LIS - France 1978 : person file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 DATASET NOTES: 1. [fr78] The French data is a mix of gross (of taxes, which are paid at the end of the fiscal year based on the income declarations of the imposable fiscal households) and net (of social contributions which are deducted at source) data. Income taxes which are collected by the data provider refer to the taxes corresponding to the previous fiscal year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 32475 1 10645 5335.04 3063.98 pid person identifier 32475 1 16 2.42 1.45 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 32475 262 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 32475 "fr78" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 32475 "France" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 32475 "fr" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 32475 1978 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 32475 0 Historical Wave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwgt person weight (normalised) 32475 0.15 0.9 0.31 0.17 ppopwgt person weight (inflated) 32475 779 4788 1633.76 876.04 hhmem household member (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 218 0 not household member 32257 1 household member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relation relationship to household head -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10645 1000 head 8258 2000 spouse/partner 12458 3000 child 94 4100 other relative 167 4120 grandchild or greatgrandchild (incl in-laws) 471 4130 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt (incl in-laws) 164 4140 siblings (incl in-laws) 56 4220 domestic employee and his/her family 162 4230 guest/visitor/boarder/lodg er partner partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1 100 has partner 16733 110 living with partner 322 120 not living with partner 15369 200 does not have partner 50 . parents living with parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 827 110 living with one parent 11631 120 living with two parents 20017 . children living with own children -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2 100 living with own children 4305 110 living with own children aged 0-5 3812 120 living with own children 6-12 2060 130 living with own children 13-17 1688 140 living with own children 18+ 7036 200 not living with own children 13572 . nchildren number of own children living in household -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7036 0 not living with own children 4433 1 living with 1 own child 4489 2 living with 2 own children 1866 3 living with 3 own children 648 4 living with 4 own children 240 5 living with 5 own children 106 6 living with 6 own children 52 7 living with 7 own children 23 8 living with 8 own children 4 9 living with 9 own children 4 10 living with 10 own children 2 14 living with 14 own children 13572 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageyoch age of youngest own child living in household 11865 0 85 9.67 8.49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMOGRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- age age in years 32465 0 98 32.06 21.18 sex gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 16051 1 male 16424 2 female marital marital status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 16332 110 married 24 120 in consensual union 2 200 not married/not in union 5577 210 never married/not in union 544 220 formerly married/in union 1444 223 widowed 8552 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Mixed categories: code 220 (formerly married/in union) includes only separated or divorced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMIGRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ immigr immigrant (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 30954 0 not immigrant 1521 1 immigrant citizen citizenship -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 30954 1000 citizen of the country of the survey 196 2000 non-citizen 534 2103 Northern Africa 97 2400 Europe 158 2457 Italy 291 2462 Portugal 245 2466 Spain migrat_c rural-urban migration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 12862 0 no rural-urban migration 3356 1 rural to urban 1469 2 urban to rural 136 3 immigration to rural 935 4 immigration to urban 13717 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Scope limitation: available only for heads and their spouses and refers to their living situation when they were 16 years old compared with the current one. immigr_c living abroad when 16 years old -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 17759 0 lived in France 1071 1 lived abroad 13645 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Scope limitation: available only for heads and their spouses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ educ highest completed education level (3-category recode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23235 1 low 5801 2 medium 2241 3 high 170 9 indistinguishable 1028 . educ_c highest diploma obtained (including vocational) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1016 0 still in education 14103 1 no diploma 96 2 other general diploma 74 3 other vocational diploma (excluding grandes ecoles) 5653 4 C.E.P.; D.F.E.O 3479 5 B.E.P.C.; B.E.; B.E.P.S. 3115 6 C.A.P.; B.E.P.; E.F.A.A.; Brevetes agricoles 431 7 Brevet prof. (B.P.); Brevet de maitrise 235 8 Brevet des E.N.P.: B.E.C., B.E.I., B.E.S., B.E.H., B.A.T.A. 219 9 BAC de technicien (F,G,H); Brevet de technicien (B.T.; B.T.A.) 1801 10 BAC (excluding types: F,G,H); B.S. 319 11 B.T.S.; D.U.T.; D.E.S.T. 369 12 Diplomes paramedicaux et sociaux 1553 13 Diplome superieur au BAC (decerne par les facultes ou les grandes ecoles) 12 . enroll currently enrolled in education -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2690 100 currently enrolled 1307 200 currently not enrolled 20253 210 not enrolled, attended in the past 8225 . enrlev_c currently enrolled education level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 51 1 primary 795 2 secondary- first cycle 320 3 short technical training (upper secondary) 1029 4 secondary-second cycle 476 5 tertiary level 29804 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVITY STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10446 0 not employed 13855 1 employed 8174 . mainemp mainly employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10468 0 not mainly employed 13833 1 mainly employed 8174 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Definitional deviation: The mainly employed dummy is based on the main activity status in current period. unemp unemployed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23441 0 not unemployed 860 1 unemployed 8174 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Definitional deviation: unemployed refers only to active unemployed. retired retired (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 21639 0 not retired 2657 1 retired 8179 . clfs current labour force status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13606 110 employed, at work 249 120 employed, not at work 4006 200 not employed 860 212 other unemployed 2656 221 retired, pensioner or rentier 2748 222 in education 176 225 in military or civil service 8174 . cmas current main activity status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13833 100 mainly employed 4011 200 not mainly employed 2657 211 retired from job or business 2756 220 in education 176 250 in military or civil service 868 260 unemployed 8174 . milit in military/conscript service (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 24066 0 not in military/conscript service 176 1 in military/conscript service 8233 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] This includes only conscript service(militaire du contingent). The Army employees could not be distinguished from the Police non-civil employees in the data. hprod_c possibilities for food home production -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 12454 0 no 6072 1 vegetable garden 253 2 orchard garden 395 3 raising non-domestic animals(chickens, rabbits, etc.) 5321 4 garden (vegetable or orchard) & raising non-domestic animals 7980 . jsearch type of job search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 868 120 search while not employed 4011 200 not searching 27596 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Scope limitation: available only for people who are currently not employed, not in the military, not in education and not retired. leave type of long-term leave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 249 1000 on leave from employment 12889 2000 not on leave 19337 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPLOYMENT INTENSITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ptime part-time in all jobs (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11905 0 full-time 1408 1 part-time 19162 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hours weekly hours worked, any information 13313 1 98 42.67 11.86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status1 status in employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10976 100 dependent employed 649 210 employer 1401 220 own-account worker 636 240 contributing family worker 18813 . sector1 sector of employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10510 100 private sector 3152 200 public sector 18813 . nemp1_c number of salaried persons employed by self-employed, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1832 0 none 547 1 1-2 employees 161 2 3-5 employees 125 3 6 or more employees 29810 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Definitional deviation: it refers to the number of employees employed by a self-employed person. 2. [fr78] Scope limitation: only available for self-employed persons. occa1 occupation (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2621 1 managers and professionals (ISCO 1 & 2) 9927 2 other skilled workers (ISCO 3-8, 10) 1093 3 labourers/elementary (ISCO 9) 18834 . occb1 occupation (10-category ISCO recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1210 1 managers 1411 2 professionals 1867 3 technicians and associate professionals 1837 4 clerical support workers 436 5 service and sales workers 1035 6 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 1026 7 craft and related trades workers 1093 9 elementary occupations 204 10 armed forces occupations 3522 90 indistinguishable 18834 . NOTES: 1. [fr78] Mixed categories: Code 10 includes non-civil employees in Armed Forces and Police which were not reported separately in the original data. occ1_c main professional category -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 190 10 agricultural employees 1025 11 farmers -self-employed 55 21 industrials 527 22 craftsmen 5 23 fishermen -employer 60 26 wholesale merchant 671 27 small merchant 162 30 liberal professions 366 32 professors, literary and scientific fields 263 33 engineers 592 34 public executives 568 41 teachers and other intellectual professions 265 42 employees in health and social sector 722 43 technicians 880 44 administrative employees in public administration (cadre moyenes) 1837 51 office employees 436 53 trade employees 326 60 foremen 1811 61 skilled workers 1353 63 unskilled specialized workers 20 65 miners 10 66 sailors and fishermen 358 68 unskilled industry workers (manoeuvres) 65 70 domestic employees 164 71 cleaning ladies 654 72 other employees in cleaning service 31 80 artists 21 81 clerics 204 82 employees in Police and Armed Forces 18834 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ everwork ever worked in job or business (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1796 0 never worked 19757 1 ever worked in job or business 10922 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: pmitsilep: 1. [fr78] Mixed categories: includes also occupational and voluntary individual pensions. pmiatold: 1. [fr78] Mixed categories: includes also survivors pensions. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pi total income, person 28779 0 1913600 23922 41772.6 pmi total income, person, monetary 28779 0 1913600 23922 41772.6 pil labour income, person 28779 0 1680000 19370.8 37129 pmil labour income, person, monetary 28779 0 1680000 19370.8 37129 pile paid employment income, person 28779 0 1560000 16911.3 32851.6 pmile paid employment income, person, monetary 28779 0 1560000 16911.3 32851.6 piler regular paid employment income, person 28779 0 1560000 16911.3 32851.6 pmiler regular paid employment income, person, monetary 28779 0 1560000 16911.3 32851.6 pilerb basic wages and salaries, person 28779 0 1560000 15942.3 31142.2 pmilerb basic wages and salaries, person, monetary 28779 0 1560000 15942.3 31142.2 pilers wage supplements, person 28779 0 180000 868.82 4722.36 pmilers wage supplements, person, monetary 28779 0 180000 868.82 4722.36 pils self-employment income, person 28779 0 864000 2459.45 18976.2 pmils self-employment income, person, monetary 28779 0 864000 2459.45 18976.2 pilsf farm self-employment income, person 28779 0 8e+05 679.44 10563.3 pmilsf farm self-employment income, person, monetary 28779 0 8e+05 679.44 10563.3 pilsn non-farm self-employment income, person 28779 0 864000 1780.01 15833.5 pmilsn non-farm self-employment income, person, monetary 28779 0 864000 1780.01 15833.5 pilsnb profit from business, person 28779 0 864000 1780.01 15833.5 pmilsnb profit from business, person, monetary 28779 0 864000 1780.01 15833.5 pic capital income, person 28779 0 435600 435.44 5600.29 pmic capital income, person, monetary 28779 0 435600 435.44 5600.29 pit transfer income, person 28779 0 1913600 4028.3 17889.2 pmit transfer income, person, monetary 28779 0 1913600 4028.3 17889.2 pits social security transfers, person 28779 0 1913600 3997.35 17859.6 pmits social security transfers, person, monetary 28779 0 1913600 3997.35 17859.6 pitsil long-term insurance transfers, person 28779 0 1913600 2471 14774.1 pmitsil long-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 28779 0 1913600 2471 14774.1 pitsilep employment-related public pensions, person 28779 0 1913600 2471 14774.1 pmitsilep employment-related public pensions, person, monetary 28779 0 1913600 2471 14774.1 pitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person 28779 0 143466 235.77 2892.85 pmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person, monetary 28779 0 143466 235.77 2892.85 pitsu universal benefits, person 28779 0 751200 1037.24 6905.78 pmitsu universal benefits, person, monetary 28779 0 751200 1037.24 6905.78 pitsup old-age/disability/survivors universal pensions, person 28779 0 282612 133.5 2413.83 pmitsup old-age/disability/survivors universal pensions, person, monetary 28779 0 282612 133.5 2413.83 pitsued education related universal benefits, person 28779 0 102102 60.6 1084.46 pmitsued education related universal benefits, person, monetary 28779 0 102102 60.6 1084.46 pitsap old-age/disability/survivors assistance pensions, person 28779 0 48363 47.29 750.2 pmitsap old-age/disability/survivors assistance pensions, person, monetary 28779 0 48363 47.29 750.2 pitsapo old-age assistance pensions, person 28779 0 48363 47.29 750.2 pmitsapo old-age assistance pensions, person, monetary 28779 0 48363 47.29 750.2 pitp private transfers, person 28779 0 72000 30.95 857.51 pmitp private transfers, person, monetary 28779 0 72000 30.95 857.51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ppension individual total pension income 28779 0 1913600 2651.78 15237.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 32475 250 FRF - French Franc (historic) Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 32475 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 32475 320 mixed, total income does not account for full taxes and contributions