LIS - France 2005 : household file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 DATASET NOTES: 1. [fr05] The French data were received net of contributions and gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 10240 1 10240 5120.5 2956.18 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 10240 220 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 10240 "fr05" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 10240 "France" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 10240 "fr" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 10240 2005 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10240 6 Wave VI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hwgt household weight (normalised) 10240 0.35 3.83 0.98 0.34 hpopwgt household weight (inflated) 10240 882 9550 2433.44 847.76 svyunit survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10240 1 household npers number of persons in survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2717 1 1 person 3499 2 2 persons 1607 3 3 persons 1552 4 4 persons 654 5 5 persons 165 6 6 persons 26 7 7 persons 10 8 8 persons 6 9 9 persons 1 10 10 persons 2 11 11 persons 1 12 12 persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ region_c Region, NUTS1 classification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1803 1 Région parisienne 1852 2 Bassin parisien 665 3 Nord 971 4 Est 1544 5 Ouest 1098 6 Sud-ouest 1108 7 Centre-est 1199 8 Méditerranée rural rural area (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7647 0 not rural area 2593 1 rural area NOTES: 1. [fr05] variable constructed from locsz_c; locsz_c population size of the locality of residence -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2593 1 rural communes 1744 2 urban communes < 20,000 inhabitants 1339 3 urban communes 20 000-100 000 inhabitants 2937 4 urban communes > 100 000 inhabitants 1627 5 Paris ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DWELLING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ own owned/rented housing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3627 110 owned outright 2519 120 owned with mortgage 3575 210 rented 519 220 free housing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FARMING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hhtype household composition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2717 100 one person household 2896 210 couple without children 3216 220 couple with children 793 230 one parent with children 123 310 couple without children and relatives 208 320 couple with children and relatives 42 330 one parent with children and relatives 181 400 relatives living together (no family nucleus) 9 510 couple without children and nonrelatives 16 520 couple with children and nonrelatives 1 620 couple with children and relatives and nonrelatives 2 700 relatives and nonrelatives living together (no family nucleus) 36 800 nonrelatives living together hpartner head living with partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1224 100 head living with partner 5245 110 married couple 3771 200 head not living with partner nhhmem number of household members -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2717 1 1 hh member 3499 2 2 hh members 1607 3 3 hh members 1552 4 4 hh members 654 5 5 hh members 165 6 6 hh members 26 7 7 hh members 10 8 8 hh members 6 9 9 hh members 1 10 10 hh members 2 11 11 hh members 1 12 12 hh members nhhmem65 number of household members 65 or older -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7704 0 no hh members 65 or older 1520 1 1 hh member 65 or older 1008 2 2 hh members 65 or older 8 3 3 hh members 65 or older nhhmem17 number of household members 17 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6690 0 no hh members 17 or younger 1538 1 1 hh member 17 or younger 1387 2 2 hh member 17 or younger 514 3 3 hh member 17 or younger 91 4 4 hh member 17 or younger 14 5 5 hh member 17 or younger 4 6 6 hh member 17 or younger 2 7 7 hh member 17 or younger nhhmem13 number of household members 13 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7323 0 no hh members 13 or younger 1425 1 1 hh member 13 or younger 1084 2 2 hh member 13 or younger 345 3 3 hh member 13 or younger 54 4 4 hh member 13 or younger 9 5 5 hh member 13 or younger nhhmem5 number of household members 5 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8654 0 no hh members 5 or younger 1129 1 1 hh member 5 or younger 419 2 2 hh member 5 or younger 36 3 3 hh member 5 or younger 2 4 4 hh member 5 or younger Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageymem age of youngest household member 10240 0 99 35.49 26.46 nearn number of household members with labour income -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3102 0 no hh members with labour income 3272 1 1 hh member with labour income 3328 2 2 hh members with labour income 442 3 3 hh members with labour income 91 4 4 hh members with labour income 4 5 5 hh members with labour income 1 6 6 hh members with labour income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: hmiatsic: 1. [fr05] includes also maternity and and short term work injury payments. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi total income, household 10240 -1113 688617 32622.9 24926.9 hmi total income, household, monetary 10240 -1113 688617 32394.2 24901 hni total income, household, non-monetary 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hil labour income, household 10240 0 5e+05 20980.8 23773.3 hmil labour income, household, monetary 10240 0 5e+05 20752 23781.2 hnil labour income, household, non-monetary 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hile paid employment income, household 10240 0 341249 19035 21597.8 hmile paid employment income, household, monetary 10240 0 341249 19035 21597.8 hils self-employment income, household 10240 0 5e+05 1945.78 11314.2 hmils self-employment income, household, monetary 10240 0 5e+05 1717.02 11257.5 hnils self-employment income, household, non-monetary 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hilsf farm self-employment income, household 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hnilsf farm self-employment income, household, non-monetary 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hic capital income, household 10240 -47313 343340 1553.26 6480.78 hmic capital income, household , monetary 10240 -47313 343340 1553.26 6480.78 hicid interest and dividends, household 10240 0 343340 1042.61 4977.17 hmicid interest and dividends, household, monetary 10240 0 343340 1042.61 4977.17 hicvip voluntary individual pensions, household 10240 0 30000 14.4 470.94 hmicvip voluntary individual pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 30000 14.4 470.94 hicren rental income, household 10208 0 153000 513.27 3537.81 hmicren rental income, household, monetary 10208 0 153000 513.27 3537.81 hit transfer income, household 10240 0 555830 9990.77 13987.2 hmit transfer income, household, monetary 10240 0 555830 9990.77 13987.2 hits social security transfers, household 10240 0 555830 9756.14 14009.8 hmits social security transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 555830 9756.14 14009.8 hitsi work-related insurance transfers, household 10240 0 555830 8286.09 13958.4 hmitsi work-related insurance transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 555830 8286.09 13958.4 hitsil long-term insurance transfers, household 10240 0 555830 7118.7 13968.6 hmitsil long-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 555830 7118.7 13968.6 hitsilo ccupational pensions, household 10240 0 550000 1493.02 7489.57 hmitsilo occupational pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 550000 1493.02 7489.57 hitsilep employment-related public pensions, household 10240 0 115678 5625.68 10229.6 hmitsilep employment-related public pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 115678 5625.68 10229.6 hitsilepo old-age insurance public pensions, household 10240 0 115678 4950.1 9844.16 hmitsilepo old-age insurance public pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 115678 4950.1 9844.16 hitsilepd disability insurance public pensions, household 10240 0 53969 214.95 1521.73 hmitsilepd disability insurance public pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 53969 214.95 1521.73 hitsileps survivors insurance public pensions, household 10240 0 64260 460.64 2239.78 hmitsileps survivors insurance public pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 64260 460.64 2239.78 hitsis short-term insurance transfers, household 10240 0 76680 1167.39 3493.28 hmitsis short-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 76680 1167.39 3493.28 hitsissi sickness wage replacement, household 10240 0 51216 184.99 1460.43 hmitsissi sickness wage replacement, household, monetary 10240 0 51216 184.99 1460.43 hitsisma maternity/parental wage replacement, household 10240 0 17123 233.99 914.47 hmitsisma maternity/parental wage replacement, household, monetary 10240 0 17123 233.99 914.47 hitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household 10240 0 76680 748.41 2991.52 hmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household, monetary 10240 0 76680 748.41 2991.52 hitsu universal benefits, household 10240 0 31100 661.44 1691.67 hmitsu universal benefits, household, monetary 10240 0 31100 661.44 1691.67 hitsufa family/child universal benefits, household 10240 0 31100 661.44 1691.67 hmitsufa family/child universal benefits, household, monetary 10240 0 31100 661.44 1691.67 hitsufaca child allowances, household 10240 0 31100 601.01 1604.1 hmitsufaca child allowances, household, monetary 10240 0 31100 601.01 1604.1 hitsufaam advance maintenance, household 10240 0 9792 17.95 196.1 hmitsufaam advance maintenance, household, monetary 10240 0 9792 17.95 196.1 hitsa assistance benefits, household 10240 0 240567 773.77 3181.35 hmitsa assistance benefits, household, monetary 10240 0 240567 773.77 3181.35 hitsagen general social assistance, household 10240 0 18048 121.13 825.04 hmitsagen general social assistance, household, monetary 10240 0 18048 121.13 825.04 hitsap old-age/disability/survivors assistance pensions, household 10240 0 240567 175.8 2641.9 hmitsap old-age/disability/survivors assistance pensions, household, monetary 10240 0 240567 175.8 2641.9 hitsaun unemployment assistance, household 10240 0 6660 4.63 150.42 hmitsaun unemployment assistance, household, monetary 10240 0 6660 4.63 150.42 hitsafa family/maternity/child assistance, household 10240 0 10800 21.88 314 hmitsafa family/maternity/child assistance, household, monetary 10240 0 10800 21.88 314 hitsaed education assistance, household 10240 0 14148 68.93 519.58 hmitsaed education assistance, household, monetary 10240 0 14148 68.93 519.58 hitsaho housing assistance, household 10240 0 9600 381.4 984.29 hmitsaho housing assistance, household, monetary 10240 0 9600 381.4 984.29 hitp private transfers, household 10240 0 37536 234.62 1358.9 hmitp private transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 37536 234.62 1358.9 hitpih inter-household transfers, household 10240 0 37536 234.62 1358.9 hmitpih inter-household transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 37536 234.62 1358.9 hitpiha alimony/child support, household 10240 0 30336 92.27 790.74 hmitpiha alimony/child support, household, monetary 10240 0 30336 92.27 790.74 hitpihft other family transfers, household 10240 0 30000 142.36 1084.19 hmitpihft other family transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 30000 142.36 1084.19 hiatold old-age transfers, household 10240 0 555830 6577.11 13704.4 hmiatold old-age transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 555830 6577.11 13704.4 hiatdis disability transfers, household 10240 0 240567 256.76 2857.54 hmiatdis disability transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 240567 256.76 2857.54 hiatsur survivors transfers, household 10240 0 64260 460.64 2239.78 hmiatsur survivors transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 64260 460.64 2239.78 hiatsic sickness transfers, household 10240 0 51216 184.99 1460.43 hmiatsic sickness transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 51216 184.99 1460.43 hiatfam family/children transfers, household 10240 0 31832 917.32 2169.15 hmiatfam family/children transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 31832 917.32 2169.15 hiatedu education transfers, household 10240 0 14148 68.93 519.58 hmiatedu education transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 14148 68.93 519.58 hiatune unemployment transfers, household 10240 0 76680 753.04 2998.51 hmiatune unemployment transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 76680 753.04 2998.51 hiathou housing transfers, household 10240 0 9600 381.4 984.29 hmiathou housing transfers, household, monetary 10240 0 9600 381.4 984.29 hiatvet war victim/veterans benefits, household 10240 0 14047 34.84 354.63 hmiatvet war victim/veterans benefits, household, monetary 10240 0 14047 34.84 354.63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hwc windfall capital income, household 10240 0 104000 132.31 2009.02 hmwc windfall capital income, household, monetary 10240 0 104000 132.31 2009.02 hwcg capital gains, household 10240 0 104000 132.31 2009.02 hmwcg capital gains, household, monetary 10240 0 104000 132.31 2009.02 hwt windfall transfer income, household 10240 0 5e+05 1744.89 12182.3 hmwt windfall transfer income, household, monetary 10240 0 5e+05 1744.89 12182.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: hmxit: 1. [fr05] Definitional deviation: the French data were received net of contributions, therefore hmxit is underestimated. hmxiti: 1. [fr05] The French data were received gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hxit income taxes and social contributions, household 10240 -12543 392821 1720.39 6007.89 hmxit income taxes and social contributions, household, monetary 10240 -12543 392821 1720.39 6007.89 hxiti income taxes, household 10240 -12543 392821 1720.39 6007.89 hmxiti income taxes, household, monetary 10240 -12543 392821 1720.39 6007.89 hxot other taxes, household 10240 0 234520 854.43 2596.47 hmxot other taxes, household, monetary 10240 0 234520 854.43 2596.47 hxotp property taxes, household 10240 0 15884 768.83 904.45 hmxotp property taxes, household, monetary 10240 0 15884 768.83 904.45 hxotd other direct taxes, household 10240 0 234000 85.6 2429.92 hmxotd other direct taxes, household, monetary 10240 0 234000 85.6 2429.92 hxih inter-household transfers paid, household 10240 0 180000 391 2730.52 hmxih inter-household transfers paid, household, monetary 10240 0 180000 391 2730.52 hxiha alimony/child support paid, household 10240 0 180000 118.36 1967.49 hmxiha alimony/child support paid, household, monetary 10240 0 180000 118.36 1967.49 hxihft other family transfers paid, household 10240 0 93000 272.64 1904.22 hmxihft other family transfers paid, household, monetary 10240 0 93000 272.64 1904.22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSUMPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hc total consumption, household 10240 1299 332087 28747 18746.4 hmc total consumption, household, monetary 10240 -4754 323431 24797.9 18191.9 hcfood food and non-alcoholic beverages, household 10240 0 28661 4314.12 2772.55 hmcfood food and non-alcoholic beverages, household, monetary 10240 0 28661 4314.12 2772.55 hcalco alcohol and tobacco, household 10240 0 38043 727.87 1348.95 hmcalco alcohol and tobacco, household, monetary 10240 0 38043 727.87 1348.95 hcapp clothing and footwear, household 10240 0 79558 2334.59 3213.06 hmcapp clothing and footwear, household, monetary 10240 0 79558 2334.59 3213.06 hchous housing and utilities, household 10240 759 69360 8442.39 3885.94 hmchous housing and utilities, household, monetary 10240 0 69360 4493.23 3801.28 hnchous housing and utilities, household, non-monetary 10240 0 20551 3949.16 3317.41 hchousi imputed rent, household 10240 0 20551 3949.16 3317.41 hnchousi imputed rent, household, non-monetary 10240 0 20551 3949.16 3317.41 hcequip housing equipment, household 10240 0 71054 2202.09 3786.25 hmcequip housing equipment, household, monetary 10240 0 71054 2202.09 3786.25 hcmed health, household 10240 0 55170 1036.85 2584.1 hmcmed health, household, monetary 10240 0 55170 1036.85 2584.1 hctran transport, household 10240 0 83170 3707.53 5699.7 hmctran transport, household, monetary 10240 0 83170 3707.53 5699.7 hccomm communication, household 10240 -1 19720 1042.97 1094.48 hmccomm communication, household, monetary 10240 -1 19720 1042.97 1094.48 hccult recreation and culture, household 10240 0 112139 3417.49 4230.92 hmccult recreation and culture, household, monetary 10240 0 112139 3417.49 4230.92 hceduc education, household 10240 0 124619 220.39 1706.44 hmceduc education, household, monetary 10240 0 124619 220.39 1706.44 hcresto restaurants and hotels, household 10240 0 92501 1633.41 3139.44 hmcresto restaurants and hotels, household, monetary 10240 0 92501 1633.41 3139.44 hcmisc miscellaneous goods and services, household 10240 0 283969 3616.58 5318.54 hmcmisc miscellaneous goods and services, household, monetary 10240 0 283969 3616.58 5318.54 hcbown home production for own use, household 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hncbown home production for own use, household, non-monetary 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hcbowng goods produced for own consumption, household 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 hncbowng goods produced for own consumption, household, non-monetary 10240 0 18981 228.76 858.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- htol outflows from loans, household 10240 0 4e+05 2379.3 6271.68 hmtol outflows from loans, household, monetary 10240 0 4e+05 2379.3 6271.68 htolm mortgage repayments, household 10240 0 4e+05 2379.3 6271.68 hmtolm mortgage repayments, household, monetary 10240 0 4e+05 2379.3 6271.68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dhi disposable household income 10240 -29469 561094 30902.5 21604 dpi cash disposable household income 10240 -29469 561094 30673.8 21571.3 factor factor income 10240 -10456 572884 22534 25346.7 socred social security redistribution 10240 0 555830 9756.14 14009.8 privred private redistribution 10240 0 37536 234.62 1358.9 pension total pension income 10240 0 555830 7343.75 14286 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10240 978 EUR - Euro Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 10240 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10240 320 mixed, total income does not account for full taxes and contributions NOTES: 1. [fr05]The French data were received net of contributions and gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year.