LIS - Denmark 2004 : household file Codebook generated: 2015-09-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDENTIFIERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hid unique unit identifier 83409 1 83409 41705 24078.2 did unique country/year number -------------------------------------------------- N value 83409 171 dname country/year identifier -------------------------------------------------- N value 83409 "dk04" cname country name -------------------------------------------------- N value 83409 "Denmark" iso2 2-letter country abbreviation -------------------------------------------------- N value 83409 "dk" year reference year -------------------------------------------------- N value 83409 2004 wave data wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 83409 6 Wave VI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hwgt household weight (normalised) 83409 0.12 0.12 0.12 0 hpopwgt household weight (inflated) 83409 30.54 30.54 30.54 0 svyunit survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 83409 1 household npers number of persons in survey unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 32509 1 1 person 27313 2 2 persons 9880 3 3 persons 9514 4 4 persons 3182 5 5 persons 743 6 6 persons 165 7 7 persons 54 8 8 persons 31 9 9 persons 5 10 10 persons 8 11 11 persons 4 12 12 persons 1 18 18 persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ region_c Region, NUTS3 classification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 10891 1 Kobenhavn og Frederiksberg Kommun 9597 2 Kobenhavns amt 5330 3 Frederiksberg amt 3408 4 Roskilde amt 4537 5 Vestsjaellands amt 4059 6 Storstroms amt 659 7 Bornholms amt 7325 8 Fyns amt 3807 9 Sonderjyllands amt 3310 10 Ribe amt 5429 11 Velje amt 4017 12 Ringkobing amt 10065 13 Arhus amt 3398 14 Viborg amt 7577 15 Nordjyllands amt NOTES: 1. [dk04] codes reflect the old version of NUTS3 classification (before the Danish counties were abolished) that lasted until 2003 rural rural area (dummy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 69776 0 not rural area 13359 1 rural area 274 . NOTES: 1. [dk04] variable constructed from area_c; area_c urban/rural -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 18644 1 metropolitan area 51132 2 urban area 13359 3 rural district 274 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DWELLING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ own owned/rented housing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 47879 100 owned 3080 200 not owned 32450 210 rented NOTES: 1. [dk04] original category assigned to owned; category , , and category assigned to not owned; Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dwelval value of dwelling 46177 251 23196448 1100000 765837 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FARMING CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hhtype household composition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 32509 100 one person household 22706 210 couple without children 19186 220 couple with children 5209 230 one parent with children 2755 900 head and other 299 910 couple without children and other 427 920 couple with children and other 318 930 one parent with children and other hpartner head living with partner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 9263 100 head living with partner 33355 110 married couple 40791 200 head not living with partner nhhmem number of household members -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 32509 1 1 hh member 27313 2 2 hh members 9880 3 3 hh members 9514 4 4 hh members 3182 5 5 hh members 743 6 6 hh members 165 7 7 hh members 54 8 8 hh members 31 9 9 hh members 5 10 10 hh members 8 11 11 hh members 4 12 12 hh members 1 18 18 hh members nhhmem65 number of household members 65 or older -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 62629 0 no hh members 65 or older 15057 1 1 hh member 65 or older 5710 2 2 hh members 65 or older 13 3 3 hh members 65 or older nhhmem17 number of household members 17 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 61302 0 no hh members 17 or younger 9207 1 1 hh member 17 or younger 9410 2 2 hh member 17 or younger 2813 3 3 hh member 17 or younger 548 4 4 hh member 17 or younger 80 5 5 hh member 17 or younger 29 6 6 hh member 17 or younger 18 7 7 hh member 17 or younger 2 9 9 hh member 17 or younger nhhmem13 number of household members 13 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 64828 0 no hh members 13 or younger 8620 1 1 hh member 13 or younger 7665 2 2 hh member 13 or younger 1907 3 3 hh member 13 or younger 317 4 4 hh member 13 or younger 47 5 5 hh member 13 or younger 16 6 6 hh member 13 or younger 9 7 7 hh member 13 or younger nhhmem5 number of household members 5 or younger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 73574 0 no hh members 5 or younger 6929 1 1 hh member 5 or younger 2649 2 2 hh member 5 or younger 242 3 3 hh member 5 or younger 14 4 4 hh member 5 or younger 1 6 6 hh member 5 or younger Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ageymem age of youngest household member 83409 0 104 39.65 26.33 nearn number of household members with labour income -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 23492 0 no hh members with labour income 26896 1 1 hh member with labour income 25609 2 2 hh members with labour income 5542 3 3 hh members with labour income 1625 4 4 hh members with labour income 213 5 5 hh members with labour income 25 6 6 hh members with labour income 5 7 7 hh members with labour income 1 8 8 hh members with labour income 1 9 9 hh members with labour income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: hmitsilo: 1. [dk04] includes also voluntary individual pensions. hmiatold: 1. [dk04] includes also voluntary individual pensions. Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi total income, household 83349 -12598652 13475779 405630 315749 hmi total income, household, monetary 83349 -12598652 13475779 405630 315749 hil labour income, household 83409 -12598652 7744980 288100 323594 hmil labour income, household, monetary 83409 -12598652 7744980 288100 323594 hile paid employment income, household 83408 0 6641329 270856 298937 hmile paid employment income, household, monetary 83408 0 6641329 270856 298937 hils self-employment income, household 83409 -12598652 7688329 17247.2 137253 hmils self-employment income, household, monetary 83409 -12598652 7688329 17247.2 137253 hic capital income, household 83409 -498980 12223539 10273.3 108228 hmic capital income, household , monetary 83409 -498980 12223539 10273.3 108228 hicid interest and dividends, household 82891 0 12166392 8670.55 101829 hmicid interest and dividends, household, monetary 82891 0 12166392 8670.55 101829 hicren rental income, household 83396 0 477794 374.15 4760.67 hmicren rental income, household, monetary 83396 0 477794 374.15 4760.67 hit transfer income, household 83349 0 1851768 104389 106603 hmit transfer income, household, monetary 83349 0 1851768 104389 106603 hits social security transfers, household 83349 0 1851768 102916 106501 hmits social security transfers, household, monetary 83349 0 1851768 102916 106501 hitsi work-related insurance transfers, household 83407 0 1740216 42787.1 83750.1 hmitsi work-related insurance transfers, household, monetary 83407 0 1740216 42787.1 83750.1 hitsil long-term insurance transfers, household 83409 0 1740216 29146 78415.6 hmitsil long-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 1740216 29146 78415.6 hitsilo ccupational pensions, household 83409 0 1733892 17526 62973.5 hmitsilo occupational pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 1733892 17526 62973.5 hitsilep employment-related public pensions, household 83409 0 332960 11554.1 39487.3 hmitsilep employment-related public pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 332960 11554.1 39487.3 hitsilepo old-age insurance public pensions, household 83409 0 332960 11554.1 39487.3 hmitsilepo old-age insurance public pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 332960 11554.1 39487.3 hitsis short-term insurance transfers, household 83407 0 384753 13640.5 36770.6 hmitsis short-term insurance transfers, household, monetary 83407 0 384753 13640.5 36770.6 hitsissi sickness wage replacement, household 83407 0 344718 3691.85 20282.2 hmitsissi sickness wage replacement, household, monetary 83407 0 344718 3691.85 20282.2 hitsisma maternity/parental wage replacement, household 83409 0 174650 1736.43 11819.2 hmitsisma maternity/parental wage replacement, household, monetary 83409 0 174650 1736.43 11819.2 hitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household 83409 0 301037 8211.94 26666.9 hmitsisun unemployment wage replacement, household, monetary 83409 0 301037 8211.94 26666.9 hitsu universal benefits, household 83409 0 882473 48209.7 57653 hmitsu universal benefits, household, monetary 83409 0 882473 48209.7 57653 hitsup old-age/disability/survivors universal pensions, household 83409 0 882473 36918.7 60137.1 hmitsup old-age/disability/survivors universal pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 882473 36918.7 60137.1 hitsupo old-age universal pensions, household 83409 0 291192 24464.2 48620.2 hmitsupo old-age universal pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 291192 24464.2 48620.2 hitsupd disability universal pensions, household 83409 0 882473 12454.5 41624 hmitsupd disability universal pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 882473 12454.5 41624 hitsuun unemployment universal benefits, household 83409 0 208298 1861.61 9353.7 hmitsuun unemployment universal benefits, household, monetary 83409 0 208298 1861.61 9353.7 hitsufa family/child universal benefits, household 83409 0 185604 5778.13 11551.8 hmitsufa family/child universal benefits, household, monetary 83409 0 185604 5778.13 11551.8 hitsufaca child allowances, household 83409 0 104124 5407.14 10298.9 hmitsufaca child allowances, household, monetary 83409 0 104124 5407.14 10298.9 hitsufaam advance maintenance, household 83409 0 81480 261.15 2303.53 hmitsufaam advance maintenance, household, monetary 83409 0 81480 261.15 2303.53 hitsufacc non-work related child care benefits, household 83409 0 105074 109.84 2378.3 hmitsufacc non-work related child care benefits, household, monetary 83409 0 105074 109.84 2378.3 hitsued education related universal benefits, household 83409 0 216267 3651.22 13749.9 hmitsued education related universal benefits, household, monetary 83409 0 216267 3651.22 13749.9 hitsa assistance benefits, household 83399 0 386820 10596.2 30086.2 hmitsa assistance benefits, household, monetary 83399 0 386820 10596.2 30086.2 hitsagen general social assistance, household 83399 0 386820 6318.45 27683.6 hmitsagen general social assistance, household, monetary 83399 0 386820 6318.45 27683.6 hitsaho housing assistance, household 83409 0 108840 4091.5 9627.27 hmitsaho housing assistance, household, monetary 83409 0 108840 4091.5 9627.27 hitsahe heating assistance, household 83409 0 24840 186.11 845.78 hmitsahe heating assistance, household, monetary 83409 0 24840 186.11 845.78 hitp private transfers, household 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 hmitp private transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 hitpih inter-household transfers, household 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 hmitpih inter-household transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 hitpiha alimony/child support, household 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 hmitpiha alimony/child support, household, monetary 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 hiatold old-age transfers, household 83409 0 1851768 53610.2 99591.6 hmiatold old-age transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 1851768 53610.2 99591.6 hiatdis disability transfers, household 83409 0 882473 12454.5 41624 hmiatdis disability transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 882473 12454.5 41624 hiatfam family/children transfers, household 83409 0 234607 7514.56 17409.6 hmiatfam family/children transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 234607 7514.56 17409.6 hiatedu education transfers, household 83409 0 216267 3651.22 13749.9 hmiatedu education transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 216267 3651.22 13749.9 hiatune unemployment transfers, household 83409 0 334844 10073.6 31454.4 hmiatune unemployment transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 334844 10073.6 31454.4 hiathou housing transfers, household 83409 0 108840 4277.61 9755.73 hmiathou housing transfers, household, monetary 83409 0 108840 4277.61 9755.73 hiatcsp civil servants pensions, household 83409 0 998075 7495.28 36038.5 hmiatcsp civil servants pensions, household, monetary 83409 0 998075 7495.28 36038.5 hiatvet war victim/veterans benefits, household 83409 0 240168 133.31 4164.07 hmiatvet war victim/veterans benefits, household, monetary 83409 0 240168 133.31 4164.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDFALL INCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hwc windfall capital income, household 83409 -3082166 237800000 4090.45 826378 hmwc windfall capital income, household, monetary 83409 -3082166 237800000 4090.45 826378 hwcg capital gains, household 83409 -3082166 237800000 4090.45 826378 hmwcg capital gains, household, monetary 83409 -3082166 237800000 4090.45 826378 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hxit income taxes and social contributions, household 83409 0 5762331 130258 134293 hmxit income taxes and social contributions, household, monetary 83409 0 5762331 130258 134293 hxiti income taxes, household 83409 0 5760541 129574 133927 hmxiti income taxes, household, monetary 83409 0 5760541 129574 133927 hxits social security contributions, household 83409 -594 5437 683.77 689.34 hmxits social security contributions, household, monetary 83409 -594 5437 683.77 689.34 hxitss social security contributions, self-paid, household 83409 -594 5437 683.77 689.34 hmxitss social security contributions, self-paid, household, monetary 83409 -594 5437 683.77 689.34 hxot other taxes, household 83409 0 265991 5907.12 6893.28 hmxot other taxes, household, monetary 83409 0 265991 5907.12 6893.28 hxotp property taxes, household 83409 0 260449 4098.58 6099.12 hmxotp property taxes, household, monetary 83409 0 260449 4098.58 6099.12 hxotd other direct taxes, household 83409 0 51253 1808.54 1675.86 hmxotd other direct taxes, household, monetary 83409 0 51253 1808.54 1675.86 hxvc voluntary contributions, household 83409 -6957 2967658 23425.9 53047.1 hnxvc voluntary contributions, household, non-monetary 83409 -6957 2967658 23425.9 53047.1 hxvce voluntary contributions, paid by employer, household 83409 -6957 2967658 23425.9 53047.1 hnxvce voluntary contributions, paid by employer, household, non-monetary 83402 -6957 2967658 23427.9 53048.9 hxih inter-household transfers paid, household 83409 0 297216 1083.05 5637.25 hmxih inter-household transfers paid, household, monetary 83409 0 297216 1083.05 5637.25 hxiha alimony/child support paid, household 83409 0 297216 1083.05 5637.25 hmxiha alimony/child support paid, household, monetary 83409 0 297216 1083.05 5637.25 hxint interest paid, household 83409 0 4385208 24814.8 36646.4 hmxint interest paid, household, monetary 83409 0 4385208 24814.8 36646.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSUMPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hchous housing and utilities, household 83409 53 1232780 54460 36058.3 hmchous housing and utilities, household, monetary 83409 11 688805 29263.7 21389.3 hnchous housing and utilities, household, non-monetary 83409 0 927858 25196.3 32115.4 hchousi imputed rent, household 83409 0 927858 25196.3 32115.4 hnchousi imputed rent, household, non-monetary 83409 0 927858 25196.3 32115.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS - LIABILITIES TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR AGGREGATES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dhi disposable household income 83349 -12598652 11052791 275387 195733 dpi cash disposable household income 83349 -12598652 11052791 275387 195733 factor factor income 83409 -12598652 13475779 298374 347613 socred social security redistribution 83349 0 1851768 102916 106501 privred private redistribution 83409 0 93408 1473.44 5801.73 pension total pension income 83409 0 1851768 66198 105371 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ currency currency units -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 83409 208 DKK - Danish Krone Variable Description N Min. Max. Mean SD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deflator deflation factor 83409 1 1 1 0 grossnet gross/net income information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N code label 83409 110 gross, taxes and contributions collected