LIS - Finland 1987 : person file Codebook generated: 2015-09-27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 34093 1 11863 5966.28 3420.39 pid person identifier 34093 1 15 2.27 1.3 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 34093 49 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 34093 "fi87" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 34093 "Finland" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 34093 "fi" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 34093 1987 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 34093 2 Wave II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwgt person weight (normalised) 34093 0.04 2.57 0.29 0.23 ppopwgt person weight (inflated) 34093 17.94 1256.44 143.13 110.65 hhmem household member (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 34093 1 household member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relation relationship to household head -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11863 1000 head 8673 2000 spouse/partner 11353 3000 child 288 4000 other 51 4110 spouse/partner of child 98 4120 grandchild or greatgrandchild (incl in-laws) 1081 4131 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt 359 4140 siblings (incl in-laws) 327 . partner partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 780 100 has partner 17346 110 living with partner 126 120 not living with partner 15511 200 does not have partner 330 . parents living with parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 801 110 living with one parent 10552 120 living with two parents 22740 . children living with own children -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5407 110 living with own children aged 0-5 2162 120 living with own children 6-12 2504 130 living with own children 13-17 2000 140 living with own children 18+ 8463 200 not living with own children 13557 . nchildren number of own children living in household -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8463 0 not living with own children 4844 1 living with 1 own child 5011 2 living with 2 own children 1923 3 living with 3 own children 219 4 living with 4 own children 62 5 living with 5 own children 14 6 living with 6 own children 13557 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageyoch age of youngest own child living in household 12073 0 70 9.94 8.27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMOGRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: age: 1. [fi87] original data provided in intervals; values given are the lowest value of the interval Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- age age in years 33766 0 90 33.53 20.81 sex gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 17057 1 male 16709 2 female 327 . marital marital status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 16691 110 married 366 120 in consensual union 7699 210 never married/not in union 164 221 separated 934 222 divorced 1310 223 widowed 6929 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMIGRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ethnic_c registered language spoken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 25295 1 finnish speaking 1808 2 swedish speaking 6990 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ disabled disabled (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23347 0 not disabled 3821 1 disabled 6925 . disabl_c disability status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23347 0 not disabled 3821 1 disabled 6925 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ educ highest completed education level (3-category recode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13871 1 low 10379 2 medium 2918 3 high 6925 . NOTES: 1. [fi87] the medium and high levels are not consistent with those of 1995-2005 educ_c highest grade/level of education completed, in years, intervalled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13871 0 no educ/unknown/<9 yrs 6113 3 10-11 years 4266 4 12 years 1114 5 13-14 years 513 6 15 years 1164 7 16 years 127 8 post-graduate educ 6925 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVITY STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8653 0 not employed 17286 1 employed 8154 . unemp unemployed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 25528 0 not unemployed 411 1 unemployed 8154 . retired retired (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 20757 0 not retired 5182 1 retired 8154 . NOTES: 1. [fi87] Definitional deviation: The retired dummy is based on the labour force status in current period. clfs current labour force status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 17286 100 ILO employed 411 210 unemployed 5182 221 retired, pensioner or rentier 2409 222 in education 651 223 homemaker 8154 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- weeksue weeks unemployed last year 27168 0 52 1.19 6.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPLOYMENT INTENSITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fyft full-year full-time (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 17527 0 not full-year, full-time worker 9641 1 worked full-year, full-time last year 6925 . NOTES: weeks: 1. [fi87] in cases where a person held simultaneous jobs, the number of weeks reported here might be overestimated. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- weeks annual weeks worked, any information 27168 0 52 23.25 24.27 weeksft annual weeks worked full-time in all jobs 27168 0 52 21.73 24.22 weekspt annual weeks worked part-time in all jobs 27168 0 52 1.73 8.37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status1 status in employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 12269 100 dependent employed 122 200 self-employed 1060 210 employer 3835 220 own-account worker 16807 . NOTES: 1. [fi87] code 200 refers to liberal profession and unspecified self-employed inda1 industry (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3330 1 agriculture 4925 2 industry 9576 3 services 16262 . indb1 industry (9-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3330 1 agriculture, forestry and fishing 3624 2 mining and quarrying; manufacturing; utilities 1301 3 construction 2422 4 wholesale and retail trade, repair; hotels and restaurants 1292 5 transport, storage and communications 578 6 financial intermediation 992 7 real estate, renting and business activities 3643 8 public administration; education; health and social work 649 9 other community, social/personal services; activities of households; extra-territorial 16262 . indc1 industry (17-category ISIC 3.1 recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3293 1 A-agriculture, hunting and forestry 37 2 B-fishing 82 3 C-mining and quarrying 3368 4 D-manufacturing 174 5 E-electricity, gas and water supply 1301 6 F-construction 2054 7 G-wholesale and retail trade; repair 368 8 H-hotels and restaurants 1292 9 I-transport, storage and communications 578 10 J-financial intermediation 992 11 K-real estate, renting and business activities 745 12 L-public administration and defence; compulsory social security 1514 13 M-education 1384 14 N-health and social work 448 15 O-other community, social and personal service activities 201 16 P-activities of private households as employers 16262 . ind1_c industry in main job -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2800 11 crop/livestock farming 92 12 horticulture 25 13 reindeer farming 69 14 fur farming 105 15 services to agric 37 20 fishing and trapping 113 41 logging 89 42 forestry 1 60 mining/fossile fuels 19 70 mining/ores 62 90 other mining/quarrying 356 111 food manufacture 46 116 beverage manufacture 7 117 manufacture tobacco 13 118 manuf starch/feed 101 120 manuf textiles 250 130 manuf leather/footwear 116 141 wood saw/plan/preserve 45 142 manuf plywood/boards 117 143 manuf carpentry 323 150 manuf paper/products 305 160 publishing/printing 64 170 manuf furniture 132 180 manuf chemicals/prod 33 190 manuf petroleum/coal 76 210 manuf rubber/plastic 44 221 manuf glass/product 104 223 manuf clay products 95 230 basic metal industry 335 240 manuf metal products 377 250 manuf machinery/equip 255 260 manuf elec prod/inst 61 271 ship building/repair 14 272 pleasure boats build 9 273 manuf railway stock 40 274 manuf auto/trailer 2 275 manuf/repair aircraft 7 279 manuf transport equip 41 290 other manufacturing 135 310 electricity supply 12 320 prod steam/hot water 1 330 prod/distrib town gas 26 340 water works/supply 618 350 building construction 337 360 building instal/finish 304 370 land/water construct 42 380 construction services 419 410 wholesale trade 79 420 agencies 1226 430 retail trade 103 451 motor vehicles trade 227 453 motor vehicle repair 86 470 hotel industry 282 480 restaurant industry 105 510 rail transport 131 521 bus/subway transport 150 523 taxi traffic 359 524 road transport/goods 69 530 water transport 32 540 air transport 127 560 services to transport 191 570 communic/post service 128 580 telecommunic services 449 610 finance/fin services 129 620 insurance 149 650 real estate services 186 660 clean/laundry services 13 670 rent machinery/equip 210 710 technical services 98 720 data process services 197 750 manage/market service 60 760 oth business services 214 811 general gov administ 57 812 educ/cult administ 54 813 health/soc sec admin 26 814 employ/indust admin 144 819 other general admin 81 821 police 42 822 fire/rescue service 30 823 admin of justice 17 824 prison administration 23 829 public order/safety 114 830 national defence 1069 850 education 79 860 research/development 614 871 hospital care 346 872 non-inst health care 67 873 other health services 12 874 veterinary services 388 881 childrens day care 48 882 social work 297 883 home service 10 911 cinema 37 912 radio and television 61 913 stage/concert/art 52 914 library/museum/exhibit 52 915 sports 24 919 entertain/recrea serv 93 920 membership organiz 5 930 int organiz/represent 110 941 evangel/luther church 1 942 orthodox church 3 949 other religion bodies 201 950 personal/househld serv 5 980 other services n.e.c 16257 . occa1 occupation (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3611 1 managers and professionals (ISCO 1 & 2) 12079 2 other skilled workers (ISCO 3-8, 10) 1284 3 labourers/elementary (ISCO 9) 17119 . occb1 occupation (10-category ISCO recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 815 1 managers 2796 2 professionals 438 3 technicians and associate professionals 1841 4 clerical support workers 2328 5 service and sales workers 3343 6 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 2459 7 craft and related trades workers 1613 8 plant and machine operators, and assemblers 1284 9 elementary occupations 57 10 armed forces occupations 17119 . NOTES: 1. [fi87] Occupation categories 2 and 3 could be partly mixed. occ1_c occupation in main job -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 790 0 technical work 117 1 chemic/physics work 56 2 biological work 826 3 pedagogic work 37 4 religious work 66 5 juridical work 96 6 edit/communic work 107 7 art/entertain work 68 8 libr/arch/mus serv 78 9 scient/hum/art work 747 10 medic/nursing work 83 11 therap/rehab work 70 12 dental work 44 13 pharmac work 26 14 veterin/envir/health 250 15 social work 327 16 child day care work 21 17 psychological work 21 18 leisure activ/guide 19 19 oth health/soci work 131 20 manage/amdmin/public 684 21 enterp/organiz manage 19 22 person/employ work 231 23 finance/account wrk 910 24 secret/cleric work 173 25 aut data process wrk 362 26 banking/insurance wrk 16 27 travel service work 134 29 oth manag/adm/cleric 96 30 advertis/market work 32 31 real est/busin/secur 42 32 purchasing work 390 33 sales repres/office wr 1059 34 selling of goods 7 39 other commercial work 2980 40 farm/anim husbandry 123 41 horticultural work 1 42 game preserv/hunt 33 43 fishing work 205 44 forestry/logging work 1 49 oth agric/forest work 19 50 ships officers work 21 51 deck/engine crew work 4 52 air transport work 15 53 loco/railcar drivers 709 54 road transport work 79 55 traffic superv/serv 125 56 post/telecom work 121 57 mail deliv/sorting 10 59 oth transp/communicat 23 60 mining/quarrying 11 61 oil dril/peat harvest 507 62 building construction 33 63 land/waterway construc 244 64 const/ind equip operat 42 70 textile work 192 71 sewing work etc 60 72 shoe and leather work 29 73 steel/metal/foundry 40 74 precision mechanics 907 75 engineer/struct metal 332 76 electrical work 222 77 wood work 106 78 painting work 8 79 radio/ tv/ film/video 136 80 printing/photo work 31 81 glass/ceramic/clay wor 166 82 food/bevrg manuf work 24 83 chemic processing work 86 84 pulp/paper making work 48 85 rubber/plastic prod 36 86 other manuf work 48 87 machine oper,energy 259 88 pack/wrapping/warehous 49 89 manual work nec 165 90 pub safety/protection 391 91 accomod/instit work 154 92 waiter work 11 93 private househd work 605 94 building care/clean 165 95 hygiene/care work 30 96 laund/dry/pressing 16 97 prof sports/training 57 98 military work 31 99 other service work 16248 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pi total income, person 34093 0 1850000 42366.2 54856 pmi total income, person, monetary 34093 0 1850000 42366.2 54856 pil labour income, person 34093 0 1850000 35232.6 54889.2 pmil labour income, person, monetary 34093 0 1850000 35232.6 54889.2 pile paid employment income, person 34093 0 1850000 35232.6 54889.2 pmile paid employment income, person, monetary 34093 0 1850000 35232.6 54889.2 pit transfer income, person 34093 0 580000 7133.58 20032 pmit transfer income, person, monetary 34093 0 580000 7133.58 20032 pits social security transfers, person 34093 0 580000 7133.58 20032 pmits social security transfers, person, monetary 34093 0 580000 7133.58 20032 pitsis short-term insurance transfers, person 34093 0 70500 313.7 2471.39 pmitsis short-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 34093 0 70500 313.7 2471.39 pitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person 34093 0 70500 313.7 2471.39 pmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person, monetary 34093 0 70500 313.7 2471.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pxit income taxes and social contributions, person 34093 -820 1213000 16130.9 28923.9 pmxit income taxes and social contributions, person, monetary 34093 -820 1213000 16130.9 28923.9 pxiti income taxes, person 34093 -23000 1180000 14614.5 26966.2 pmxiti income taxes, person, monetary 34093 -23000 1180000 14614.5 26966.2 pxits social security contributions, person 34093 0 74000 1516.36 2125.78 pmxits social security contributions, person, monetary 34093 0 74000 1516.36 2125.78 pxitss social security contributions, self-paid, person 34093 0 74000 1516.36 2125.78 pmxitss social security contributions, self-paid, person, monetary 34093 0 74000 1516.36 2125.78 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ppension individual total pension income 27168 0 580000 8558.24 22007.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 34093 246 FIM - Markka (historic) Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 34093 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 34093 110 gross, taxes and contributions collected