LIS - Estonia 2007 : person file Codebook generated: 2016-12-27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 13032 1 4744 2370.64 1360.73 pid person identifier 13032 1 11 2.27 1.36 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 13,032 270 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 13,032 "ee07" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 13,032 "Estonia" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 13,032 "ee" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 13,032 2007 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13,032 7 Wave VII ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwgt person weight (normalised) 13032 0.01 7.18 0.77 0.61 ppopwgt person weight (inflated) 13032 1.63 954.14 102.04 81.49 hhmem household member (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13,032 1 household member NOTES: 1. [ee07] Definitional deviation: household members also include lodgers, visitors and domestic servants without other private address or who live or intend to live for at least 6 months in the household. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIVING ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relation relationship to household head -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4,744 1000 head 2,809 2000 spouse/partner 3,676 3100 own child (incl adopted) 248 3300 foster child 74 4100 other relative 60 4110 spouse/partner of child 213 4120 grandchild or greatgrandchild (incl in-laws) 46 4130 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt (incl in-laws) 700 4131 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt 145 4132 parent/grandparent/ascenda nt-in-law 254 4140 siblings (incl in-laws) 63 4200 other non-relative partner partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6,210 110 living with partner 6,822 200 does not have partner parents living with parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1,438 110 living with one parent 3,587 120 living with two parents 8,007 200 not living with parent(s) children living with own children -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1,022 110 living with own children aged 0-5 843 120 living with own children 6-12 1,023 130 living with own children 13-17 2,158 140 living with own children 18+ 7,986 200 not living with own children nchildren number of own children living in household -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7,986 0 not living with own children 2,591 1 living with 1 own child 1,677 2 living with 2 own children 577 3 living with 3 own children 122 4 living with 4 own children 56 5 living with 5 own children 7 6 living with 6 own children 8 7 living with 7 own children 3 8 living with 8 own children 4 9 living with 9 own children 1 10 living with 10 own children Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageyoch age of youngest own child living in household 5046 0 74 17.52 13.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMOGRAPHICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- age age in years 13032 0 97 39.16 22.39 sex gender -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6,110 1 male 6,922 2 female marital marital status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4,722 110 married 3,898 210 never married/not in union 179 221 separated 981 222 divorced 1,071 223 widowed 2,181 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMIGRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ immigr immigrant (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11,043 0 not immigrant 1,989 1 immigrant citizen citizenship -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11,609 1100 one citizenship 2 1200 dual citizenship 664 2000 non-citizen 1 2325 Japan 1 2372 Azerbaijan 8 2411 Belarus 668 2418 Russian Federation 11 2421 Ukraine 7 2436 Finland 6 2443 Latvia 6 2444 Lithuania 2 2447 Sweden 2 2448 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 2483 France 1 2511 Australia 43 . ctrybrth country of birth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 11,460 1000 born in the country 78 1200 born in country's territory 30 2311 Kazakhstan 1 2312 Kyrgyzstan 4 2313 Tajikistan 5 2314 Turkmenistan 9 2315 Uzbekistan 1 2325 Japan 1 2326 Mongolia 2 2371 Armenia 7 2372 Azerbaijan 7 2375 Georgia 104 2411 Belarus 1 2414 Hungary 1 2415 Poland 4 2416 Republic of Moldova 1,101 2418 Russian Federation 149 2421 Ukraine 1 2433 Denmark 10 2436 Finland 37 2443 Latvia 10 2444 Lithuania 2 2447 Sweden 3 2448 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 2481 Austria 1 2483 France 1 2484 Germany 1 2511 Australia NOTES: 1. [ee07] Code 1200 includes those born in the former Estonian territory of Petserimaa or the areas behind river Narva, which, at the time of their birth (before 1945) were Estonian territories. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yrsresid years since arrived in country 1494 0 91 40.21 14.66 ethnic_c ethnicity/ nationality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10,137 0 Estonian 2,465 1 Russian 160 2 Ukrainian 75 3 Belarusian 58 4 Finn 6 5 Jew 29 6 Tatar/Tartar 6 7 German 23 8 Latvian 3 9 Pole 10 10 Lithuanian 1 12 Tajik/Tadzhik 13 13 Armenian 1 14 Turkmen 3 47 Mordvinian 2 49 Georgian 1 57 Kazakh 8 113 Romany/Gipsy 1 116 Ingrian 2 153 Englishman 2 158 Bulgarian 15 171 Azerbaijani 3 173 Moldavian 1 177 Turkish/Turk 2 179 Finn 1 184 Japanese 3 185 Swede 1 190 other ethnic immigr_c language of interview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8,924 1 Estonian 1,837 2 Russian 2,271 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ disabled disabled (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 9,399 0 not disabled 1,360 1 disabled 2,273 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Disabled refers to persons strongly limited in their daily activities because of a health problem for at least the last 6 months(self-assessed). 2. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. disabl_c type of limitations due to health problems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 7,364 0 no 892 1 some limitations in work & studies 209 2 some limitations in moving around 1,057 3 some limitations in work & studies and in moving around 74 4 major limitations in work & studies 66 5 major limitations in moving around 459 6 major limitations in work & studies and some in moving around 620 8 major limitations in work & studies and moving around 2,291 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. illness_c illness or longstanding health problem & limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 6,309 0 none 254 1 no illess but limited 16 2 no illess but strongly limited 1,047 3 illness but not limited 2,055 4 illess and limited 1,078 5 illess and strongly limited 2,273 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. health_c subjective health status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 979 1 very good 4,999 2 good 3,232 3 fair 1,273 4 bad 276 5 very bad 2,273 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ educ highest completed education level (3-category recode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 3,024 1 low 5,630 2 medium 2,107 3 high 2,271 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. educ_c highest level of education completed(ISCED) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 45 1 no education 31 2 only vocational education (no primary) 2,390 21 lower secondary: general education 558 22 lower secondary: vocational education 2,309 31 upper secondary: general education 1,565 32 upper secondary: vocational education 1,736 33 professional secondary/ technical education 20 40 postsecondary professional education 686 51 applied higher education, diploma study 1,264 52 Bachelor’s degree 129 53 Master’s degree 28 60 Doctor’s degree 2,271 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. enroll currently enrolled in education -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 2,691 100 currently enrolled 9,081 200 currently not enrolled 31 210 not enrolled, attended in the past 133 220 not enrolled, never attended 1,096 . enrlev_c enrolment level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 569 10 primary/basic level, 1–6th grade 3 11 vocational education, basic level 245 20 vocational education 589 21 lower secondary, general track, 7–9th grade 587 30 upper secondary, general track, 10–12th grade 75 40 postsecondary vocational secondary education 28 50 professional higher education 112 51 applied higher education 30 52 Diploma study 354 53 Bachelor’s study 85 54 Master’s study 13 60 doctorate (incl. residency) 10,342 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Mixed categories: code 20 "vocational education" includes vocational education at secondary level, both lower and upper secondary. Code 54 "Master’s study" includes also integrated bachelor+master studies. 2. [ee07] Mixed categories: code 54 "Master’s study" includes also integrated bachelor+master studies. NOTES: edcage: 1. [ee07] Scope limitation: available only for those aged 16 years and older at the end of the reference year. 2. [ee07] Definitional deviation: includes also adult education. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edcage age when completed education 9045 9 73 20.44 5.33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVITY STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4,832 0 not employed 5,929 1 employed 2,271 . mainemp mainly employed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4,821 0 not mainly employed 5,940 1 mainly employed 2,271 . unemp unemployed (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10,425 0 not unemployed 336 1 unemployed 2,271 . retired retired (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 8,524 0 not retired 2,237 1 retired 2,271 . clfs current labour force status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,824 110 employed, at work 105 120 employed, not at work 315 211 ILO unemployed 21 212 other unemployed 88 220 not in labour force 2,237 221 retired, pensioner or rentier 1,292 222 in education 432 223 homemaker 409 224 disabled 38 225 in military or civil service 2,271 . cmas current main activity status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,859 100 mainly employed 3 200 not mainly employed 2,261 211 retired from job or business 1,353 220 in education 466 230 homemaker 428 240 disabled 40 250 in military or civil service 351 260 unemployed 2,271 . umas usual activity status in income reference period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,940 100 usually employed 15 200 not mainly employed 2,210 211 retired from job or business 1,497 220 in education 429 230 homemaker 411 240 disabled 20 250 in military or civil service 239 260 unemployed 2,271 . milit in military/conscript service (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10,701 0 not in military/conscript service 60 1 in military/conscript service 2,271 . hprod_c produce agricultural products or building buildingsforownuseorvolunteering -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10,088 0 no 672 1 yes 2,272 . oddjob_c unregistred self-employment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10,356 0 no unregistred self-employment 262 1 services to other persons or households 14 2 sale of own-produced consumer goods 5 3 sale of own-produced foodstuffs 7 4 intermediate commercial transactions 108 5 sale of horticultural or agricultural or forestry products 9 6 other unregistred self-employment 2,271 . notoff_c employer does not pay taxes & contributions on wage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4,795 0 pays to full extent 16 1 pays reduced taxes 1 2 does not pay social tax 267 3 does not pay unemployment insurance 124 4 does not pay income tax 9 5 does not pay social tax & unemployment insurance 13 7 does not pay income tax & unemployment insurance 74 8 does not pay any of the above 7,733 . NOTES: undur: 1. [ee07] 5,69% of the unemployment spells, for which only calendar information was available, are top coded at 60 weeks. 95% of the unemployed persons with top coded spells never worked. The length of the unemployment spells that lasted longer than 14 months was constructed based on the information regarding the year and the month in which they last had a job. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- undur duration of current unemployment spell 351 4.3 1121.5 117.96 210.44 weeksue weeks unemployed last year 10761 0 52 1.34 6.94 jsearch type of job search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 161 110 search while employed 339 120 search while not employed 10,260 200 not searching 2,272 . leave type of long-term leave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 35 1100 sick/disabled leave 1 1200 caregiving leave 11 1211 maternity leave 45 1212 parental leave 6 1800 on leave for other reasons 5,831 2000 not on leave 7,103 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPLOYMENT INTENSITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fyft full-year full-time (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,852 0 not full-year, full-time worker 4,909 1 worked full-year, full-time last year 2,271 . ptime part-time in all jobs (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,391 0 full-time 469 1 part-time 7,172 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hours weekly hours worked, any information 5860 2 99 39.94 7.97 weeks annual weeks worked, any information 10761 0 52 28.1 24.89 weeksft annual weeks worked full-time in all jobs 10761 0 52 26.31 24.98 weekspt annual weeks worked part-time in all jobs 10761 0 52 1.79 8.47 secjob multiple jobs holder (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,576 0 one job 299 1 more than one job 7,157 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status1 status in employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,505 100 dependent employed 147 210 employer 255 220 own-account worker 19 240 contributing family worker 7,106 . inda1 industry (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 380 1 agriculture 2,100 2 industry 3,326 3 services 7,226 . indb1 industry (9-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 380 1 agriculture, forestry and fishing 1,386 2 mining and quarrying; manufacturing; utilities 714 3 construction 942 4 wholesale and retail trade, repair; hotels and restaurants 482 5 transport, storage and communications 68 6 financial intermediation 400 7 real estate, renting and business activities 1,173 8 public administration; education; health and social work 261 9 other community, social/personal services; activities of households; extra-territorial 7,226 . indc1 industry (17-category ISIC 3.1 recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 364 1 A-agriculture, hunting and forestry 16 2 B-fishing 51 3 C-mining and quarrying 1,254 4 D-manufacturing 81 5 E-electricity, gas and water supply 714 6 F-construction 757 7 G-wholesale and retail trade; repair 185 8 H-hotels and restaurants 482 9 I-transport, storage and communications 68 10 J-financial intermediation 400 11 K-real estate, renting and business activities 333 12 L-public administration and defence; compulsory social security 566 13 M-education 274 14 N-health and social work 260 15 O-other community, social and personal service activities 1 17 Q-extra-territorial organizations and bodies 7,226 . ind1_c economic activity (NACE rev.1), job1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 282 1 agriculture, hunting and related service activities 82 2 forestry, logging and related service activities 16 5 fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms; service activities incidental to fishing 18 10 mining of coal and lignite; extraction of peat 23 11 extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 10 14 other mining and quarrying 170 15 manufacture of food products and beverages 88 17 manufacture of textiles 95 18 manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur 14 19 tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear 225 20 manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 18 21 manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products 35 22 publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media 10 23 manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel 32 24 manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 57 25 manufacture of rubber and plastic products 41 26 manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 7 27 manufacture of basic metals 130 28 manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 35 29 manufacture of machinery and equipment 3 30 manufacture of office machinery and computers 76 31 manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus 35 32 manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus 12 33 manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks 14 34 manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 36 35 manufacture of other transport equipment 121 36 manufacture of furniture; manufacturing 63 40 electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply 18 41 collection, purification and distribution of water 714 45 Construction 132 50 sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel 159 51 wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 466 52 retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and household goods 185 55 hotels and restaurants 293 60 land transport; transport via pipelines 40 61 water transport 6 62 air transport 70 63 supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies 73 64 post and telecommunications 52 65 financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding 12 66 insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security 4 67 activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 84 70 real estate activities 9 71 renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods 41 72 computer and related activities 18 73 research and development 248 74 other business activities 333 75 public administration and defence; compulsory social security 566 80 education 274 85 health and social work 22 90 sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities 25 91 activities of membership organization 152 92 recreational, cultural and sporting activities 61 93 other service activities 1 99 extra-territorial organizations and bodies 7,226 . sector1 sector of employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 4,455 100 private sector 763 211 central government 648 213 local government 7,166 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] Mixed categories: codes 211 "central government" and 213 "local government" include as well public sector other than government that are at the respective level. nemp1 number of persons in local unit (recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 64 1000 1-19 771 1100 1-4 1,596 1200 5-19 1,185 2100 20-49 1,976 2200 50+ 7,440 . nemp1_c number of persons working in local unit, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 273 1 1 person 198 2 2 persons 175 3 3 persons 125 4 4 persons 144 5 5 persons 129 6 6 persons 107 7 7 persons 104 8 8 persons 59 9 9 persons 95 10 10 persons 958 11 11-19 persons 1,185 12 20-49 persons 1,976 13 50 persons or more 64 14 less than 11 persons 263 15 more than 10 persons 7,177 . occa1 occupation (3-category recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1,473 1 managers and professionals (ISCO 1 & 2) 3,845 2 other skilled workers (ISCO 3-8, 10) 555 3 labourers/elementary (ISCO 9) 7,159 . occb1 occupation (10-category ISCO recode), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 676 1 managers 797 2 professionals 670 3 technicians and associate professionals 307 4 clerical support workers 685 5 service and sales workers 178 6 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 1,015 7 craft and related trades workers 970 8 plant and machine operators, and assemblers 555 9 elementary occupations 20 10 armed forces occupations 7,159 . occ1_c occupation(ISCO-88),job1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 20 110 armed forces 1 1110 legislators 24 1120 senior government officials 2 1141 senior officials of political party organisations 2 1142 senior officials of employers', workers' and other economic interest organisations 7 1143 senior officials of humanitarian and other special interest organisations 66 1210 directors and chief executives 5 1221 production and operations managers in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 63 1222 production and operations managers in manufacturing 60 1223 production and operations managers in construction 29 1224 production and operations managers in wholesale and retail trade 6 1225 production and operations managers in restaurants and hotels 24 1226 production and operations managers in transport, storage and communications 15 1227 production and operations managers in business services enterprises 8 1228 production and operations managers in personal care, cleaning and related services 32 1229 production and operations managers not elsewhere classified 21 1231 finance and administration managers 13 1232 personnel and industrial relations managers 24 1233 sales and marketing managers 2 1234 advertising and public relations managers 8 1235 supply and distribution managers 1 1236 computing services managers 9 1237 research and development managers 5 1239 other specialist managers not elsewhere classified 13 1311 managers of small enterprises in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 27 1312 managers of small enterprises in manufacturing 37 1313 managers of small enterprises in construction 62 1314 managers of small enterprises in wholesale and retail trade 15 1315 managers of small enterprises of restaurants and hotels 26 1316 managers of small enterprises in transport, storage and communications 18 1317 managers of small enterprises in business services enterprises 5 1318 managers of small enterprises in personal care, cleaning and related services 46 1319 managers of small enterprises not elsewhere classified 4 2111 physicists and astronomers 3 2113 chemists 1 2121 mathematicians and related professionals 1 2122 statisticians 14 2131 computer systems designers and analysts 14 2132 computer programmers 15 2139 computing professionals not elsewhere classified 11 2141 architects, town and traffic planners 12 2142 civil engineers 14 2143 electrical engineers 8 2144 electronics and telecommunications engineers 12 2145 mechanical engineers 2 2146 chemical engineers 1 2147 mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals 6 2148 cartographers and surveyors 13 2149 architects, engineers and related professionals not elsewhere classified 15 2211 biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals 4 2212 pharmacologists, pathologists and related professionals 4 2213 agronomists and related professionals 29 2221 medical doctors 7 2222 dentists 4 2223 veterinarians 18 2224 pharmacists 7 2229 health professionals (except nursing) not elsewhere classified 8 2230 nursing and midwifery professionals 24 2310 college, university and higher education teaching professionals 150 2320 secondary education teaching professionals 45 2331 primary education teaching professionals 58 2332 pre-primary education teaching professionals 18 2340 special education teaching professionals 17 2351 education methods specialists 1 2352 school inspectors 24 2359 other teaching professionals not elsewhere classified 45 2411 accountants 12 2412 personnel and careers professionals 20 2419 business professionals not elsewhere classified 7 2421 lawyers 2 2422 judges 15 2429 legal professionals not elsewhere classified 8 2431 archivists and curators 12 2432 librarians and related information professionals 6 2441 economists 1 2442 sociologists, anthropologists and related professionals 1 2443 philosophers, historians and political scientists 13 2444 philologists, translators and interpreters 3 2445 psychologists 15 2446 social work professionals 16 2451 authors, journalists and other writers 2 2452 sculptors, painters and related artists 7 2453 composers, musicians and singers 6 2455 film, stage and related actors and directors 3 2460 religious professionals 39 2470 public service administrative professionals 6 3112 civil engineering technicians 4 3113 electrical engineering technicians 12 3114 electronics and telecommunications engineering technicians 2 3115 mechanical engineering technicians 14 3116 chemical engineering technicians 4 3118 draughtspersons 6 3119 physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified 16 3121 computer assistants 2 3122 computer equipment operators 5 3131 photographers and image and sound recording equipment operators 2 3132 broadcasting and telecommunications equipment operators 5 3133 medical equipment operators 6 3141 ships' engineers 6 3142 ships' deck officers and pilots 5 3143 aircraft pilots and related associate professionals 1 3145 air traffic safety technicians 13 3151 building and fire inspectors 38 3152 safety, health and quality inspectors 8 3212 agronomy and forestry technicians 2 3213 farming and forestry advisers 1 3221 medical assistants 1 3222 sanitarians 1 3223 dieticians and nutritionists 4 3225 dental assistants 11 3226 physiotherapists and related associate professionals 1 3227 veterinary assistants 8 3229 health associate professionals (except nursing) not elsewhere classified 51 3231 nursing associate professionals 3 3232 midwifery associate professionals 1 3242 faith healers 1 3320 pre-primary education teaching associate professionals 1 3330 special education teaching associate professionals 1 3340 other teaching associate professionals 5 3411 securities and finance dealers and brokers 9 3412 insurance representatives 15 3413 estate agents 7 3414 travel consultants and organisers 98 3415 technical and commercial sales representatives 18 3416 buyers 2 3417 appraisers, valuers and auctioneers 3 3419 finance and sales associate professionals not elsewhere classified 6 3422 clearing and forwarding agents 2 3423 employment agents and labour contractors 46 3431 administrative secretaries and related associate professionals 3 3432 legal and related business associate professionals 127 3433 bookkeepers 2 3439 administrative associate professionals not elsewhere classified 7 3441 customs and border inspectors 4 3442 government tax and excise officials 3 3443 government social benefits officials 4 3444 government licensing officials 3 3449 customs, tax and related government associate professionals not elsewhere classified 5 3450 police inspectors and detectives 23 3460 social work associate professionals 17 3471 decorators and commercial designers 2 3473 street, night club and related musicians, singers and dancers 1 3474 clowns, magicians, acrobats and related associate professionals 15 3475 athletes, sportspersons and related associate professionals 1 3480 religious associate professionals 6 4113 data entry operators 22 4115 secretaries 4 4121 accounting and bookkeeping clerks 4 4122 statistical and finance clerks 57 4131 stock clerks 7 4132 production clerks 32 4133 transport clerks 19 4141 library and filing clerks 23 4142 mail carriers and sorting clerks 1 4143 coding, proof-reading and related clerks 3 4190 other office clerks 63 4211 cashiers and ticket clerks 29 4212 tellers and other counter clerks 3 4213 bookmakers and croupiers 1 4215 debt collectors and related workers 2 4221 travel agency and related clerks 24 4222 receptionists and information clerks 7 4223 telephone switchboard operators 3 5111 travel attendants and travel stewards 3 5112 transport conductors 3 5113 travel guides 37 5121 housekeepers and related workers 88 5122 cooks 48 5123 waiters, waitresses and bartenders 35 5131 child care workers 19 5132 institution based personal care workers 27 5133 home based personal care workers 1 5139 personal care and related workers not elsewhere classified 34 5141 hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and related workers 2 5143 undertakers and embalmers 1 5149 other personal services workers not elsewhere classified 17 5161 fire fighters 19 5162 police officers 5 5163 prison guards 58 5169 protective services workers not elsewhere classified 276 5220 shop salespersons and demonstrators 9 5230 stall and market salespersons 13 6111 field crop and vegetable growers 5 6113 gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers 1 6114 mixed crop growers 41 6121 dairy and livestock producers 1 6122 poultry producers 3 6123 apiarists and sericulturists 10 6124 mixed animal producers 3 6129 market oriented animal producers and related workers not elsewhere classified 54 6130 market oriented crop and animal producers 32 6141 forestry workers and loggers 3 6151 aquatic life cultivation workers 9 6152 inland and coastal waters fishery workers 1 6153 deep sea fishery workers 2 6154 hunters and trappers 4 7111 miners and quarry workers 1 7112 shotfirers and blasters 3 7113 stone splitters, cutters and carvers 15 7122 bricklayers and stonemasons 17 7123 concrete placers, concrete finishers and related workers 48 7124 carpenters and joiners 215 7129 building frame and related trades workers not elsewhere classified 7 7131 roofers 10 7132 floor layers and tile setters 4 7133 plasterers 3 7134 insulation workers 6 7135 glaziers 51 7136 plumbers and pipe fitters 46 7137 building and related electricians 52 7141 painters and related workers 4 7142 varnishers and related painters 59 7212 welders and flamecutters 3 7213 sheet metal workers 24 7214 structural metal preparers and erectors 1 7216 underwater workers 3 7221 blacksmiths, hammer smiths and forging press workers 19 7222 tool makers and related workers 14 7223 machine tool setters and setter operators 7 7224 metal wheel grinders, polishers and tool sharpeners 74 7231 motor vehicle mechanics and fitters 2 7232 aircraft engine mechanics and fitters 66 7233 agricultural or industrial machinery mechanics and fitters 37 7241 electrical mechanics and fitters 9 7242 electronics fitters 20 7243 electronics mechanics and servicers 4 7244 telegraph and telephone installers and servicers 12 7245 electrical line installers, repairers and cable jointers 5 7311 precision instrument makers and repairers 2 7313 jewellery and precious metal workers 1 7321 abrasive wheel formers, potters and related workers 1 7331 handicraft workers in wood and related materials 6 7332 handicraft workers in textile, leather and related materials 2 7341 compositors, typesetters and related workers 1 7344 photographic and related workers 1 7345 bookbinders and related workers 1 7346 silk screen, block and textile printers 19 7411 butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers 20 7412 bakers, pastry cooks and confectionery makers 1 7413 dairy products makers 1 7414 fruit, vegetable and related preservers 2 7415 food and beverage tasters and graders 10 7421 wood treaters 55 7422 cabinet makers and related workers 3 7423 woodworking machine setters and setter operators 1 7424 basketry weavers, brush makers and related workers 6 7432 weavers, knitters and related workers 7 7433 tailors, dressmakers and hatters 4 7435 textile, leather and related pattern makers and cutters 12 7436 sewers, embroiderers and related workers 9 7437 upholsterers and related workers 5 7442 shoe makers and related workers 4 8111 mining plant operators 3 8122 metal melters, casters and rolling mill operators 2 8124 metal drawers and extruders 2 8131 glass and ceramics kiln and related machine operators 62 8141 wood processing plant operators 2 8142 paper pulp plant operators 2 8143 papermaking plant operators 4 8152 chemical heat treating plant operators 2 8155 petroleum and natural gas refining plant operators 3 8159 chemical processing plant operators not elsewhere classified 2 8161 power production plant operators 16 8162 steam engine and boiler operators 8 8163 incinerator, water treatment and related plant operators 1 8171 automated assembly line operators 21 8211 machine tool operators 9 8212 cement and other mineral products machine operators 5 8223 metal finishing, plating and coating machine operators 4 8229 chemical products machine operators not elsewhere classified 5 8231 rubber products machine operators 18 8232 plastic products machine operators 47 8240 wood products machine operators 3 8251 printing machine operators 7 8253 paper products machine operators 4 8261 fibre preparing, spinning and winding machine operators 7 8262 weaving and knitting machine operators 79 8263 sewing machine operators 1 8264 bleaching, dyeing and cleaning machine operators 3 8266 shoemaking and related machine operators 13 8269 textile, fur and leather products machine operators not elsewhere classified 13 8271 meat and fish processing machine operators 4 8272 dairy products machine operators 1 8273 grain and spice milling machine operators 3 8274 baked goods, cereal and chocolate products machine operators 4 8275 fruit, vegetable and nut processing machine operators 4 8278 brewers, wine and other beverage machine operators 38 8282 electrical equipment assemblers 26 8283 electronic equipment assemblers 3 8284 metal, rubber and plastic products assemblers 11 8285 wood and related products assemblers 5 8286 paperboard, textile and related products assemblers 4 8287 composite products assemblers 45 8290 other machine operators and assemblers 12 8311 locomotive engine drivers 6 8312 railway brakers, signallers and shunters 52 8322 car, taxi and van drivers 41 8323 bus and tram drivers 196 8324 heavy truck and lorry drivers 76 8331 motorised farm and forestry plant operators 40 8332 earth moving and related plant operators 31 8333 crane, hoist and related plant operators 9 8334 lifting truck operators 7 8340 ships' deck crews and related workers 5 9113 door to door and telephone salespersons 1 9131 domestic helpers and cleaners 223 9132 helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels and other establishments 8 9133 hand launderers and pressers 34 9141 building caretakers 4 9142 vehicle, window and related cleaners 1 9151 messengers, package and luggage porters and deliverers 55 9152 doorkeepers, watchpersons and related workers 20 9162 sweepers and related labourers 54 9211 farm hands and labourers 16 9212 forestry labourers 10 9312 construction and maintenance labourers: roads, dams and similar constructions 27 9313 building construction labourers 25 9321 assembling labourers 23 9322 hand packers and other manufacturing labourers 1 9331 hand or pedal vehicle drivers 48 9333 freight handlers 7,159 . superv1 level of supervisory influence over others, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 842 100 supervises 4,611 200 does not supervise 7,579 . perm1 permanent employment, job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,349 100 permanent employment 28 200 not permanent employment 76 210 short-term employment 7,579 . NOTES: 1. [ee07] In code 210 (short-term employment) are included those temporary contracts that were concluded for less than 1 year, while in code 200 (not permanent employment) are included those temporary contracts that were concluded for at least 1 year. ptime1 part-time employment (dummy), job 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 5,351 0 full-time 510 1 part-time 7,171 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hours1 weekly hours worked, job 1 5861 2 99 39.29 7.52 NOTES: gross1: 1. [ee07] The gross hourly wage was constructed applying the yearly tax rate for the previous annual total employee income to the net hourly wage of the current main job. For the few cases that had no labour income in the previous year we applied the general tax rate of income of 22%. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gross1 gross hourly wage, job 1 5133 6.5 514.7 62.5 38.52 net1 net hourly wage, job 1 5133 6.5 400.4 50.83 29.32 ptime2 part-time employment (dummy), job 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 15 0 full-time 283 1 part-time 12,734 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hours2 weekly hours worked, job 2 298 1 40 12.94 9.17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ everwork ever worked in job or business (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 1,535 0 never worked 9,226 1 ever worked in job or business 2,271 . Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wexptl years of total work experience 9064 0 60 24.62 13.97 empsta age when started working 9078 13 46 19.08 2.57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: pmitsissi: 1. [ee07] Definitional deviation: includes also care taker benefits which are covered under sickness insurance. pmiatdis: 1. [ee07] Definitional deviation: includes also universal care taker benefits and disability benefits for children. pmiatsic: 1. [ee07] Definitional deviation: includes also care taker benefits which are covered under sickness insurance. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pi total income, person 12942 -42080 1086994 68824.7 83528.3 pmi total income, person, monetary 12942 -42080 1056225 66951.2 81182.9 pni total income, person, non-monetary 12942 0 115510 1873.44 6195.02 pil labour income, person 12942 -42080 1086994 57674.6 86408.1 pmil labour income, person, monetary 12942 -42080 1056225 55801.1 84052.3 pnil labour income, person, non-monetary 12942 0 115510 1873.44 6195.02 pile paid employment income, person 12942 0 985982 56018.9 85202.6 pmile paid employment income, person, monetary 12942 0 953930 54759.5 82811 pnile paid employment income, person, non-monetary 12942 0 115510 1259.36 6098.95 pils self-employment income, person 12942 -69011 796256 1655.69 13217.8 pmils self-employment income, person, monetary 12942 -75000 794872 1041.61 13106.3 pnils self-employment income, person, non-monetary 12942 0 10491 614.08 1076.69 pilsf farm self-employment income, person 12942 0 10491 614.08 1076.69 pnilsf farm self-employment income, person, non-monetary 12942 0 10491 614.08 1076.69 pic capital income, person 12942 0 45000 32.8 780.46 pmic capital income, person, monetary 12942 0 45000 32.8 780.46 picvip voluntary individual pensions, person 12942 0 12667 1.73 140.66 pmicvip voluntary individual pensions, person, monetary 12942 0 12667 1.73 140.66 picroy royalties, person 12942 0 45000 31.06 751.84 pmicroy royalties, person, monetary 12942 0 45000 31.06 751.84 pit transfer income, person 12942 0 289231 11117.3 18968.9 pmit transfer income, person, monetary 12942 0 289231 11117.3 18968.9 pits social security transfers, person 12942 0 289231 11060.7 18932 pmits social security transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 289231 11060.7 18932 pitsis short-term insurance transfers, person 12942 0 76860 367 2245.65 pmitsis short-term insurance transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 76860 367 2245.65 pitsissi sickness wage replacement, person 12942 0 56410 329.13 1883.36 pmitsissi sickness wage replacement, person, monetary 12942 0 56410 329.13 1883.36 pitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person 12942 0 76860 37.87 1183.74 pmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, person, monetary 12942 0 76860 37.87 1183.74 pitsuun unemployment universal benefits, person 12942 0 11600 13.95 284.01 pmitsuun unemployment universal benefits, person, monetary 12942 0 11600 13.95 284.01 pitsa assistance benefits, person 12942 0 24000 113.28 938.96 pmitsa assistance benefits, person, monetary 12942 0 24000 113.28 938.96 pitsaed education assistance, person 12942 0 24000 113.28 938.96 pmitsaed education assistance, person, monetary 12942 0 24000 113.28 938.96 pitp private transfers, person 12942 0 72000 56.57 1555.54 pmitp private transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 72000 56.57 1555.54 pitped merit-based education transfers, person 12942 0 72000 56.57 1555.54 pmitped merit-based education transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 72000 56.57 1555.54 piatold old-age transfers, person 12942 0 289231 8975.9 18326 pmiatold old-age transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 289231 8975.9 18326 piatdis disability transfers, person 12942 0 82008 1450.79 5992.53 pmiatdis disability transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 82008 1450.79 5992.53 piatsur survivors transfers, person 12942 0 39077 120.61 1441.9 pmiatsur survivors transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 39077 120.61 1441.9 piatsic sickness transfers, person 12942 0 56410 329.13 1883.36 pmiatsic sickness transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 56410 329.13 1883.36 piatedu education transfers, person 12942 0 24000 113.28 938.96 pmiatedu education transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 24000 113.28 938.96 piatune unemployment transfers, person 12942 0 76860 51.81 1220.14 pmiatune unemployment transfers, person, monetary 12942 0 76860 51.81 1220.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pwl windfall labour income, person 13032 0 97600 64.88 1725.8 pwle windfall employee income, person 12942 0 97600 65.33 1731.78 pwt windfall transfer income, person 13032 0 109800 12.92 1027.05 pmwt windfall transfer income, person, monetary 13032 0 109800 12.92 1027.05 pwtrc lump-sum retirement compensations, person 12942 0 109800 13.01 1030.61 pmwtrc lump-sum retirement compensations, person, monetary 10761 0 109800 15.65 1130.23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pxvc voluntary contributions, person 13032 0 1e+05 425.19 2100.5 pxvcs voluntary contributions, self-paid, person 12942 0 1e+05 392.52 2042.09 pmxvcs voluntary contributions, self-paid, person, monetary 12942 0 1e+05 392.52 2042.09 pxvce voluntary contributions, paid by employer, person 12942 0 10000 35.62 425.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: pmtilo: 1. [ee07] Contains inflow from student loans. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ptil inflows from loans, person 10851 0 16000 31.95 550.95 pmtil inflows from loans, person, monetary 10851 0 16000 31.95 550.95 ptilo other loans, person 10851 0 16000 31.95 550.95 pmtilo other loans, person, monetary 10851 0 16000 31.95 550.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ppension individual total pension income 12942 0 289231 10095.8 18880.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13,032 233 EEK - Estonian Kroon (historic) Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 13032 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 13,032 120 gross, taxes and contributions imputed