LIS - France 2010 : person file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 DATASET NOTES: 1. [fr10] For the first time this LIS wave of French data includes data from the French overseas territories (DOM). Please be aware that overseas territories are oversampled, therefore only the use of weights will produce reliable results. In order to perform comparative longitudinal analysis with the previous waves you need to use only the metropolitan France sample presented in all waves by selecting "region_c<9". 2. [fr10] The French data were received net of contributions and gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 41285 1 15797 7858.83 4550.28 pid person identifier 41285 1 15 2.3 1.51 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 41285 295 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 41285 "fr10" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 41285 "France" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 41285 "fr" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 41285 2010 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 41285 8 Wave VIII ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwgt person weight (normalised) 41285 0 1.39 0.24 0.23 ppopwgt person weight (inflated) 41285 0.73 8893.31 1545.2 1479.35 hhmem household member (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 41285 1 household member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relation relationship to household head -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 15797 1000 head 8930 2000 spouse/partner 13999 3000 child 698 3200 step-child 455 4100 other relative 53 4110 spouse/partner of child 335 4120 grandchild or greatgrandchild (incl in-laws) 470 4131 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt 59 4132 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt-in-law 320 4140 siblings (incl in-laws) 105 4200 other non-relative 64 4230 guest/visitor/boarder/lodg er partner partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 18180 110 living with partner 767 120 not living with partner 12170 200 does not have partner 10168 . parents living with parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4511 110 living with one parent 11093 120 living with two parents 25681 200 not living with parent(s) children living with own children -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5071 110 living with own children aged 0-5 3291 120 living with own children 6-12 1876 130 living with own children 13-17 2741 140 living with own children 18+ 28306 200 not living with own children nchildren number of own children living in household -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 28306 0 not living with own children 5134 1 living with 1 own child 4459 2 living with 2 own children 2017 3 living with 3 own children 748 4 living with 4 own children 343 5 living with 5 own children 152 6 living with 6 own children 70 7 living with 7 own children 31 8 living with 8 own children 17 9 living with 9 own children 4 10 living with 10 own children 4 11 living with 11 own children Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageyoch age of youngest own child living in household 12979 0 71 11.12 11.11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMOGRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- age age in years 41285 0 101 35.61 23.22 sex gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 19726 1 male 21559 2 female marital marital status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13402 110 married 23858 210 never married/not in union 286 221 separated 2004 222 divorced 1735 223 widowed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMIGRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ immigr immigrant (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 35614 0 not immigrant 5671 1 immigrant citizen citizenship -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 27499 1000 citizen of the country of the survey 1329 1300 naturalized citizen 964 2000 non-citizen 1230 2100 Africa 281 2103 Northern Africa 431 2402 Old EU-15 countries 32 2403 New EU countries 9519 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Code 2103 (Northern Africa) includes only citizens of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia; citizens of other African countries are coded in code 2100 (Africa). 2. [fr10] Scope limitation: available only for persons 14 years old and over. ctrybrth country of birth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23787 1100 born in mainland 14420 1200 born in country's territory 982 2000 born outside the country 1004 2100 Africa 524 2103 Northern Africa 496 2402 Old EU-15 countries 72 2403 New EU countries NOTES: 1. [fr10] Code 2103 (Northern Africa) includes only Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia; all the other African countries are coded in code 2100 (Africa). Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yrsresid years since arrived in country 5022 0 88 22.41 17.16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ illness_c hospitalization in the last 12 months -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 33717 0 no 7551 1 yes 17 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Indication that the person was hospitalized in the last 12 months for any reason (including maternity). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ educ highest completed education level (3-category recode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 14660 1 low 10983 2 medium 6103 3 high 9539 . NOTES: 1. [ccyy] Scope limitation: not available for children under 14 years old. educ_c highest diploma obtained -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1375 0 still in education 7579 1 no diploma 2336 2 Certificat d'études primares (CEP) or same level foreign diploma 3370 3 Brevet des collèges, BEPC, brevet élémentaire or same level foreign diploma 6464 4 CAP, CAPA, BEP, BEPA or same level foreign diploma 244 5 Brevet professionnel ou de technicien 1019 6 Baccalauréat professionnel 950 7 Baccalauréat technologique 2306 8 Baccalauréat General, Brevet Supérieur, Capacite en droit, DAEU 460 9 Diplôme des professions sociale et de la santé(BAC+2) 1696 10 Diplôme universitaire de Technologie(DUT), BTS or same level diploma 321 11 1er cycle Diplôme universitaire 1750 12 2e cycle Diplôme universitaire(licence, maitrise) 556 13 Diplôme d'une grande école, école d'ingénieur 1114 14 3e cycle Diplôme universitaire (except doctorat) 206 15 Doctorat 9539 . NOTES: 1. [ccyy] Scope limitation: not available for children under 14 years old. enroll currently enrolled in education -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4781 100 currently enrolled 56 200 currently not enrolled 24846 210 not enrolled, attended in the past 2085 220 not enrolled, never attended 9517 . NOTES: 1. [ccyy] Scope limitation: not available for children under 14 years old. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edcage age when completed education 19559 7 60 19.54 3.74 literate literate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 31705 100 literate 9580 200 illiterate NOTES: 1. [ccyy] Code 200 includes those for whom there was no indication that they are literate (no diploma and no further information). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVITY STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 17365 0 not employed 14403 1 employed 9517 . mainemp mainly employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 17859 0 not mainly employed 13909 1 mainly employed 9517 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Definitional deviation: The mainly employed dummy is based on the main activity status in current period. unemp unemployed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 28394 0 not unemployed 3374 1 unemployed 9517 . retired retired (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 25061 0 not retired 6707 1 retired 9517 . clfs current labour force status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 14403 100 ILO employed 1 210 unemployed 3373 212 other unemployed 1113 220 not in labour force 6546 221 retired, pensioner or rentier 4218 222 in education 2114 223 homemaker 9517 . cmas current main activity status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13909 100 mainly employed 705 200 not mainly employed 6707 210 retired, pensioner or rentier 4619 220 in education 2648 230 homemaker 3180 260 unemployed 9517 . hprod_c home production for self-consumption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23720 0 no home production 7883 1 food & non-alcoholic beverages 14 2 alcoholic beverages 151 3 food & beverages(including alcoholic ones) 9517 . oddjob_c atypical contract, job1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3520 0 no (regular contract: CDI or CDD) 160 1 paid apprenticeship contract; paid stage(Contrat d’apprentissage ou de professionnalisation rémunéré) 98 2 unpaid apprenticeship; unpaid stage(formation ou en stage non rémunéré) 26 3 Interim agency placement 24 4 subsidized jobs(contrat d’accompagnement dans l’emploi, contrat d’avenir, contrat emploi solidarité, SEJE, etc.) 37457 . NOTES: undur: 1. [fr10] Mixed categories: are coded with 24 weeks those unemployed who were looking for a job for less than 1 year and with 48 weeks those unemployed who were looking for a job for a year or more (long term unemployed). Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- undur duration of current unemployment spell 3373 24 48 37.02 11.96 jsearch type of job search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1131 110 search while employed 3373 120 search while not employed 26613 200 not searching 10168 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPLOYMENT INTENSITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ptime part-time in all jobs (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1135 0 full-time 443 1 part-time 39707 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Scope limitation: available only for dependent employees with permanent contract (CDI). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status1 status in employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 12234 100 dependent employed 51 120 non regular employee 241 121 temporary or occasional worker 163 122 apprentice / trainee 218 210 employer 1444 220 own-account worker 49 240 contributing family worker 26885 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Mixed categories: code 210 (employer) includes CEOs (chef d'entreprise salarié). inda1 industry (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 202 1 agriculture 1167 2 industry 3364 3 services 36552 . indb1 industry (9-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 202 1 agriculture, forestry and fishing 805 2 mining and quarrying; manufacturing; utilities 362 3 construction 854 4 wholesale and retail trade, repair; hotels and restaurants 270 5 transport, storage and communications 129 6 financial intermediation 457 7 real estate, renting and business activities 1411 8 public administration; education; health and social work 243 9 other community, social/personal services; activities of households; extra-territorial 36552 . indc1 industry (17-category ISIC 3.1 recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 193 1 A-agriculture, hunting and forestry 9 2 B-fishing 7 3 C-mining and quarrying 717 4 D-manufacturing 81 5 E-electricity, gas and water supply 362 6 F-construction 619 7 G-wholesale and retail trade; repair 235 8 H-hotels and restaurants 270 9 I-transport, storage and communications 129 10 J-financial intermediation 457 11 K-real estate, renting and business activities 553 12 L-public administration and defence; compulsory social security 426 13 M-education 432 14 N-health and social work 234 15 O-other community, social and personal service activities 9 17 Q-extra-territorial organizations and bodies 36552 . ind1_c industry-national classification (nomenclature agrégée, NA),job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1 1000 agriculture, élevage, pêche 188 1110 cultures, élevage, chasse 4 1120 sylviculture, exploitation forestière 9 1200 pêche, aquaculture 1 2120 pétrole, gaz 2 2210 extraction de minerais métalliques 2 2220 autres extractions pierre, sable, sel, etc. 2 2300 soutien à l'extraction exploration, construction et maintenances de puits ou de mines 3 3100 industries agricoles et alimentaires 178 3110 industrie alimentaire sauf boissons 12 3130 fabrication de boissons 9 3200 cokéfaction et raffinage 19 3300 fabrication de produits minéraux non métalliques verre, céramique, pierre, ciment, plâtre 13 3410 fabrication de textiles 6 3420 industrie de l'habillement 6 3430 industrie du cuir et de la chaussure 20 3510 travail du bois et fabrication d'articles en bois et en liège, à l'exception des meubles, vannerie 9 3520 fabrication de meubles 15 3530 industrie du papier et du carton 13 3540 imprimerie, reproduction d'enregistrements vidéo, CD 38 3610 industrie chimique 21 3620 industrie pharmaceutique 39 3630 fabrication de produits en caoutchouc et en plastique 1 3700 métallurgie et travail des métaux 57 3710 métallurgie 50 3720 fabrication des produits métalliques, à l'exception des machines et équipements 23 3810 produits informatiques, électroniques et optiques 18 3820 equipements électriques 30 3830 autres machines et équipements 63 3910 industrie automobile 30 3920 autres matériels de transport construction navale, ferroviaire, aéronautique 18 3930 autres industries manufacturières 26 3940 réparation et installation de machines et d'équipements 66 4100 production et distribution d'électricité, gaz, vapeur, air conditionné 1 4200 production et distribution d'eau, assainissement, gestion des déchets, dépollution 14 4210 captage, traitement et distribution d'eau 5 4220 collecte et traitement des eaux usées 22 4230 collecte, traitement et élimination des déchets récupération 5 4240 dépollution et autres services de gestion des déchets 1 5000 construction 97 5100 construction de bâtiments yc promoteur immobilier 19 5200 génie civil 245 5300 travaux de construction spécialisés préparation de site, installations électriques, finitions 4 6000 commerce; réparation d'automobiles et de motocycles 87 6100 automobiles et motocycles: commerce et réparation 124 6200 commerce de gros sauf autos et motos 404 6300 commerce de détail sauf autos et motos 2 7100 transports 104 7110 transports terrestres et par conduites 12 7120 transports par eau 27 7130 transports aériens 22 7210 entreposage, exploitations d'infrastructures de transport, manutention et organisation du fret 44 7220 activités de poste et de courrier 2 8000 activités financières, d'assurance et immobilières 71 8110 activités des services financiers, hors assurance et caisses de retraite 46 8120 assurance 10 8130 auxiliaires financiers et d'assurances administration de marchés financiers, courtage, gestion de fonds 45 8200 activités immobilières promoteurs exclus 1 9000 activités spécialisées, scientifiques et techniques 21 9100 activités juridiques et comptables 10 9200 activités des sièges sociaux 33 9300 architecture et ingénierie, contrôle et analyses techniques ycautomobile, essais physiques et chimiques 27 9400 recherche-développement scientifique 13 9500 publicités et études de marché 27 9600 autres activités spécialisées, scientifiques et techniques 2 9700 activités vétérinaires 18 10100 edition 15 10200 production de films, vidéos et programmes télévisés, enregistrement sonore et édition musicale 5 10300 programmation et diffusion 51 10400 télécommunications transmission de contenus 70 10500 programmation, conseil et autres services informatiques 4 10600 services d'information portails internet, traitements de données 426 11100 enseignement 2 11200 santé et action sociale 172 11210 santé humaine 50 11220 hébergement médico-social et social 206 11230 action sociale sans hébergement 67 12100 hébergement 168 12200 restauration 2 13000 services administratifs, soutien aux entreprises 10 13100 location et location-bail 21 13200 activités liées à l'emploi 8 13300 agences de voyages, voyagistes, services de réservation 15 13400 enquêtes et sécurité 96 13500 services relatifs aux bâtiments et aménagement paysager 33 13600 activités administratives et autres activités de soutien 553 14000 administration publique et défense, sécurité sociale obligatoire 21 15100 activités créatives, artistiques et de spectacle 12 15200 bibliothèques, archives, musées et autres activités culturelles 9 15300 organisation de jeux de hasard et d'argent 20 15400 activités sportives, récréatives et de loisirs 6 16000 autres services, activités extraterritoriales 3 16100 autres services 48 16110 activités des organisations associatives 6 16120 réparation d'ordinateurs et de biens personnels et domestiques 68 16130 autres services aux particuliers 9 16200 activités extraterritoriales 36552 . sector1 sector of employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10363 100 private sector 2283 211 central government 1754 213 local government 26885 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Mixed categories: codes 211 "central government" and 213 "local government" include as well public sector other than government that are at the respective level, more specifically in code 213 "local government" are included as well social housing sector (HLM) and public hospitals. nemp1_c number of salaried persons employed by self-employed, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 718 1 none 362 2 less than 10 employees 46 3 10 or more employees 40159 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Definitional deviation: it refers to the number of employees employed by a self-employed person. 2. [fr10] Scope limitation: only available for self-employed persons. occa1 occupation (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3183 1 managers and professionals (ISCO 1 & 2) 10009 2 other skilled workers (ISCO 3-8, 10) 1162 3 labourers/elementary (ISCO 9) 26931 . occb1 occupation (10-category ISCO recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1234 1 managers 1949 2 professionals 2235 3 technicians and associate professionals 2724 4 clerical support workers 1607 5 service and sales workers 307 6 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 1316 7 craft and related trades workers 1437 8 plant and machine operators, and assemblers 1162 9 elementary occupations 383 10 armed forces occupations 26931 . NOTES: 1. [fr10] Mixed categories: code 10 includes non-civil employees in Armed Forces and Police which were not reported separately in the original data. occ1_c occupation(nomenclature des Professions etCatégoriesSocioprofessionnelles,PCS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 180 11 agriculteurs sur petite exploitation 36 12 agriculteurs sur moyenne exploitation 91 13 agriculteurs sur grande exploitation 490 21 artisans 414 22 commerçants et assimilés 56 23 chefs d'entreprise de 10 salariés ou plus 190 31 professions libérales 204 33 cadres de la fonction publique 555 34 professeurs, professions scientifiques 120 35 professions de l'information, des arts et des spectacles 560 37 cadres administratifs et commerciaux d'entreprise 479 38 ingénieurs et cadres techniques d'entreprise 600 42 professeurs des écoles, instituteurs et assimilés 739 43 professions intermédiaires de la santé et du travail social 5 44 clergé, religieux 297 45 professions intermédiaires administratives de la fonction publique 906 46 professions intermédiaires administratives et commerciales des entreprises 590 47 techniciens 269 48 contremaîtres, agents de maîtrise 1489 52 employés civils et agents de service de la fonction publique 383 53 policiers et militaires 938 54 employés administratifs d'entreprise 602 55 employés de commerce 1005 56 personnels des services directs aux particuliers 597 62 ouvriers qualifiés de type industriel 826 63 ouvriers qualifiés de type artisanal 356 64 chauffeurs 215 65 ouvriers qualifiés de la manutention, du magasinage et du transport 489 67 ouvriers non qualifiés de type industriel 515 68 ouvriers non qualifiés de type artisanal 158 69 ouvriers agricoles 26931 . superv1 level of supervisory influence over others, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3934 100 supervises 1151 110 influence over pay and promotions 8788 200 does not supervise 27412 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ everwork ever worked in job or business (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6423 0 never worked 24694 1 ever worked in job or business 10168 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: pmile: 1. [fr10] Definitional deviation: sickness, maternity and work injuries are included in labour income. pmils: 1. [fr10] Definitional deviation: sickness and maternity are included in self-employment income. pmitsil: 1. [fr10] Mixed categories: includes also universal veterans pensions (pension de ancien combattant ou victime de guerre). pmitsisun: 1. [fr10] Definitional deviation: early retirement schemes are included as well. 2. [fr10] Mixed categories: includes also unemployment assistance: temporary waiting allowance (allocation temporaire d'attente, ATA). Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pi total income, person 41285 -57140 1776853 11074.2 18655.8 pmi total income, person, monetary 41285 -57140 1776853 11074.2 18655.8 pil labour income, person 41285 -57140 1776790 7811.19 17838.2 pmil labour income, person, monetary 41285 -57140 1776790 7811.19 17838.2 pile paid employment income, person 41285 0 349000 7140.72 13866.7 pmile paid employment income, person, monetary 41285 0 349000 7140.72 13866.7 pils self-employment income, person 41285 -57140 1776790 670.47 11495.9 pmils self-employment income, person, monetary 41285 -57140 1776790 670.47 11495.9 pic capital income, person 41285 0 29298 188.13 855.75 pmic capital income, person, monetary 41285 0 29298 188.13 855.75 pit transfer income, person 41285 0 128480 3074.91 7677.48 pmit transfer income, person, monetary 41285 0 128480 3074.91 7677.48 pits social security transfers, person 41285 0 128480 3074.91 7677.48 pmits social security transfers, person, monetary 41285 0 128480 3074.91 7677.48 pitsi work-related insurance transfers, person 41285 0 128480 3074.91 7677.48 pmitsi work-related insurance transfers, person, monetary 41285 0 128480 3074.91 7677.48 pitsil long-term insurance transfers, person 41285 0 128480 2725.74 7489.44 pmitsil long-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 41285 0 128480 2725.74 7489.44 pitsis short-term insurance transfers, person 41285 0 110710 349.18 2059.21 pmitsis short-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 41285 0 110710 349.18 2059.21 pitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person 41285 0 110710 349.18 2059.21 pmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person, monetary 41285 0 110710 349.18 2059.21 piatune unemployment transfers, person 41285 0 110710 349.18 2059.21 pmiatune unemployment transfers, person, monetary 41285 0 110710 349.18 2059.21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ppension individual total pension income 41285 0 128480 2725.74 7489.44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 41285 978 EUR - Euro Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 41285 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 41285 320 mixed, total income does not account for full taxes and contributions NOTES: 1. [fr10] The French data were received net of contributions and gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year.