LIS - France 2000 : person file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 DATASET NOTES: 1. [fr00] The French data were received net of contributions and gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 25803 1 10305 5103.25 2948.39 pid person identifier 25803 1 11 2.11 1.23 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 25803 169 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 25803 "fr00" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 25803 "France" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 25803 "fr" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 25803 2000 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 25803 5 Wave V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwgt person weight (normalised) 25803 0.13 1.72 0.39 0.16 ppopwgt person weight (inflated) 25803 761 10221 2304.01 923.52 hhmem household member (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 55 0 not household member 25748 1 household member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relation relationship to household head -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10305 1000 head 6734 2000 spouse/partner 8343 3000 child 123 4100 other relative 62 4120 grandchild or greatgrandchild (incl in-laws) 133 4130 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt (incl in-laws) 48 4200 other non-relative 4 4220 domestic employee and his/her family 51 4230 guest/visitor/boarder/lodg er partner partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 31 100 has partner 13485 110 living with partner 116 120 not living with partner 12118 200 does not have partner 53 . parents living with parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1213 110 living with one parent 7130 120 living with two parents 17460 . children living with own children -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2757 110 living with own children aged 0-5 2178 120 living with own children 6-12 1414 130 living with own children 13-17 1893 140 living with own children 18+ 8797 200 not living with own children 8764 . nchildren number of own children living in household -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8797 0 not living with own children 3256 1 living with 1 own child 3311 2 living with 2 own children 1275 3 living with 3 own children 289 4 living with 4 own children 73 5 living with 5 own children 25 6 living with 6 own children 7 7 living with 7 own children 4 8 living with 8 own children 2 9 living with 9 own children 8764 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageyoch age of youngest own child living in household 8242 0 69 11.34 9.52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMOGRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- age age in years 25803 0 100 37.55 22.48 sex gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 12498 1 male 13305 2 female marital marital status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11509 110 married 6600 210 never married/not in union 1225 222 divorced 1330 223 widowed 5139 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] Mixed categories: code 110 (married) also includes separated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMIGRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ immigr immigrant (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23568 0 not immigrant 2234 1 immigrant 1 . citizen citizenship -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 19105 1000 citizen of the country of the survey 702 1300 naturalized citizen 6 2117 Madagascar 2 2119 Mauritius 3 2142 Cameroon 1 2143 Central African Republic 4 2145 Congo 4 2146 Democratic Republic of the Congo(formerly Zaire) 1 2148 Gabon 139 2161 Algeria 1 2162 Egypt 137 2164 Morocco 35 2166 Tunisia 2 2181 Benin 1 2182 Burkina Faso 4 2184 Cote d'Ivoire 4 2187 Guinea 6 2191 Mali 6 2195 Senegal 3 2203 South America 1 2261 Argentina 1 2263 Brazil 1 2264 Chile 2 2281 Canada 4 2283 United States of America 2 2300 Asia 2 2321 China 5 2335 Iran(Islamic Republic of) 4 2338 Pakistan 2 2339 Sri Lanka 2 2352 Cambodia 1 2354 Lao People's Democratic Republic 6 2362 Viet Nam 1 2377 Israel 5 2381 Lebanon 1 2386 Syrian Arab Republic 46 2387 Turkey 6 2400 Europe 1 2413 Czech Republic 2 2414 Hungary 17 2415 Poland 7 2417 Romania 2 2418 Russian Federation 1 2421 Ukraine 1 2436 Finland 1 2445 Norway 1 2447 Sweden 19 2448 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2 2454 Croatia 3 2455 Greece 66 2457 Italy 159 2462 Portugal 47 2466 Spain 8 2469 Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (ceased to exist 1992) 1 2481 Austria 22 2482 Belgium 18 2484 Germany 2 2486 Luxembourg 7 2488 Netherlands 8 2489 Switzerland 1 2500 Oceania 1 2511 Australia 8 2913 Middle East 5140 . ctrybrth country of birth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23620 1100 born in mainland 110 1200 born in country's territory 12 2107 Middle, Eastern, Western and Southern Africa 29 2117 Madagascar 3 2119 Mauritius 24 2142 Cameroon 3 2143 Central African Republic 2 2144 Chad 12 2145 Congo 6 2146 Democratic Republic of the Congo(formerly Zaire) 2 2148 Gabon 476 2161 Algeria 2 2162 Egypt 272 2164 Morocco 110 2166 Tunisia 1 2174 South Africa 5 2181 Benin 3 2182 Burkina Faso 14 2184 Cote d'Ivoire 6 2187 Guinea 9 2191 Mali 2 2192 Mauritania 1 2193 Niger 24 2195 Senegal 6 2198 Togo 1 2202 Central America 6 2203 South America 2 2221 Haiti 4 2246 Mexico 5 2261 Argentina 4 2263 Brazil 2 2264 Chile 4 2265 Colombia 2 2281 Canada 16 2283 United States of America 5 2300 Asia 5 2321 China 1 2325 Japan 5 2327 Republic of Korea 7 2334 India 7 2335 Iran(Islamic Republic of) 8 2338 Pakistan 3 2339 Sri Lanka 14 2352 Cambodia 12 2354 Lao People's Democratic Republic 3 2357 Philippines 41 2362 Viet Nam 2 2377 Israel 16 2381 Lebanon 4 2386 Syrian Arab Republic 61 2387 Turkey 15 2400 Europe 2 2404 BE-NL-LUX 1 2412 Bulgaria 4 2413 Czech Republic 3 2414 Hungary 36 2415 Poland 11 2417 Romania 3 2418 Russian Federation 2 2419 Slovakia 3 2421 Ukraine 1 2433 Denmark 2 2436 Finland 1 2445 Norway 3 2447 Sweden 29 2448 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4 2453 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 2454 Croatia 2 2455 Greece 152 2457 Italy 216 2462 Portugal 125 2466 Spain 13 2469 Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (ceased to exist 1992) 4 2481 Austria 41 2482 Belgium 81 2484 Germany 6 2486 Luxembourg 11 2488 Netherlands 17 2489 Switzerland 3 2500 Oceania 1 2511 Australia 13 2913 Middle East 1 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] code 2400 includes only other western european countries nec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ disabled disabled (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 19311 0 not disabled 986 1 disabled 5506 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] disabled refers to those who receives disability benefits disabl_c disability status based on disability benefits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 19311 0 does not receive disability benefits 986 1 receives disability benifits 5506 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] The variable is set to 1 for all persons who have received any of the following transfers during the last 12 months:- invalidity pension (pension d'invalidité)- work injury pension (rente pour accident de travail)- war veteran pension (pension d'ancien combattant)- allowance for elderly dependent persons (aide aux personnes agées dependantes)- supplement for constant care (majoration tierce personne) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ educ highest completed education level (3-category recode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 9058 1 low 7532 2 medium 4073 3 high 5140 . educ_c highest diploma obtained -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3791 1 no diploma 2870 2 Certificat d'études primare(CEP),DFEO 2183 3 Brevet des Collèges, BEPC 144 4 Brevet Elémentaire (BE), BEPS 70 5 1° part Baccalauréat, CFES 62 6 Certificat éducation professionnel 1840 7 CAP/CAPA, BEP/BEPA obtain in apprenticeship 1549 8 CAP/CAPA 1072 9 BEP/BEPA 434 10 other diplomas at level CAP or BEP 429 11 Brevet or BAC de Technicien (series F,G,H) 335 12 Baccalauréat professionnel 1569 13 Baccalauréat General (series A a E) 102 14 other diplomas at level BAC de technicien 51 15 Brevet Supérieur (BS) 89 16 BEA, BEC, BEH, BEI, BES, brevet d'agent technique agricole 293 17 1°cycle Diplôme universitaire: DUEL, DUES, DEUG, PCEM, propedeutique 1020 18 Diplôme universitaire de Technologie(DUT), BTS 136 19 Diplôme de niveau technicien supérieur 385 20 Diplôme des professions de la santé et des professions sociale (except médecin) 168 21 Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique CEFN 960 22 2°cycle Diplôme universitaire(licence, maitrise) 285 23 Diplôme d'une Grande Ecole, Ecole ingénieur, d'avocat, DECS, CAPA 826 24 3°cycle Diplôme universitaire(DES, DEA, doctorat, CAPES, CAPET) 5140 . enroll currently enrolled in education -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2600 100 currently enrolled 18063 200 currently not enrolled 5140 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 15+ enrlev_c country-specific education level currently enrolled in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3 102 primary education 254 115 enrolled in first stage of secondary education 786 117 enrolled in second stage of secondary education 315 120 enrolled in short-term technical or professional education 201 130 enrolled in long-term technical or professional education 637 140 enrolled in second stage of tertiary education 204 149 enrolled in second stage of tertiary education 200 199 enrolled in education after a long-term break 18063 200 not enrolled in education 5140 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVITY STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10001 0 not employed 10663 1 employed 5139 . mainemp mainly employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10260 0 not mainly employed 10404 1 mainly employed 5139 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] Definitional deviation: The mainly employed dummy is based on the main activity status in current period. unemp unemployed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 19526 0 not unemployed 1138 1 unemployed 5139 . retired retired (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 15273 0 not retired 4475 1 retired 6055 . clfs current labour force status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 245 100 ILO employed 10227 110 employed, at work 191 120 employed, not at work 1138 210 unemployed 722 220 not in labour force 4475 221 retired, pensioner or rentier 2265 222 in education 1388 223 homemaker 13 225 in military or civil service 5139 . cmas current main activity status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10404 100 mainly employed 916 200 not mainly employed 4475 211 retired from job or business 2265 220 in education 1453 230 homemaker 13 250 in military or civil service 1138 260 unemployed 5139 . milit in military/conscript service (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 19018 0 not in military/conscript service 13 1 in military/conscript service 6772 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] This includes only conscript service. The regular service could not be identified in the data. jsearch type of job search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 16891 100 searching 8912 . leave type of long-term leave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 194 1000 on leave from employment 10404 2000 not on leave 15205 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPLOYMENT INTENSITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fyft full-year full-time (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11947 0 not full-year, full-time worker 7168 1 worked full-year, full-time last year 6688 . ptime part-time in all jobs (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7925 0 full-time 1567 1 part-time 16311 . NOTES: hours: 1. [fr00] hours refer to dependent employment jobs only. weeks: 1. [fr00] Definitional deviation: refers to number of months in which the person received any income from salaried work or self-employment; months were converted into weeks. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hours weekly hours worked, any information 9492 1 80 37.32 10 hoursd weekly hours worked in all dependent jobs 9492 1 80 37.32 10 weeks annual weeks worked, any information 20040 0 52 27.05 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status1 status in employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8150 110 regular employee 1135 121 temporary or occasional worker 158 122 apprentice / trainee 446 210 employer 644 220 own-account worker 114 240 contributing family worker 15156 . sector1 sector of employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7623 100 private sector 1625 211 central government 1005 213 local government 410 220 public sector other than government 15140 . nemp1 number of persons in local unit (recode), job 1 NOTES: 1. [fr00] information about number of persons in local unit exists in nemp1_c nemp1_c number of salaried persons employed by self-employed, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 719 1 none 250 2 1-2 employees 165 3 3-9 employees 65 4 10-99 employees 2 5 100-999 employees 3 6 1000 or more employees 24599 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] Definitional deviation: it refers to the number of employees employed by a self-employed person. 2. [fr00] Scope limitation: only available for self-employed persons. occa1 occupation (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2251 1 managers and professionals (ISCO 1 & 2) 7510 2 other skilled workers (ISCO 3-8, 10) 900 3 labourers/elementary (ISCO 9) 15142 . occb1 occupation (10-category ISCO recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 902 1 managers 1349 2 professionals 1608 3 technicians and associate professionals 2067 4 clerical support workers 993 5 service and sales workers 341 6 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 877 7 craft and related trades workers 1444 8 plant and machine operators, and assemblers 900 9 elementary occupations 180 10 armed forces occupations 15142 . NOTES: 1. [fr00] Mixed categories: Code 10 includes non-civil employees in Armed Forces and Police which were not reported separately in the original data. occ1_c Nomenclature des Professions et CatégoriesSocioprofessionnelles,PCS), job1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3 10 farmers, no indication of size of farm 59 11 farmers, small farm 66 12 farmers, medium-sized farm 213 13 farmers, large farm 280 21 craftsmen 261 22 trades men and associate prof 54 23 manager over ten employees or more 158 31 liberal professions 180 33 executives in public services 374 34 teachers , science prof 92 35 writing and performing artists and entertainment 407 37 executives in administrative and trade enterprises 347 38 executives engineers and technicians 361 42 primary education teachers and associate prof 445 43 healthcare and social workers 17 44 religious professionals 212 45 administrative civil servants 679 46 administrative and trade professional in enterprises 484 47 technicians 335 48 foremen , supervisors 1038 52 clercs in civil service 180 53 police officers and armed forces 817 54 clercs in enterprises 345 55 shop and sales persons 648 56 personal service workers 739 62 skilled industry workers 597 63 skilled crafts workers 220 64 drivers 150 65 skilled workers in handling storing and transport 575 67 labourers in industrial manufacturing 236 68 unskilled crafts workers 89 69 agricultural labourers 1 84 student 15141 . superv1 level of supervisory influence over others, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2 100 supervises 25801 . perm1 permanent employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8150 100 permanent employment 1309 210 short-term employment 16344 . ptime1 part-time employment (dummy), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7026 0 full-time 1124 1 part-time 17653 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pi total income, person 25803 0 2880000 67447.7 87242.1 pmi total income, person, monetary 25803 0 2880000 67447.7 87242.1 pil labour income, person 25803 0 1770000 48853.5 82709.4 pmil labour income, person, monetary 25803 0 1770000 48853.5 82709.4 pile paid employment income, person 25803 0 1372897 43689.6 73071.7 pmile paid employment income, person, monetary 25803 0 1372897 43689.6 73071.7 pils self-employment income, person 25803 0 1476433 5163.95 40481.9 pmils self-employment income, person, monetary 25803 0 1476433 5163.95 40481.9 pit transfer income, person 25803 0 2880000 18594.2 48178.5 pmit transfer income, person, monetary 25803 0 2880000 18594.2 48178.5 pits social security transfers, person 25803 0 2880000 18594.2 48178.5 pmits social security transfers, person, monetary 25803 0 2880000 18594.2 48178.5 pitsis short-term insurance transfers, person 25803 0 365094 1938.51 10922.6 pmitsis short-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 25803 0 365094 1938.51 10922.6 pitsissi sickness wage replacement, person 25803 0 128000 382.79 3978.48 pmitsissi sickness wage replacement, person, monetary 25803 0 128000 382.79 3978.48 pitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person 25803 0 365094 1555.72 10144 pmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person, monetary 25803 0 365094 1555.72 10144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ppension individual total pension income 25803 0 2880000 16655.7 47299.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 25803 250 FRF - French Franc (historic) Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 25803 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 25803 320 mixed, total income does not account for full taxes and contributions NOTES: 1. [fr00]The French data were received net of contributions and gross of income taxes which are paid in France at the end of the fiscal year. However, we had information on the income taxes paid for the previous fiscal year that were used as a proxy for the income taxes for the income reference year.