.77 9486.15 hmitsup old-age/disability/survivors universal pensions, household, monetary 5230 0 67484 5528.77 9486.15 hitsupd disability universal pensions, household 5230 0 66999 1166.04 5146.02 hmitsupd disability universal pensions, household, monetary 5230 0 66999 1166.04 5146.02 hitsufa family/child universal benefits, household 5230 0 59040 2935.49 5604.17 hmitsufa family/child universal benefits, household, monetary 5230 0 59040 2935.49 5604.17 hitsufaca child allowances, household 5230 0 59040 2935.49 5604.17 hmitsufaca child allowances, household, monetary 5230 0 59040 2935.49 5604.17 hitsa assistance benefits, household 5230 0 44078 825.5 4217.99 hmitsa assistance benefits, household, monetary 5230 0 44078 825.5 4217.99 hitsagen general social assistance, household 5230 0 44078 825.5 4217.99 hmitsagen general social assistance, household, monetary 5230 0 44078 825.5 4217.99 hitp private transfers, household 5230 0 333993 1472.25 9444.44 hmitp private transfers, household, monetary 5230 0 333993 1472.25 9444.44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hxit income taxes and social contributions, household 5230 0 1269099 27256.1 49728.8 hmxit income taxes and social contributions, household, monetary 5230 0 1269099 27256.1 49728.8 hxiti income taxes, household 5230 0 1231486 18709.7 43457.7 hmxiti income taxes, household, monetary 5230 0 1231486 18709.7 43457.7 hxits social security contributions, household 5230 0 70691 8546.31 8186.5 hmxits social security contributions, household, monetary 5230 0 70691 8546.31 8186.5 hxitss social security contributions, self-paid, household 5230 0 70691 8546.31 8186.5 hmxitss social security contributions, self-paid, household, monetary 5230 0 70691 8546.31 8186.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSUMPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hc total consumption, household 5230 6624 1471616 130743 100550 hmc total consumption, household, monetary 5230 1880 1449104 113755 96719.9 hcfood food and non-alcoholic beverages, household 5230 0 121768 17844.9 11306.6 hmcfood food and non-alcoholic beverages, household, monetary 5230 0 121768 17844.9 11306.6 hcapp clothing and footwear, household 5230 0 102346 4767.94 6728.05 hmcapp clothing and footwear, household, monetary 5230 0 102346 4767.94 6728.05 hchous housing and utilities, household 5230 121 357134 30277.2 16258.3 hmchous housing and utilities, household, monetary 5230 -16166 308618 13289 13586 hnchous housing and utilities, household, non-monetary 5230 0 51191 16988.2 10794.1 hchousi imputed rent, household 5230 0 51191 16988.2 10794.1 hnchousi imputed rent, household, non-monetary 5230 0 51191 16988.2 10794.1 hcmed health, household 5230 0 289370 3795.45 8160.76 hmcmed health, household, monetary 5230 0 289370 3795.45 8160.76 hctran transport, household 5230 0 276919 15840.2 21749.5 hmctran transport, household, monetary 5230 0 276919 15840.2 21749.5 hceduc education, household 5230 0 83460 3878.42 6941.15 hmceduc education, household, monetary 5230 0 83460 3878.42 6941.15 hcbgift consumption of goods and services received, household 5230 -21196 0 -31.74 705.7 hncbgift consumption of goods and services received, household, non-monetary 5230 -21196 0 -31.74 705.7 hcbgifte from employment, household 5230 -21196 0 -31.74 705.7 hncbgifte from employment, household, non-monetary 5230 -21196 0 -31.74 705.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dhi disposable household income 5230 20 1337965 89309.1 69464 dpi cash disposable household income 5230 20 1337965 89309.1 69464 factor factor income 5230 -11083 2535281 95389.6 117933 socred social security redistribution 5230 0 251872 19703.4 26436.9 privred private redistribution 5230 0 333993 1472.25 9444.44 pension total pension income 5230 0 251872 12295.6 24543.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5230 376 ILS - New Israeli Sheqel Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 5230 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5230 100 gross, taxes and contributions fully captured