Descriptives for Luxembourg 2004 household file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 3622 188 188 188.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 3622 1 3622 1811.50 1045.726
HWEIGHT household weight 3622 0 466 49.12 56.087
DEFLATE deflation factor 3622 1 1 1.00 .000
D5 type of unit 3622 5 5 5.00 .000
D4 number of persons 3622 1 9 2.67 1.377
D6 number of earners 3622 0 6 1.17 .874
D27 number of children under age 18 3622 0 7 .65 .999
D28 age of youngest child 1331 0 17 6.48 5.373
D29 number of persons under age 14 3622 0 6 .53 .899
NUM6574 number of persons aged 65 to 74 3622 0 2 .17 .473
NUMGE75 number of persons aged 75 or more 3622 0 2 .10 .348
HSLOT1 country specific household information 1 0

HSLOT2 country specific household information 2 0

D1 age - head 3622 18 100 48.95 15.404
D2 age - spouse 2456 17 86 44.63 14.044
HOURSUHD usual hours worked per week - head 3615 0 1050 26.43 40.348
HOURSUSP usual hours worked per week - spouse 2449 0 1025 19.62 34.991
HOURSAHD actual hours worked per week - head 0

HOURSASP actual hours worked per week - spouse 0

WEEKHDTL total weeks worked - head 3622 0 52 31.73 24.855
WEEKSPTL total weeks worked - spouse 2456 0 52 27.00 25.332
WEEKHDFT weeks worked full-time - head 3622 0 52 28.99 25.376
WEEKSPFT weeks worked full-time - spouse 2456 0 52 19.63 24.682
WEEKHDPT weeks worked part-time - head 3622 0 52 2.70 11.357
WEEKSPPT weeks worked part-time - spouse 2456 0 52 7.34 17.719
WEEKHDUP weeks unemployed - head 3622 0 52 1.52 7.723
WEEKSPUP weeks unemployed - spouse 2456 0 52 1.27 6.924
FOODEXP food and non-alcoholic beverages 0

ALCOEXP alcohol and tobacco 0

APPEXP clothing and footwear 0

HOUSEXP housing and utilities 1065 600 54000 8520.56 4928.901
EQUIPEXP housing equipment 0

MEDEXP health 0

TRANEXP transport 0

COMMEXP communication 0

CULTEXP recreation and culture 0

EDUCEXP education 0

RESTOEXP restaurants and hotels 0

MISCEXP miscellaneous goods and services 0

TOTEXP total expenditures 0

MORTEXP mortgage installments 1188 564 72000 11531.07 7965.313
V1 gross wages and salaries 2634 496 430000 61481.97 43388.218
V1NET net wages and salaries 2634 432 341600 48566.81 32756.334
V2 mandatory employer contributions 2752 53 58825 8691.30 5862.944
V3 non-mandatory employer contributions 0

V4 farm self-employment income 0

V5 non-farm self-employment income 321 -10000 768750 58442.28 71016.975
V6 in-kind earnings 181 288 15087 4533.44 2744.588
V7 mandatory contributions for self-employment 0

V8 cash property income 889 6 138000 10335.75 16315.838
V8S1 interest and dividends 664 6 50000 3641.36 6031.662
V8S2 rental income 349 23 138000 19361.62 19583.278
V8S3 private savings plans 4 711 4850 3352.25 1936.582
V8S4 royalties 0

V8SR cash property income n.e.c. 0

V8X interest paid 1158 42 27912 4167.65 3629.472
V9 imputed rent for owner-occupied housing 2546 101 5548 889.78 526.424
V10 market value of residence 2336 37500 2000000 433259.62 213610.229
V11 income taxes 3585 -2868 320122 14012.38 17049.323
V12 property / wealth taxes 188 1 8131 763.02 1064.103
V13 mandatory employee contributions 0

V14 other direct taxes 0

V15 indirect taxes 0

V16 sickness benefits 16 1499 68250 16437.69 20100.224
V17 occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S1 short-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17S2 long-term occupational injury and disease benefits 0

V17SR occupational injury and disease benefits n.e.c. 0

V18 disability benefits 301 91 113473 19877.20 14973.785
V18S1 disability pensions 0

V18S2 disability allowances 0

V18SR disability benefits n.e.c. 301 91 113473 19877.20 14973.785
V19 state old-age and survivors benefits 1102 250 182846 37337.90 21228.689
V19S1 old-age pensions 0

V19S1A universal old-age pensions 0

V19S1B employment-related old-age pensions 0

V19S1C old-age pensions for public sector employees 0

V19S1R old-age pensions n.e.c. 0

V19S3 early retirement benefits 0

V19S4 survivors pensions 294 240 75720 12050.80 14413.289
V19SR state old-age and survivors benefits n.e.c. 943 250 182846 39876.38 20099.837
V20 child / family benefits 1519 65 46743 7043.41 5848.248
V20S1 child allowances 0

V20S2 advance maintenance 0

V20S3 orphans allowances 0

V20SR child / family benefits n.e.c. 1519 65 46743 7043.41 5848.248
V21 unemployment compensation benefits 231 53 123600 17028.55 17918.402
V21S1 unemployment insurance benefits 0

V21S2 (re)training allowances 0

V21S3 placement / resettlement benefits 0

V21SR unemployment compensation benefits n.e.c. 231 53 123600 17028.55 17918.402
V22 maternity and other family leave benefits 0

V22S1 wage replacement 0

V22S2 birth grants 0

V22S3 child care leave benefits 0

V22SR maternity and other family leave benefits n.e.c. 0

V23 military / veterans / war benefits 0

V24 other social insurance benefits 80 38 18000 2964.28 3165.231
V24S1 invalid carer benefits 0

V24S2 education benefits 80 38 18000 2964.28 3165.231
V24S3 child care cash benefits 0

V24SR other social insurance benefits n.e.c. 0

V25 social assistance cash benefits 202 23 37376 8948.33 7138.819
V25S1 general social assistance benefits 0

V25S2 old-age and disability assistance benefits 0

V25S3 unemployment assistance benefits 0

V25S4 parents assistance benefits 0

V25SR social assistance cash benefits n.e.c. 202 23 37376 8948.33 7138.819
V26 near-cash benefits 230 13 9810 1821.90 1536.483
V26S1 near-cash food benefits 0

V26S2 near-cash housing benefits 230 13 9810 1821.90 1536.483
V26S3 near-cash medical benefits 0

V26S4 near-cash heating benefits 0

V26S5 near-cash education benefits 0

V26S6 near-cash child care benefits 0

V26SR near-cash benefits n.e.c. 0

V27 value of non-cash food benefits 0

V28 value of non-cash housing benefits 0

V29 value of non-cash medical benefits 0

V30 value of non-cash heating benefits 0

V31 value of non-cash education benefits 0

V31A value of non-cash child care benefits 0

ALTNCASH value of home production for own use 41 30 15000 2021.71 3571.070
V32 private occupational and other pensions 0

V32S1 occupational pensions 0

V32S1A mandatory occupational pensions 0

V32S1B voluntary occupational pensions 0

V32S1R occupational pensions n.e.c. 0

V32S2 mandatory individual retirement pensions 0

V32SR private occupational and other pensions n.e.c. 0

V33 public sector occupational pensions 0

V34 alimony / child support 0

V34X alimony / child support paid 0

V35 regular private transfers 174 600 46752 6573.20 6328.975
V35S1 regular private transfers from relatives 0

V35S2 regular private transfers from private charity 0

V35SR regular private transfers n.e.c. 174 600 46752 6573.20 6328.975
V35X regular transfers paid to relatives 423 144 81600 6636.41 8904.959
V36 other cash income 32 720 27554 8048.62 5567.914
V37 realized lump sum income 0

V37S1 capital gains and losses 0

V37SR realized lump sum income n.e.c. 0

V39 gross wages and salaries - head 2181 693 430000 47880.23 34528.887
V39NET net wages and salaries - head 2181 600 300000 37582.74 25508.955
V41 gross wages and salaries - spouse 1272 158 193538 34329.86 26694.126
V41NET net wages and salaries - spouse 1272 137 120000 27413.52 20313.534
SELFI self-employment income 321 -10000 768750 58442.28 71016.975
EARNING earnings 2741 496 768750 65926.11 51100.442
EARNNET net earnings 0

FI factor income 3020 30 787380 62878.13 53171.426
FINET net factor income 0

PENSIOI occupational pensions 0

MI market income 3020 30 787380 62878.13 53171.426
MINET net market income 0

MEANSI social assistance transfers 410 13 37376 5430.73 6310.187
OTHSOCI social insurance transfers excl V19-V21 380 38 113473 17061.01 15346.299
SOCI social insurance transfers 2620 53 182846 23764.15 21909.295
SOCTRANS social transfers 2709 53 182846 23805.34 21639.641
PRIVATI private transfers 174 600 46752 6573.20 6328.975
TRANSI transfer income 2730 53 182846 24041.18 21591.573
GI gross income 3622 250 787380 70618.97 50616.116
GINET net income 0

PAYROLL mandatory payroll taxes 0

DPI net disposable income 3622 -34602 686352 56749.73 37451.906
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Luxembourg 2004 household file

Frequency Table

MARRIED head living in couple

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 head not living in couple 1166 32.2 32.2 32.2
1 married couple 2064 57.0 57.0 89.2
3 non-married cohabiting couple 382 10.5 10.5 99.7
5 non-married cohabiting couple, both partners same sex 10 .3 .3 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

D7 region

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

D20 area

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

D22 tenure of dwelling

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 owner since construction 863 23.8 23.8 23.8
120 owner by acquisition 1318 36.4 36.4 60.2
130 owner by inheritance 226 6.2 6.2 66.5
210 (sub)tenant at market rent, privately owned 899 24.8 24.8 91.3
220 (sub)tenant at market rent, semi-publicly owned 5 .1 .1 91.4
230 (sub)tenant at market rent, publicly-owned 6 .2 .2 91.6
280 (sub)tenant at market rent, other owner 11 .3 .3 91.9
310 (sub)tenant at less than market rent,employer-provided 9 .2 .2 92.1
320 (sub)tenant at less than market rent,made available by famil 25 .7 .7 92.8
330 (sub)tenant at less than market rent,social housing 44 1.2 1.2 94.0
380 (sub)tenant at less than market rent for other/unknown reaso 77 2.1 2.1 96.2
410 rent-free, employer-provided 17 .5 .5 96.6
420 rent-free, made available by family/friends 81 2.2 2.2 98.9
430 rent-free, social housing 13 .4 .4 99.2
480 rent-free for other/unknown reasons 28 .8 .8 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

D1 age - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 18 3 .1 .1 .1
19 2 .1 .1 .1
20 8 .2 .2 .4
21 15 .4 .4 .8
22 11 .3 .3 1.1
23 32 .9 .9 2.0
24 34 .9 .9 2.9
25 32 .9 .9 3.8
26 54 1.5 1.5 5.3
27 63 1.7 1.7 7.0
28 53 1.5 1.5 8.5
29 66 1.8 1.8 10.3
30 66 1.8 1.8 12.1
31 84 2.3 2.3 14.4
32 71 2.0 2.0 16.4
33 71 2.0 2.0 18.4
34 88 2.4 2.4 20.8
35 90 2.5 2.5 23.3
36 80 2.2 2.2 25.5
37 72 2.0 2.0 27.5
38 76 2.1 2.1 29.6
39 71 2.0 2.0 31.5
40 94 2.6 2.6 34.1
41 67 1.8 1.8 36.0
42 86 2.4 2.4 38.3
43 74 2.0 2.0 40.4
44 80 2.2 2.2 42.6
45 82 2.3 2.3 44.9
46 86 2.4 2.4 47.2
47 79 2.2 2.2 49.4
48 68 1.9 1.9 51.3
49 98 2.7 2.7 54.0
50 71 2.0 2.0 56.0
51 85 2.3 2.3 58.3
52 67 1.8 1.8 60.2
53 56 1.5 1.5 61.7
54 89 2.5 2.5 64.2
55 72 2.0 2.0 66.2
56 69 1.9 1.9 68.1
57 70 1.9 1.9 70.0
58 63 1.7 1.7 71.7
59 71 2.0 2.0 73.7
60 53 1.5 1.5 75.2
61 55 1.5 1.5 76.7
62 65 1.8 1.8 78.5
63 73 2.0 2.0 80.5
64 67 1.8 1.8 82.3
65 56 1.5 1.5 83.9
66 53 1.5 1.5 85.3
67 42 1.2 1.2 86.5
68 38 1.0 1.0 87.5
69 36 1.0 1.0 88.5
70 43 1.2 1.2 89.7
71 34 .9 .9 90.7
72 39 1.1 1.1 91.7
73 34 .9 .9 92.7
74 34 .9 .9 93.6
75 27 .7 .7 94.4
76 32 .9 .9 95.3
77 30 .8 .8 96.1
78 26 .7 .7 96.8
79 22 .6 .6 97.4
80 19 .5 .5 97.9
81 18 .5 .5 98.4
82 13 .4 .4 98.8
83 8 .2 .2 99.0
84 10 .3 .3 99.3
85 9 .2 .2 99.5
86 6 .2 .2 99.7
87 3 .1 .1 99.8
88 1 .0 .0 99.8
89 5 .1 .1 99.9
94 1 .0 .0 100.0
100 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

D2 age - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 17 1 .0 .0 .0
18 1 .0 .0 .1
19 6 .2 .2 .3
20 8 .2 .3 .7
21 14 .4 .6 1.2
22 21 .6 .9 2.1
23 35 1.0 1.4 3.5
24 39 1.1 1.6 5.1
25 39 1.1 1.6 6.7
26 65 1.8 2.6 9.3
27 45 1.2 1.8 11.2
28 74 2.0 3.0 14.2
29 62 1.7 2.5 16.7
30 48 1.3 2.0 18.6
31 62 1.7 2.5 21.2
32 52 1.4 2.1 23.3
33 61 1.7 2.5 25.8
34 71 2.0 2.9 28.7
35 55 1.5 2.2 30.9
36 47 1.3 1.9 32.8
37 64 1.8 2.6 35.4
38 69 1.9 2.8 38.2
39 54 1.5 2.2 40.4
40 56 1.5 2.3 42.7
41 67 1.8 2.7 45.4
42 67 1.8 2.7 48.2
43 53 1.5 2.2 50.3
44 60 1.7 2.4 52.8
45 43 1.2 1.8 54.5
46 65 1.8 2.6 57.2
47 43 1.2 1.8 58.9
48 70 1.9 2.9 61.8
49 59 1.6 2.4 64.2
50 52 1.4 2.1 66.3
51 45 1.2 1.8 68.1
52 56 1.5 2.3 70.4
53 49 1.4 2.0 72.4
54 47 1.3 1.9 74.3
55 47 1.3 1.9 76.2
56 48 1.3 2.0 78.2
57 44 1.2 1.8 80.0
58 46 1.3 1.9 81.8
59 40 1.1 1.6 83.5
60 37 1.0 1.5 85.0
61 43 1.2 1.8 86.7
62 36 1.0 1.5 88.2
63 30 .8 1.2 89.4
64 21 .6 .9 90.3
65 31 .9 1.3 91.5
66 33 .9 1.3 92.9
67 12 .3 .5 93.4
68 19 .5 .8 94.1
69 19 .5 .8 94.9
70 19 .5 .8 95.7
71 6 .2 .2 95.9
72 17 .5 .7 96.6
73 13 .4 .5 97.1
74 13 .4 .5 97.7
75 15 .4 .6 98.3
76 13 .4 .5 98.8
77 6 .2 .2 99.1
78 7 .2 .3 99.3
79 2 .1 .1 99.4
80 4 .1 .2 99.6
81 2 .1 .1 99.7
82 2 .1 .1 99.8
83 3 .1 .1 99.9
84 1 .0 .0 99.9
85 1 .0 .0 100.0
86 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

D3 gender - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 2390 66.0 66.0 66.0
2 female 1232 34.0 34.0 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

SEXSP gender - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 550 15.2 22.4 22.4
2 female 1906 52.6 77.6 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

D21 marital status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 701 19.4 19.4 19.4
2 married 2103 58.1 58.1 77.4
3 separated 77 2.1 2.1 79.5
4 widowed 351 9.7 9.7 89.2
5 divorced 390 10.8 10.8 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

MARTSP marital status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 279 7.7 11.4 11.4
2 married 2065 57.0 84.1 95.4
3 separated 8 .2 .3 95.8
4 widowed 13 .4 .5 96.3
5 divorced 91 2.5 3.7 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

PARSTAHD partnership and parenthood status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 928 25.6 25.6 25.6
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 1111 30.7 30.7 56.3
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 417 11.5 11.5 67.8
4 single head, without children 854 23.6 23.6 91.4
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 179 4.9 4.9 96.3
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 133 3.7 3.7 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

PARSTASP partnership and parenthood status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 928 25.6 37.8 37.8
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 1111 30.7 45.2 83.0
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 417 11.5 17.0 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

D8 ethnicity/nationality - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Albania 6 .2 .2 .2
103 Germany 111 3.1 3.1 3.2
107 Macedonia 4 .1 .1 3.3
110 Estonia 2 .1 .1 3.4
111 France 278 7.7 7.7 11.1
112 Great Britain 30 .8 .8 11.9
113 Luxembourg 2104 58.1 58.1 70.0
114 Greece 10 .3 .3 70.3
115 Hungary 6 .2 .2 70.4
116 Ireland 5 .1 .1 70.6
117 Iceland 1 .0 .0 70.6
119 Malta 1 .0 .0 70.6
121 Norway 3 .1 .1 70.7
122 Poland 7 .2 .2 70.9
123 Portugal 449 12.4 12.4 83.3
124 Romania 2 .1 .1 83.4
126 Sweden 7 .2 .2 83.5
127 Switzerland 5 .1 .1 83.7
128 Italy 170 4.7 4.7 88.4
129 Netherlands 50 1.4 1.4 89.8
131 Russia 2 .1 .1 89.8
132 Yougoslavie 32 .9 .9 90.7
135 Austria 3 .1 .1 90.8
138 Denmark 18 .5 .5 91.3
139 Spain 24 .7 .7 91.9
140 Bosnia-Herzegovina 6 .2 .2 92.1
142 Montenegro 1 .0 .0 92.1
144 Slovenia 3 .1 .1 92.2
146 Serbia 3 .1 .1 92.3
147 Kosovo 4 .1 .1 92.4
150 Belgium 198 5.5 5.5 97.9
160 Finland 8 .2 .2 98.1
214 Philippines 1 .0 .0 98.1
218 China 4 .1 .1 98.2
219 North Korea 1 .0 .0 98.3
250 Azerbaijan 1 .0 .0 98.3
255 Iran 5 .1 .1 98.4
256 Israel 1 .0 .0 98.5
257 Jordan 1 .0 .0 98.5
258 Lebanon 1 .0 .0 98.5
259 Pakistan 1 .0 .0 98.5
269 Armenia 1 .0 .0 98.6
304 Camerun 3 .1 .1 98.6
307 Congo 1 .0 .0 98.7
317 Mauritius 1 .0 .0 98.7
319 Mali 1 .0 .0 98.7
320 Senegal 1 .0 .0 98.8
322 Nigeria 4 .1 .1 98.9
328 Sierra Leone 1 .0 .0 98.9
329 Somalia 1 .0 .0 98.9
334 Togo 1 .0 .0 99.0
336 Kenya 1 .0 .0 99.0
339 Cape Verde 16 .4 .4 99.4
340 Mozambique 1 .0 .0 99.4
341 Angola 1 .0 .0 99.5
351 Algeria 2 .1 .1 99.5
353 Libya 1 .0 .0 99.6
354 Morocco 1 .0 .0 99.6
401 Canada 1 .0 .0 99.6
402 United States 4 .1 .1 99.7
420 Dominican Republic 1 .0 .0 99.8
513 Brazil 2 .1 .1 99.8
514 Chile 2 .1 .1 99.9
516 Equador 1 .0 .0 99.9
518 Peru 1 .0 .0 99.9
613 New Zealand 1 .0 .0 99.9
999 Other 2 .1 .1 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

ETHNATSP ethnicity/nationality - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Albania 5 .1 .2 .2
103 Germany 84 2.3 3.4 3.6
105 Ukraine 2 .1 .1 3.7
107 Macedonia 3 .1 .1 3.8
110 Estonia 1 .0 .0 3.9
111 France 208 5.7 8.5 12.3
112 Great Britain 25 .7 1.0 13.4
113 Luxembourg 1287 35.5 52.4 65.8
114 Greece 5 .1 .2 66.0
115 Hungary 5 .1 .2 66.2
116 Ireland 3 .1 .1 66.3
117 Iceland 2 .1 .1 66.4
121 Norway 2 .1 .1 66.4
122 Poland 12 .3 .5 66.9
123 Portugal 362 10.0 14.7 81.7
124 Romania 3 .1 .1 81.8
126 Sweden 5 .1 .2 82.0
127 Switzerland 6 .2 .2 82.2
128 Italy 93 2.6 3.8 86.0
129 Netherlands 37 1.0 1.5 87.5
130 Czech Republic 1 .0 .0 87.6
131 Russia 7 .2 .3 87.9
132 Yougoslavie 24 .7 1.0 88.8
135 Austria 12 .3 .5 89.3
138 Denmark 12 .3 .5 89.8
139 Spain 15 .4 .6 90.4
140 Bosnia-Herzegovina 9 .2 .4 90.8
142 Montenegro 1 .0 .0 90.8
144 Slovenia 1 .0 .0 90.9
147 Kosovo 3 .1 .1 91.0
150 Belgium 147 4.1 6.0 97.0
160 Finland 3 .1 .1 97.1
214 Philippines 3 .1 .1 97.2
216 Uzbekistan 1 .0 .0 97.3
218 China 3 .1 .1 97.4
235 Thailand 4 .1 .2 97.6
255 Iran 2 .1 .1 97.6
256 Israel 1 .0 .0 97.7
269 Armenia 1 .0 .0 97.7
270 Georgia 1 .0 .0 97.8
304 Camerun 4 .1 .2 97.9
306 Democratic Republic of Congo 1 .0 .0 98.0
307 Congo 2 .1 .1 98.0
309 Ivory Coast 1 .0 .0 98.1
322 Nigeria 1 .0 .0 98.1
336 Kenya 1 .0 .0 98.2
339 Cape Verde 12 .3 .5 98.7
341 Angola 1 .0 .0 98.7
351 Algeria 2 .1 .1 98.8
354 Morocco 4 .1 .2 98.9
357 Tunisia 2 .1 .1 99.0
402 United States 7 .2 .3 99.3
412 Cuba 1 .0 .0 99.3
420 Dominican Republic 1 .0 .0 99.4
513 Brazil 6 .2 .2 99.6
516 Equador 2 .1 .1 99.7
518 Peru 2 .1 .1 99.8
611 Australia 1 .0 .0 99.8
613 New Zealand 2 .1 .1 99.9
999 Other 2 .1 .1 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

IMMIGRHD immigration status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 born in Luxembourg 2030 56.0 56.0 56.0
1922 1 .0 .0 56.1
1927 1 .0 .0 56.1
1928 2 .1 .1 56.2
1930 1 .0 .0 56.2
1931 2 .1 .1 56.2
1932 2 .1 .1 56.3
1936 2 .1 .1 56.4
1937 2 .1 .1 56.4
1938 1 .0 .0 56.4
1939 2 .1 .1 56.5
1940 1 .0 .0 56.5
1941 1 .0 .0 56.5
1942 1 .0 .0 56.6
1943 1 .0 .0 56.6
1945 4 .1 .1 56.7
1946 2 .1 .1 56.8
1947 4 .1 .1 56.9
1948 5 .1 .1 57.0
1949 2 .1 .1 57.1
1950 4 .1 .1 57.2
1951 2 .1 .1 57.2
1952 5 .1 .1 57.4
1953 4 .1 .1 57.5
1954 2 .1 .1 57.5
1955 9 .2 .2 57.8
1956 7 .2 .2 58.0
1957 3 .1 .1 58.1
1958 17 .5 .5 58.5
1959 6 .2 .2 58.7
1960 12 .3 .3 59.0
1961 10 .3 .3 59.3
1962 9 .2 .2 59.6
1963 13 .4 .4 59.9
1964 10 .3 .3 60.2
1965 22 .6 .6 60.8
1966 17 .5 .5 61.3
1967 12 .3 .3 61.6
1968 11 .3 .3 61.9
1969 8 .2 .2 62.1
1970 25 .7 .7 62.8
1971 22 .6 .6 63.4
1972 25 .7 .7 64.1
1973 22 .6 .6 64.7
1974 28 .8 .8 65.5
1975 25 .7 .7 66.2
1976 18 .5 .5 66.7
1977 20 .6 .6 67.2
1978 18 .5 .5 67.7
1979 20 .6 .6 68.3
1980 23 .6 .6 68.9
1981 15 .4 .4 69.3
1982 19 .5 .5 69.9
1983 11 .3 .3 70.2
1984 11 .3 .3 70.5
1985 19 .5 .5 71.0
1986 19 .5 .5 71.5
1987 24 .7 .7 72.2
1988 29 .8 .8 73.0
1989 28 .8 .8 73.7
1990 32 .9 .9 74.6
1991 31 .9 .9 75.5
1992 41 1.1 1.1 76.6
1993 28 .8 .8 77.4
1994 20 .6 .6 77.9
1995 39 1.1 1.1 79.0
1996 34 .9 .9 80.0
1997 36 1.0 1.0 80.9
1998 35 1.0 1.0 81.9
1999 55 1.5 1.5 83.4
2000 64 1.8 1.8 85.2
2001 84 2.3 2.3 87.5
2002 200 5.5 5.5 93.0
2003 240 6.6 6.6 99.7
2004 11 .3 .3 100.0
2005 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

IMMIGRSP immigration status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 born in Luxembourg 1252 34.6 51.0 51.0
1930 2 .1 .1 51.1
1933 1 .0 .0 51.1
1937 1 .0 .0 51.2
1940 1 .0 .0 51.2
1942 1 .0 .0 51.2
1945 2 .1 .1 51.3
1948 1 .0 .0 51.4
1949 1 .0 .0 51.4
1950 1 .0 .0 51.4
1951 2 .1 .1 51.5
1952 2 .1 .1 51.6
1953 4 .1 .2 51.8
1954 5 .1 .2 52.0
1955 4 .1 .2 52.1
1956 5 .1 .2 52.3
1957 2 .1 .1 52.4
1958 8 .2 .3 52.7
1959 4 .1 .2 52.9
1960 6 .2 .2 53.2
1961 8 .2 .3 53.5
1962 5 .1 .2 53.7
1963 6 .2 .2 53.9
1964 3 .1 .1 54.1
1965 9 .2 .4 54.4
1966 7 .2 .3 54.7
1967 7 .2 .3 55.0
1968 10 .3 .4 55.4
1969 10 .3 .4 55.8
1970 9 .2 .4 56.2
1971 21 .6 .9 57.0
1972 14 .4 .6 57.6
1973 19 .5 .8 58.4
1974 21 .6 .9 59.2
1975 18 .5 .7 60.0
1976 14 .4 .6 60.5
1977 6 .2 .2 60.8
1978 15 .4 .6 61.4
1979 19 .5 .8 62.2
1980 21 .6 .9 63.0
1981 15 .4 .6 63.6
1982 8 .2 .3 64.0
1983 9 .2 .4 64.3
1984 8 .2 .3 64.6
1985 3 .1 .1 64.8
1986 14 .4 .6 65.3
1987 17 .5 .7 66.0
1988 23 .6 .9 67.0
1989 20 .6 .8 67.8
1990 21 .6 .9 68.6
1991 27 .7 1.1 69.7
1992 25 .7 1.0 70.8
1993 30 .8 1.2 72.0
1994 26 .7 1.1 73.0
1995 26 .7 1.1 74.1
1996 31 .9 1.3 75.4
1997 25 .7 1.0 76.4
1998 37 1.0 1.5 77.9
1999 47 1.3 1.9 79.8
2000 47 1.3 1.9 81.7
2001 83 2.3 3.4 85.1
2002 137 3.8 5.6 90.7
2003 205 5.7 8.4 99.0
2004 21 .6 .9 99.9
2005 3 .1 .1 100.0
Total 2455 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

System 1 .0

Total 1167 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

D10 educational level - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 no education 18 .5 .5 .5
1 primary education 569 15.7 15.8 16.3
2 first stage lower secondary education 305 8.4 8.5 24.7
3 complimentary education 163 4.5 4.5 29.3
4 first stage lower technical education 173 4.8 4.8 34.1
5 second stage lower technical education 161 4.4 4.5 38.5
6 medium secondary technical education-certificate of manual c 34 .9 .9 39.5
7 medium secondary technical education-certificate of technica 44 1.2 1.2 40.7
8 medium secondary technical education-certificate of technica 497 13.7 13.8 54.5
9 upper secondary technical education-Technician's diploma 66 1.8 1.8 56.3
10 upper secondary technical education-Bac technique 112 3.1 3.1 59.4
11 lower secondary general education 148 4.1 4.1 63.5
12 upper secondary general education 271 7.5 7.5 71.0
13 master craftman's certificate 130 3.6 3.6 74.6
14 first stage university education 133 3.7 3.7 78.3
15 university education - 3 years 164 4.5 4.5 82.9
16 university education - 4 years 220 6.1 6.1 89.0
17 post-university education without doctorate 298 8.2 8.3 97.3
18 post-university education with doctorate 99 2.7 2.7 100.0
Total 3605 99.5 100.0
Missing System 17 .5

Total 3622 100.0

D11 educational level - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 no education 13 .4 .5 .5
1 primary education 356 9.8 14.6 15.1
2 first stage lower secondary education 244 6.7 10.0 25.1
3 complimentary education 153 4.2 6.3 31.4
4 first stage lower technical education 158 4.4 6.5 37.9
5 second stage lower technical education 111 3.1 4.5 42.4
6 medium secondary technical education-certificate of manual c 26 .7 1.1 43.5
7 medium secondary technical education-certificate of technica 28 .8 1.1 44.6
8 medium secondary technical education-certificate of technica 293 8.1 12.0 56.6
9 upper secondary technical education-Technician's diploma 44 1.2 1.8 58.4
10 upper secondary technical education-Bac technique 79 2.2 3.2 61.7
11 lower secondary general education 147 4.1 6.0 67.7
12 upper secondary general education 215 5.9 8.8 76.5
13 master craftman's certificate 24 .7 1.0 77.5
14 first stage university education 104 2.9 4.3 81.7
15 university education - 3 years 131 3.6 5.4 87.1
16 university education - 4 years 130 3.6 5.3 92.4
17 post-university education without doctorate 150 4.1 6.1 98.6
18 post-university education with doctorate 35 1.0 1.4 100.0
Total 2441 67.4 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

System 15 .4

Total 1181 32.6

Total 3622 100.0

D12 occupational training - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

D13 occupational training - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

ENROLHD currently enrolled in education - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 123 enrolled in techn educ-prof regime,CITP 1 .0 .0 .0
124 enrolled in techn educ-prof regime,CATP 3 .1 .1 .1
126 enrolled in techn educ-technical regime 1 .0 .0 .1
131 enrolled in tertiary non-university education 5 .1 .1 .3
132 enrolled in tertiary university education 15 .4 .4 .7
202 not enrolled in education - adult 3591 99.1 99.3 100.0
Total 3616 99.8 100.0
Missing System 6 .2

Total 3622 100.0

ENROLSP currently enrolled in education - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 124 enrolled in techn educ-prof regime,CATP 1 .0 .0 .0
126 enrolled in techn educ-technical regime 2 .1 .1 .1
131 enrolled in tertiary non-university education 6 .2 .2 .4
132 enrolled in tertiary university education 11 .3 .4 .8
202 not enrolled in education - adult 2431 67.1 99.2 100.0
Total 2451 67.7 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

System 5 .1

Total 1171 32.3

Total 3622 100.0

D25 disability status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 11 has illness/disability, is severely hampered 196 5.4 5.4 5.4
12 has illness/disability, is hampered to some extent 352 9.7 9.7 15.1
13 has illness/disability, is not hampered 316 8.7 8.7 23.9
21 does not have illness/disability, is severely hampered 71 2.0 2.0 25.8
22 does not have illness/disability, is hampered to some extent 267 7.4 7.4 33.2
23 does not have illness/disability, is not hampered 2408 66.5 66.5 99.7
29 does not have illness/disability, not known if hampered 8 .2 .2 99.9
91 unknown if has illness/disability, is severely hampered 1 .0 .0 99.9
92 unknown if has illness/disability, is hampered to some exten 3 .1 .1 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

D26 disability status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 11 has illness/disability, is severely hampered 101 2.8 4.1 4.1
12 has illness/disability, is hampered to some extent 193 5.3 7.9 12.0
13 has illness/disability, is not hampered 216 6.0 8.8 20.8
21 does not have illness/disability, is severely hampered 52 1.4 2.1 22.9
22 does not have illness/disability, is hampered to some extent 163 4.5 6.6 29.5
23 does not have illness/disability, is not hampered 1717 47.4 69.9 99.4
29 does not have illness/disability, not known if hampered 10 .3 .4 99.8
91 unknown if has illness/disability, is severely hampered 1 .0 .0 99.9
93 unknown if has illness/disability, is not hampered 2 .1 .1 100.0
99 unknown if has illness/disability, not known if hampered 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

CLFSHD labour force status in the current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 181 Emp; regular Armed Forces 4 .1 .1 .1
191 Emp; regular FT work 1978 54.6 54.6 54.7
192 Emp; regular PT work 202 5.6 5.6 60.3
193 Emp; apprentice 3 .1 .1 60.4
211 Unemp; ILO, registered unemployed 60 1.7 1.7 62.0
213 Unemp; ILO, not registered unemployed 14 .4 .4 62.4
214 Unemp; ILO, found job to start in teh future 7 .2 .2 62.6
219 Unemp; ILO, n.e.c. 20 .6 .6 63.2
221 Unemp; not ILO, registered & actively seeking 6 .2 .2 63.3
222 Unemp; not ILO, registered & looking 13 .4 .4 63.7
229 Unemp; not ILO, registered, n.e.c. 8 .2 .2 63.9
232 Unemp; not ILO, sefl-declared & looking 1 .0 .0 63.9
248 Unemp; not ILO, actively seeking 3 .1 .1 64.0
311 NILF; retired from work 689 19.0 19.0 83.0
312 NILF; early-retired from work 34 .9 .9 84.0
321 NILF; in education 5 .1 .1 84.1
331 NILF; housecare 387 10.7 10.7 94.8
341 NILF; invalid pensioner 146 4.0 4.0 98.8
381 NILF; other situation 26 .7 .7 99.6
431 Not Empl; looking for job 16 .4 .4 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

CLFSSP labour force status in the current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 181 Emp; regular Armed Forces 2 .1 .1 .1
191 Emp; regular FT work 897 24.8 36.5 36.6
192 Emp; regular PT work 370 10.2 15.1 51.7
193 Emp; apprentice 1 .0 .0 51.7
194 Emp; work is not main activity 1 .0 .0 51.8
211 Unemp; ILO, registered unemployed 36 1.0 1.5 53.2
213 Unemp; ILO, not registered unemployed 8 .2 .3 53.5
214 Unemp; ILO, found job to start in teh future 5 .1 .2 53.7
219 Unemp; ILO, n.e.c. 26 .7 1.1 54.8
221 Unemp; not ILO, registered & actively seeking 2 .1 .1 54.9
222 Unemp; not ILO, registered & looking 5 .1 .2 55.1
229 Unemp; not ILO, registered, n.e.c. 3 .1 .1 55.2
232 Unemp; not ILO, sefl-declared & looking 4 .1 .2 55.4
248 Unemp; not ILO, actively seeking 2 .1 .1 55.5
292 Unemp; unknown ILO, registered 2 .1 .1 55.5
311 NILF; retired from work 197 5.4 8.0 63.6
312 NILF; early-retired from work 9 .2 .4 63.9
321 NILF; in education 10 .3 .4 64.3
331 NILF; housecare 769 21.2 31.3 95.6
341 NILF; invalid pensioner 72 2.0 2.9 98.6
381 NILF; other situation 13 .4 .5 99.1
431 Not Empl; looking for job 22 .6 .9 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

CMASHD main activity status in current period - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; regular FT work 1978 54.6 54.6 54.6
112 Emp; regular PT work 202 5.6 5.6 60.2
113 Emp; apprentice 3 .1 .1 60.3
181 Emp; Armed Forces 4 .1 .1 60.4
211 Not Empl; retired from work 690 19.1 19.1 79.4
212 Not Empl; early-retired from work 35 1.0 1.0 80.4
221 Not Emp; in education 6 .2 .2 80.6
231 Not Empl; housecare 411 11.3 11.3 91.9
241 Not Empl; invalid pensioner 149 4.1 4.1 96.0
271 Not Empl; looking for job 106 2.9 2.9 99.0
281 Not Empl; other situation 38 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

CMASSP main activity status in current period - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; regular FT work 897 24.8 36.5 36.5
112 Emp; regular PT work 370 10.2 15.1 51.6
113 Emp; apprentice 1 .0 .0 51.6
181 Emp; Armed Forces 2 .1 .1 51.7
211 Not Empl; retired from work 197 5.4 8.0 59.7
212 Not Empl; early-retired from work 9 .2 .4 60.1
221 Not Emp; in education 12 .3 .5 60.6
231 Not Empl; housecare 819 22.6 33.3 93.9
241 Not Empl; invalid pensioner 73 2.0 3.0 96.9
271 Not Empl; looking for job 60 1.7 2.4 99.3
281 Not Empl; other situation 16 .4 .7 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

UMASHD usual activity status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; dependent work, FT, 15+ hours 1822 50.3 50.3 50.3
112 Emp; dependent work, PT, 15+ hours 141 3.9 3.9 54.2
113 Emp; dependent work, PT, <15 hours 23 .6 .6 54.8
114 Emp; dependent work, apprenticeship 3 .1 .1 54.9
119 Emp; dependent work, indist 2 .1 .1 55.0
121 Emp; self-employment work, FT, 15+ hours 188 5.2 5.2 60.2
122 Emp; self-employment work, PT, 15+ hours 14 .4 .4 60.5
123 Emp; self-employment work, PT, <15 hours 8 .2 .2 60.8
191 Emp; indist 1 .0 .0 60.8
211 Not Empl; retired from work 659 18.2 18.2 79.0
212 Not Empl; early-retired from work 32 .9 .9 79.9
219 Not Empl; indist 2 .1 .1 79.9
221 Not Emp; in education 12 .3 .3 80.3
231 Not Empl; housecare 411 11.3 11.3 91.6
241 Not Empl; invalid pensioner 147 4.1 4.1 95.7
271 Not Empl; looking for job, registered 83 2.3 2.3 98.0
272 Not Empl; looking for job, not registered 14 .4 .4 98.3
279 Not Empl; looking for job, indist 1 .0 .0 98.4
281 Not Empl; other situation 39 1.1 1.1 99.4
291 Not Emp; multiple non-emp activities 4 .1 .1 99.6
901 Indist; 6 months in emp and 6 months in non-emp 16 .4 .4 100.0
Total 3622 100.0 100.0

UMASSP usual activity status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; dependent work, FT, 15+ hours 846 23.4 34.4 34.4
112 Emp; dependent work, PT, 15+ hours 269 7.4 11.0 45.4
113 Emp; dependent work, PT, <15 hours 47 1.3 1.9 47.3
114 Emp; dependent work, apprenticeship 1 .0 .0 47.4
119 Emp; dependent work, indist 4 .1 .2 47.5
121 Emp; self-employment work, FT, 15+ hours 77 2.1 3.1 50.7
122 Emp; self-employment work, PT, 15+ hours 17 .5 .7 51.3
123 Emp; self-employment work, PT, <15 hours 9 .2 .4 51.7
191 Emp; indist 2 .1 .1 51.8
211 Not Empl; retired from work 182 5.0 7.4 59.2
212 Not Empl; early-retired from work 7 .2 .3 59.5
221 Not Emp; in education 16 .4 .7 60.1
231 Not Empl; housecare 816 22.5 33.2 93.4
241 Not Empl; invalid pensioner 72 2.0 2.9 96.3
271 Not Empl; looking for job, registered 37 1.0 1.5 97.8
272 Not Empl; looking for job, not registered 11 .3 .4 98.2
281 Not Empl; other situation 16 .4 .7 98.9
291 Not Emp; multiple non-emp activities 8 .2 .3 99.2
901 Indist; 6 months in emp and 6 months in non-emp 19 .5 .8 100.0
Total 2456 67.8 100.0
Missing -1 1166 32.2

Total 3622 100.0

ACTIVHD status in employment - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Paid Emp; regular 1962 54.2 55.2 55.2
120 Paid Emp; apprentice 3 .1 .1 55.3
181 Paid Emp; regular Armed Forces 4 .1 .1 55.4
189 Paid Emp; Armed Forces, indist 5 .1 .1 55.5
190 Paid Emp; indist 1162 32.1 32.7 88.2
210 Self-Employed; employer 156 4.3 4.4 92.6
220 Self-Employed; own account worker 220 6.1 6.2 98.8
410 Oth Emp; contributing family worker 43 1.2 1.2 100.0
Total 3555 98.2 100.0
Missing -1 54 1.5

System 13 .4

Total 67 1.8

Total 3622 100.0

ACTIVSP status in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Paid Emp; regular 1141 31.5 48.6 48.6
120 Paid Emp; apprentice 1 .0 .0 48.6
181 Paid Emp; regular Armed Forces 2 .1 .1 48.7
189 Paid Emp; Armed Forces, indist 2 .1 .1 48.8
190 Paid Emp; indist 958 26.4 40.8 89.6
210 Self-Employed; employer 71 2.0 3.0 92.6
220 Self-Employed; own account worker 114 3.1 4.9 97.4
410 Oth Emp; contributing family worker 60 1.7 2.6 100.0
Total 2349 64.9 100.0
Missing -1 1259 34.8

System 14 .4

Total 1273 35.1

Total 3622 100.0

D14 occupation - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 armed forces 9 .2 .3 .3
1110 legislators 1 .0 .0 .3
1120 senior government officials 3 .1 .1 .4
1140 senior officials special-interest organisations 1 .0 .0 .4
1210 directors & chief executives 52 1.4 1.5 1.9
1220 department managers 7 .2 .2 2.1
1230 other department managers 85 2.3 2.4 4.5
1310 general managers 121 3.3 3.4 7.9
2110 physicists, chemists & related professionals 8 .2 .2 8.1
2120 mathematicians, statisticians etc professionals 3 .1 .1 8.2
2130 computing professionals 65 1.8 1.8 10.0
2140 architects, engineers etc professionals 105 2.9 3.0 13.0
2210 life science professionals 7 .2 .2 13.2
2220 health professionals (except nursing) 40 1.1 1.1 14.3
2230 nursing & midwifery professionals 2 .1 .1 14.4
2310 higher education teaching professionals 10 .3 .3 14.6
2320 secondary education teaching professionals 76 2.1 2.1 16.8
2330 primary & pre-primary education teaching professionals 61 1.7 1.7 18.5
2350 other teaching professionals 8 .2 .2 18.7
2410 business professionals 61 1.7 1.7 20.5
2420 legal professionals 41 1.1 1.2 21.6
2430 archivists, librarians etc information professionals 5 .1 .1 21.8
2440 social science etc professionals 60 1.7 1.7 23.4
2450 writers & creative or performing artists 21 .6 .6 24.0
2460 religious professionals 6 .2 .2 24.2
3110 physical & engineering science technicians 102 2.8 2.9 27.1
3120 computer associate professionals 16 .4 .5 27.5
3130 optical & electronic equipment operators 3 .1 .1 27.6
3140 ship & aircraft controllers & technicians 11 .3 .3 27.9
3150 safety & quality inspectors 12 .3 .3 28.3
3210 life science technicians etc associate professionals 12 .3 .3 28.6
3220 modern health associate professionals except nursing 25 .7 .7 29.3
3230 nursing & midwifery associate professionals 36 1.0 1.0 30.3
3310 primary education teaching associate professionals 8 .2 .2 30.6
3320 pre-primary education teaching associate professionals 4 .1 .1 30.7
3330 special education teaching associate professionals 1 .0 .0 30.7
3340 other teaching associate professionals 13 .4 .4 31.1
3410 finance & sales associate professionals 95 2.6 2.7 33.7
3420 business services agents and trade brokers 4 .1 .1 33.9
3430 administrative associate professionals 225 6.2 6.3 40.2
3440 customs, tax etc government associate professionals 43 1.2 1.2 41.4
3450 police inspectors & detectives 23 .6 .6 42.1
3460 social work associate professionals 27 .7 .8 42.8
3470 artistic, entertainment & sports associate professionals 19 .5 .5 43.4
3480 religious associate professionals 7 .2 .2 43.6
4110 secretaries & keyboard-operating clerks 171 4.7 4.8 48.4
4120 numerical clerks 67 1.8 1.9 50.3
4130 material-recording & transport clerks 54 1.5 1.5 51.8
4140 library, mail etc clerks 26 .7 .7 52.5
4190 other office clerks 5 .1 .1 52.7
4210 cashiers, tellers etc clerks 36 1.0 1.0 53.7
4220 client information clerics 23 .6 .6 54.3
5110 travel attendants etc 14 .4 .4 54.7
5120 housekeeping & restaurant services workers 117 3.2 3.3 58.0
5130 personal care etc work 49 1.4 1.4 59.4
5140 other personal services workers 29 .8 .8 60.2
5160 protective services workers 31 .9 .9 61.1
5220 shop salespersons & demonstrators 102 2.8 2.9 64.0
6110 market gardeners & cropgrowers 160 4.4 4.5 68.5
6140 forestry etc workers 5 .1 .1 68.7
6150 fishery workers, hunters & trappers 1 .0 .0 68.7
7110 miners, shotfirers, stone cutters & carvers 6 .2 .2 68.8
7120 building frame etc trades workers 139 3.8 3.9 72.8
7130 building finishers etc trades workers 91 2.5 2.6 75.3
7140 painters, building structure cleaners etc trades workers 26 .7 .7 76.1
7210 metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers structu. metal 19 .5 .5 76.6
7220 blacksmiths, tool-makers etc trades workers 45 1.2 1.3 77.9
7230 machinery mechanics & fitters 68 1.9 1.9 79.8
7240 electrical & electronic equipment mechanics & fitters 12 .3 .3 80.1
7310 precision workers in metal etc materials 2 .1 .1 80.2
7320 potters, glass-makers etc trades workers 1 .0 .0 80.2
7330 handicraft workers in wood,textile, leather etc 1 .0 .0 80.2
7340 printing etc trades workers 11 .3 .3 80.6
7410 food processing etc trades workers 25 .7 .7 81.3
7420 wood treaters, cabinet-makers etc trades workers 9 .2 .3 81.5
7430 textile, garment etc trades workers 36 1.0 1.0 82.5
8110 mining- & mineral-processing plant operators 1 .0 .0 82.6
8120 metal-processing-plant operators 40 1.1 1.1 83.7
8130 glass, ceramics etc plant operators 2 .1 .1 83.7
8160 power-production etc plant operators 2 .1 .1 83.8
8170 automated-assembly-line & industrial-robot operators 2 .1 .1 83.9
8210 metal- & mineral-products machine operators 23 .6 .6 84.5
8220 chemical-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 84.5
8230 rubber- & plastic-products machine operators 25 .7 .7 85.2
8250 printing-, binding- & paper-products machine operators 2 .1 .1 85.3
8260 textile-, fur- & leather-products machine operators 2 .1 .1 85.4
8270 food etc products machine operators 7 .2 .2 85.6
8280 assemblers 6 .2 .2 85.7
8290 other machine operators & assemblers 18 .5 .5 86.2
8310 locomotive-engine drivers etc workers 29 .8 .8 87.0
8320 motor-vehicle drivers 85 2.3 2.4 89.4
8330 agricultural & other mobile plant operators 41 1.1 1.2 90.6
8340 ships deck crews etc workers 1 .0 .0 90.6
9120 street services elementary occupations 1 .0 .0 90.7
9130 domestic etc helpers cleaners & launderers 220 6.1 6.2 96.9
9140 building caretakers, window etc cleaners 4 .1 .1 97.0
9150 messengers, porters, doorkeepers etc workers 13 .4 .4 97.3
9160 garbage collectors etc labourers 11 .3 .3 97.7
9210 agricultural, fishery etc labourers 5 .1 .1 97.8
9310 mining & construction labourers 61 1.7 1.7 99.5
9320 manufacturing labourers 6 .2 .2 99.7
9330 transport labourers & freight handlers 11 .3 .3 100.0
Total 3544 97.8 100.0
Missing -1 54 1.5

System 24 .7

Total 78 2.2

Total 3622 100.0

D15 occupation - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 armed forces 4 .1 .2 .2
1120 senior government officials 3 .1 .1 .3
1130 traditional chiefs & heads of villages 1 .0 .0 .3
1210 directors & chief executives 14 .4 .6 .9
1220 department managers 6 .2 .3 1.2
1230 other department managers 25 .7 1.1 2.3
1310 general managers 75 2.1 3.2 5.5
2110 physicists, chemists & related professionals 1 .0 .0 5.5
2120 mathematicians, statisticians etc professionals 5 .1 .2 5.7
2130 computing professionals 22 .6 .9 6.7
2140 architects, engineers etc professionals 37 1.0 1.6 8.3
2210 life science professionals 6 .2 .3 8.5
2220 health professionals (except nursing) 20 .6 .9 9.4
2230 nursing & midwifery professionals 6 .2 .3 9.6
2310 higher education teaching professionals 3 .1 .1 9.7
2320 secondary education teaching professionals 38 1.0 1.6 11.4
2330 primary & pre-primary education teaching professionals 64 1.8 2.7 14.1
2350 other teaching professionals 1 .0 .0 14.2
2410 business professionals 32 .9 1.4 15.5
2420 legal professionals 24 .7 1.0 16.5
2430 archivists, librarians etc information professionals 4 .1 .2 16.7
2440 social science etc professionals 38 1.0 1.6 18.3
2450 writers & creative or performing artists 6 .2 .3 18.6
2460 religious professionals 1 .0 .0 18.6
3110 physical & engineering science technicians 21 .6 .9 19.5
3120 computer associate professionals 3 .1 .1 19.7
3140 ship & aircraft controllers & technicians 1 .0 .0 19.7
3150 safety & quality inspectors 8 .2 .3 20.1
3210 life science technicians etc associate professionals 6 .2 .3 20.3
3220 modern health associate professionals except nursing 27 .7 1.2 21.5
3230 nursing & midwifery associate professionals 48 1.3 2.1 23.5
3310 primary education teaching associate professionals 16 .4 .7 24.2
3320 pre-primary education teaching associate professionals 3 .1 .1 24.3
3330 special education teaching associate professionals 2 .1 .1 24.4
3340 other teaching associate professionals 19 .5 .8 25.2
3410 finance & sales associate professionals 63 1.7 2.7 27.9
3420 business services agents and trade brokers 5 .1 .2 28.1
3430 administrative associate professionals 154 4.3 6.6 34.7
3440 customs, tax etc government associate professionals 15 .4 .6 35.4
3450 police inspectors & detectives 5 .1 .2 35.6
3460 social work associate professionals 30 .8 1.3 36.9
3470 artistic, entertainment & sports associate professionals 15 .4 .6 37.5
3480 religious associate professionals 4 .1 .2 37.7
4110 secretaries & keyboard-operating clerks 205 5.7 8.8 46.4
4120 numerical clerks 61 1.7 2.6 49.0
4130 material-recording & transport clerks 16 .4 .7 49.7
4140 library, mail etc clerks 7 .2 .3 50.0
4190 other office clerks 8 .2 .3 50.4
4210 cashiers, tellers etc clerks 44 1.2 1.9 52.2
4220 client information clerics 19 .5 .8 53.1
5110 travel attendants etc 8 .2 .3 53.4
5120 housekeeping & restaurant services workers 76 2.1 3.2 56.6
5130 personal care etc work 44 1.2 1.9 58.5
5140 other personal services workers 44 1.2 1.9 60.4
5160 protective services workers 14 .4 .6 61.0
5220 shop salespersons & demonstrators 188 5.2 8.0 69.0
6110 market gardeners & cropgrowers 67 1.8 2.9 71.9
7120 building frame etc trades workers 22 .6 .9 72.9
7130 building finishers etc trades workers 25 .7 1.1 73.9
7140 painters, building structure cleaners etc trades workers 6 .2 .3 74.2
7210 metal moulders, welders, sheetmetal workers structu. metal 4 .1 .2 74.3
7220 blacksmiths, tool-makers etc trades workers 6 .2 .3 74.6
7230 machinery mechanics & fitters 16 .4 .7 75.3
7240 electrical & electronic equipment mechanics & fitters 5 .1 .2 75.5
7320 potters, glass-makers etc trades workers 1 .0 .0 75.5
7340 printing etc trades workers 2 .1 .1 75.6
7410 food processing etc trades workers 8 .2 .3 76.0
7420 wood treaters, cabinet-makers etc trades workers 3 .1 .1 76.1
7430 textile, garment etc trades workers 39 1.1 1.7 77.8
8120 metal-processing-plant operators 7 .2 .3 78.1
8170 automated-assembly-line & industrial-robot operators 1 .0 .0 78.1
8210 metal- & mineral-products machine operators 11 .3 .5 78.6
8220 chemical-products machine operators 1 .0 .0 78.6
8230 rubber- & plastic-products machine operators 6 .2 .3 78.9
8260 textile-, fur- & leather-products machine operators 4 .1 .2 79.1
8270 food etc products machine operators 6 .2 .3 79.3
8280 assemblers 6 .2 .3 79.6
8290 other machine operators & assemblers 20 .6 .9 80.4
8310 locomotive-engine drivers etc workers 8 .2 .3 80.8
8320 motor-vehicle drivers 28 .8 1.2 82.0
8330 agricultural & other mobile plant operators 6 .2 .3 82.2
9110 street vendors etc workers 2 .1 .1 82.3
9130 domestic etc helpers cleaners & launderers 353 9.7 15.1 97.4
9140 building caretakers, window etc cleaners 3 .1 .1 97.5
9150 messengers, porters, doorkeepers etc workers 9 .2 .4 97.9
9160 garbage collectors etc labourers 5 .1 .2 98.1
9210 agricultural, fishery etc labourers 16 .4 .7 98.8
9310 mining & construction labourers 20 .6 .9 99.7
9320 manufacturing labourers 2 .1 .1 99.7
9330 transport labourers & freight handlers 6 .2 .3 100.0
Total 2339 64.6 100.0
Missing -1 1259 34.8

System 24 .7

Total 1283 35.4

Total 3622 100.0

D16 industry - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1010 A - agriculture, hunting and forestry 62 1.7 2.8 2.8
1020 A - agriculture, hunting and forestry 5 .1 .2 3.1
3130 C - mining and quarrying 2 .1 .1 3.2
4150 D - manufacturing 10 .3 .5 3.6
4160 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .0 3.7
4170 D - manufacturing 3 .1 .1 3.8
4190 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .0 3.8
4200 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .0 3.9
4210 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .0 3.9
4220 D - manufacturing 14 .4 .6 4.6
4240 D - manufacturing 7 .2 .3 4.9
4250 D - manufacturing 36 1.0 1.6 6.6
4260 D - manufacturing 4 .1 .2 6.7
4270 D - manufacturing 120 3.3 5.5 12.2
4280 D - manufacturing 23 .6 1.1 13.3
4290 D - manufacturing 4 .1 .2 13.5
4310 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .0 13.5
4330 D - manufacturing 3 .1 .1 13.7
4340 D - manufacturing 2 .1 .1 13.7
4350 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .0 13.8
4370 D - manufacturing 2 .1 .1 13.9
5400 E - electricity, gas and water supply 10 .3 .5 14.3
5410 E - electricity, gas and water supply 4 .1 .2 14.5
6450 F - construction 223 6.2 10.2 24.7
7500 G - wholesale and retail trade 28 .8 1.3 26.0
7510 G - wholesale and retail trade 40 1.1 1.8 27.9
7520 G - wholesale and retail trade 125 3.5 5.7 33.6
8550 H - hotels and restaurants 113 3.1 5.2 38.8
9600 I - transport, storage and communications 89 2.5 4.1 42.8
9610 I - transport, storage and communications 2 .1 .1 42.9
9620 I - transport, storage and communications 34 .9 1.6 44.5
9630 I - transport, storage and communications 6 .2 .3 44.8
9640 I - transport, storage and communications 32 .9 1.5 46.2
10650 J - financial intermediation 182 5.0 8.3 54.6
10660 J - financial intermediation 16 .4 .7 55.3
10670 J - financial intermediation 11 .3 .5 55.8
11700 K - real estate, renting and business activities 9 .2 .4 56.2
11720 K - real estate, renting and business activities 29 .8 1.3 57.5
11730 K - real estate, renting and business activities 6 .2 .3 57.8
11740 K - real estate, renting and business activities 106 2.9 4.9 62.7
12750 L - public administration and defence; compuls. social secur 198 5.5 9.1 71.7
13800 M - education 165 4.6 7.6 79.3
14850 N - health and social work 163 4.5 7.5 86.8
15900 O - other community, social and personal service activities 5 .1 .2 87.0
15910 O - other community, social and personal service activities 12 .3 .5 87.5
15920 O - other community, social and personal service activities 36 1.0 1.6 89.2
15930 O - other community, social and personal service activities 38 1.0 1.7 90.9
16950 P - private households with employed person 24 .7 1.1 92.0
17990 Q - extra-territorial organizations and bodies 174 4.8 8.0 100.0
Total 2183 60.3 100.0
Missing -1 1435 39.6

System 4 .1

Total 1439 39.7

Total 3622 100.0

D17 industry - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1010 A - agriculture, hunting and forestry 37 1.0 2.9 2.9
1020 A - agriculture, hunting and forestry 1 .0 .1 3.0
4150 D - manufacturing 5 .1 .4 3.4
4160 D - manufacturing 2 .1 .2 3.6
4200 D - manufacturing 1 .0 .1 3.6
4220 D - manufacturing 4 .1 .3 3.9
4240 D - manufacturing 7 .2 .6 4.5
4250 D - manufacturing 13 .4 1.0 5.5
4260 D - manufacturing 3 .1 .2 5.8
4270 D - manufacturing 23 .6 1.8 7.6
4280 D - manufacturing 3 .1 .2 7.8
4290 D - manufacturing 6 .2 .5 8.3
4310 D - manufacturing 5 .1 .4 8.7
4330 D - manufacturing 3 .1 .2 8.9
4340 D - manufacturing 3 .1 .2 9.2
5400 E - electricity, gas and water supply 3 .1 .2 9.4
6450 F - construction 61 1.7 4.8 14.2
7500 G - wholesale and retail trade 19 .5 1.5 15.7
7510 G - wholesale and retail trade 12 .3 .9 16.7
7520 G - wholesale and retail trade 112 3.1 8.8 25.5
8550 H - hotels and restaurants 64 1.8 5.1 30.5
9600 I - transport, storage and communications 23 .6 1.8 32.4
9620 I - transport, storage and communications 13 .4 1.0 33.4
9630 I - transport, storage and communications 4 .1 .3 33.7
9640 I - transport, storage and communications 16 .4 1.3 35.0
10650 J - financial intermediation 98 2.7 7.7 42.7
10660 J - financial intermediation 22 .6 1.7 44.4
10670 J - financial intermediation 9 .2 .7 45.1
11700 K - real estate, renting and business activities 5 .1 .4 45.5
11710 K - real estate, renting and business activities 2 .1 .2 45.7
11720 K - real estate, renting and business activities 14 .4 1.1 46.8
11730 K - real estate, renting and business activities 3 .1 .2 47.0
11740 K - real estate, renting and business activities 146 4.0 11.5 58.6
12750 L - public administration and defence; compuls. social secur 96 2.7 7.6 66.1
13800 M - education 121 3.3 9.6 75.7
14850 N - health and social work 138 3.8 10.9 86.6
15900 O - other community, social and personal service activities 3 .1 .2 86.8
15910 O - other community, social and personal service activities 5 .1 .4 87.2
15920 O - other community, social and personal service activities 23 .6 1.8 89.0
15930 O - other community, social and personal service activities 32 .9 2.5 91.6
16950 P - private households with employed person 39 1.1 3.1 94.6
17990 Q - extra-territorial organizations and bodies 68 1.9 5.4 100.0
Total 1267 35.0 100.0
Missing -1 2351 64.9

System 4 .1

Total 2355 65.0

Total 3622 100.0

D18 sector of employment - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

D19 sector of employment - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

SKILLHD skill level in employment - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

SKILLSP skill level in employment - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

NEMPHD number of persons in local unit - business of head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 104 2.9 4.8 4.8
2 86 2.4 4.0 8.8
3 75 2.1 3.5 12.3
4 48 1.3 2.2 14.5
5 55 1.5 2.5 17.0
6 57 1.6 2.6 19.7
7 45 1.2 2.1 21.7
8 36 1.0 1.7 23.4
9 24 .7 1.1 24.5
10 38 1.0 1.8 26.3
11 11 to 19 234 6.5 10.8 37.1
12 20 to 49 266 7.3 12.3 49.4
13 50 to 99 204 5.6 9.4 58.9
14 100 to 199 197 5.4 9.1 68.0
15 200 to 499 208 5.7 9.6 77.6
16 500 to 999 156 4.3 7.2 84.8
17 1000 or more 277 7.6 12.8 97.6
18 don' know but less than 11 5 .1 .2 97.9
19 don' know but 11 or more 46 1.3 2.1 100.0
Total 2161 59.7 100.0
Missing -1 1435 39.6

System 26 .7

Total 1461 40.3

Total 3622 100.0

NEMPSP number of persons in local unit - business of spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 94 2.6 7.5 7.5
2 73 2.0 5.8 13.3
3 51 1.4 4.1 17.4
4 35 1.0 2.8 20.2
5 33 .9 2.6 22.8
6 25 .7 2.0 24.8
7 26 .7 2.1 26.9
8 24 .7 1.9 28.8
9 18 .5 1.4 30.2
10 27 .7 2.2 32.4
11 11 to 19 146 4.0 11.6 44.0
12 20 to 49 172 4.7 13.7 57.7
13 50 to 99 95 2.6 7.6 65.3
14 100 to 199 104 2.9 8.3 73.5
15 200 to 499 99 2.7 7.9 81.4
16 500 to 999 72 2.0 5.7 87.2
17 1000 or more 129 3.6 10.3 97.5
18 don' know but less than 11 4 .1 .3 97.8
19 don' know but 11 or more 28 .8 2.2 100.0
Total 1255 34.6 100.0
Missing -1 2351 64.9

System 16 .4

Total 2367 65.4

Total 3622 100.0

FULPARHD full-time or part-time and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 FT in main job;hours <30 because of education 1 .0 .0 .0
112 FT in main job;hours <30 because of health problems 1 .0 .0 .1
116 FT in main job;hours <30 because job is considered FT 42 1.2 1.9 2.0
118 FT in main job;hours <30 because of other reasons 1 .0 .0 2.1
120 FT in main job;hours >=30 1723 47.6 78.8 80.8
211 PT in main job;hours <30 because of education 2 .1 .1 80.9
212 PT in main job;hours <30 because of health problems 14 .4 .6 81.6
213 PT in main job;hours <30 because does not find FT job 21 .6 1.0 82.5
214 PT in main job;hours <30 because of care of children or othe 73 2.0 3.3 85.9
215 PT in main job;hours <30 because does not want to work more 23 .6 1.1 86.9
218 PT in main job;hours <30 because of other reasons 3 .1 .1 87.1
219 PT in main job;hours <30, no reason given 6 .2 .3 87.3
220 PT in main job;hours >=30 58 1.6 2.7 90.0
913 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because does not find FT job 2 .1 .1 90.1
914 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because of care of children or other 5 .1 .2 90.3
915 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because does not want to work more 4 .1 .2 90.5
916 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because job is considered FT 1 .0 .0 90.5
918 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because of other reasons 3 .1 .1 90.7
920 FT/PT unknown;hours >=30 204 5.6 9.3 100.0
Total 2187 60.4 100.0
Missing -1 1435 39.6

Total 3622 100.0

FULPARSP full-time or part-time and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 115 FT in main job;hours <30 because does not want to work more 1 .0 .1 .1
116 FT in main job;hours <30 because job is considered FT 18 .5 1.4 1.5
119 FT in main job;hours <30, no reason given 1 .0 .1 1.6
120 FT in main job;hours >=30 760 21.0 59.8 61.4
211 PT in main job;hours <30 because of education 3 .1 .2 61.6
212 PT in main job;hours <30 because of health problems 14 .4 1.1 62.7
213 PT in main job;hours <30 because does not find FT job 40 1.1 3.1 65.9
214 PT in main job;hours <30 because of care of children or othe 132 3.6 10.4 76.2
215 PT in main job;hours <30 because does not want to work more 64 1.8 5.0 81.3
216 PT in main job;hours <30 because job is considered FT 4 .1 .3 81.6
218 PT in main job;hours <30 because of other reasons 11 .3 .9 82.5
219 PT in main job;hours <30, no reason given 14 .4 1.1 83.6
220 PT in main job;hours >=30 83 2.3 6.5 90.1
913 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because does not find FT job 3 .1 .2 90.3
914 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because of care of children or other 18 .5 1.4 91.7
915 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because does not want to work more 7 .2 .6 92.3
918 FT/PT unknown;hours <30 because of other reasons 3 .1 .2 92.5
920 FT/PT unknown;hours >=30 94 2.6 7.4 99.9
990 FT/PT unknown; unknown total hours 1 .0 .1 100.0
Total 1271 35.1 100.0
Missing -1 2351 64.9

Total 3622 100.0

CONTRAHD permanency of contract - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Permanent contract 2715 75.0 86.7 86.7
120 Limited duration contract 209 5.8 6.7 93.4
130 Other contract 24 .7 .8 94.2
200 No contract 182 5.0 5.8 100.0
Total 3130 86.4 100.0
Missing -1 485 13.4

System 7 .2

Total 492 13.6

Total 3622 100.0

CONTRASP permanency of contract - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Permanent contract 1707 47.1 81.3 81.3
120 Limited duration contract 195 5.4 9.3 90.6
130 Other contract 19 .5 .9 91.5
200 No contract 179 4.9 8.5 100.0
Total 2100 58.0 100.0
Missing -1 1517 41.9

System 5 .1

Total 1522 42.0

Total 3622 100.0

SUPERVHD supervise other workers - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Supervises; has influence on their career 431 11.9 13.7 13.7
120 Supervises; has no influence on their career 578 16.0 18.4 32.2
190 Supervises; unknown if has influence on their career 3 .1 .1 32.3
200 Does not supervise 2123 58.6 67.7 100.0
Total 3135 86.6 100.0
Missing -1 486 13.4

System 1 .0

Total 487 13.4

Total 3622 100.0

SUPERVSP supervise other workers - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Supervises; has influence on their career 139 3.8 6.6 6.6
120 Supervises; has no influence on their career 263 7.3 12.5 19.1
200 Does not supervise 1700 46.9 80.9 100.0
Total 2102 58.0 100.0
Missing -1 1518 41.9

System 2 .1

Total 1520 42.0

Total 3622 100.0

TENUREHD tenure in current job - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Less than 12 months 158 4.4 7.2 7.2
200 12 months or longer 2029 56.0 92.8 100.0
Total 2187 60.4 100.0
Missing -1 1435 39.6

Total 3622 100.0

TENURESP tenure in current job - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Less than 12 months 104 2.9 8.2 8.2
200 12 months or longer 1166 32.2 91.8 100.0
Total 1270 35.1 100.0
Missing -1 2351 64.9

System 1 .0

Total 2352 64.9

Total 3622 100.0

SECJOBHD more than one job - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Has a second paid job 59 1.6 2.7 2.7
201 Has no second paid job 2128 58.8 97.3 100.0
Total 2187 60.4 100.0
Missing -1 1435 39.6

Total 3622 100.0

SECJOBSP more than one job - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Has a second paid job 34 .9 2.7 2.7
201 Has no second paid job 1237 34.2 97.3 100.0
Total 1271 35.1 100.0
Missing -1 2351 64.9

Total 3622 100.0

WEXPHDTL total duration of all work experience - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 6 .2 .2 .2
1 29 .8 .8 1.0
2 49 1.4 1.4 2.4
3 76 2.1 2.1 4.5
4 71 2.0 2.0 6.5
5 93 2.6 2.6 9.1
6 86 2.4 2.4 11.5
7 87 2.4 2.4 14.0
8 100 2.8 2.8 16.8
9 66 1.8 1.9 18.7
10 114 3.1 3.2 21.9
11 65 1.8 1.8 23.7
12 81 2.2 2.3 26.0
13 73 2.0 2.1 28.0
14 81 2.2 2.3 30.3
15 101 2.8 2.8 33.1
16 85 2.3 2.4 35.5
17 78 2.2 2.2 37.7
18 64 1.8 1.8 39.5
19 63 1.7 1.8 41.3
20 111 3.1 3.1 44.4
21 55 1.5 1.5 46.0
22 78 2.2 2.2 48.2
23 79 2.2 2.2 50.4
24 76 2.1 2.1 52.5
25 86 2.4 2.4 55.0
26 54 1.5 1.5 56.5
27 80 2.2 2.3 58.7
28 54 1.5 1.5 60.2
29 53 1.5 1.5 61.7
30 98 2.7 2.8 64.5
31 61 1.7 1.7 66.2
32 76 2.1 2.1 68.3
33 68 1.9 1.9 70.3
34 62 1.7 1.7 72.0
35 119 3.3 3.3 75.4
36 78 2.2 2.2 77.5
37 93 2.6 2.6 80.2
38 72 2.0 2.0 82.2
39 54 1.5 1.5 83.7
40 162 4.5 4.6 88.3
41 74 2.0 2.1 90.3
42 90 2.5 2.5 92.9
43 77 2.1 2.2 95.0
44 39 1.1 1.1 96.1
45 55 1.5 1.5 97.7
46 16 .4 .5 98.1
47 18 .5 .5 98.6
48 12 .3 .3 99.0
49 3 .1 .1 99.1
50 17 .5 .5 99.5
51 3 .1 .1 99.6
52 4 .1 .1 99.7
53 3 .1 .1 99.8
55 3 .1 .1 99.9
60 3 .1 .1 100.0
Total 3554 98.1 100.0
Missing -1 54 1.5

System 14 .4

Total 68 1.9

Total 3622 100.0

WEXPSPTL total duration of all work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 12 .3 .5 .5
1 36 1.0 1.5 2.0
2 74 2.0 3.1 5.2
3 112 3.1 4.8 9.9
4 102 2.8 4.3 14.3
5 125 3.5 5.3 19.6
6 106 2.9 4.5 24.1
7 112 3.1 4.8 28.8
8 105 2.9 4.5 33.3
9 99 2.7 4.2 37.5
10 121 3.3 5.1 42.6
11 57 1.6 2.4 45.1
12 89 2.5 3.8 48.8
13 51 1.4 2.2 51.0
14 48 1.3 2.0 53.0
15 83 2.3 3.5 56.6
16 39 1.1 1.7 58.2
17 46 1.3 2.0 60.2
18 61 1.7 2.6 62.8
19 49 1.4 2.1 64.8
20 87 2.4 3.7 68.5
21 53 1.5 2.3 70.8
22 39 1.1 1.7 72.4
23 40 1.1 1.7 74.1
24 29 .8 1.2 75.4
25 50 1.4 2.1 77.5
26 28 .8 1.2 78.7
27 36 1.0 1.5 80.2
28 35 1.0 1.5 81.7
29 26 .7 1.1 82.8
30 53 1.5 2.3 85.1
31 22 .6 .9 86.0
32 28 .8 1.2 87.2
33 18 .5 .8 87.9
34 19 .5 .8 88.7
35 28 .8 1.2 89.9
36 27 .7 1.1 91.1
37 17 .5 .7 91.8
38 20 .6 .8 92.7
39 17 .5 .7 93.4
40 47 1.3 2.0 95.4
41 14 .4 .6 96.0
42 29 .8 1.2 97.2
43 24 .7 1.0 98.2
44 13 .4 .6 98.8
45 10 .3 .4 99.2
46 6 .2 .3 99.4
47 2 .1 .1 99.5
48 2 .1 .1 99.6
49 2 .1 .1 99.7
50 3 .1 .1 99.8
51 1 .0 .0 99.9
52 1 .0 .0 99.9
54 1 .0 .0 100.0
56 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 2355 65.0 100.0
Missing -1 1259 34.8

System 8 .2

Total 1267 35.0

Total 3622 100.0

WEXPHDFT duration of full-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

WEXPSPFT duration of full-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

WEXPHDPT duration of part-time work experience - head

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

WEXPSPPT duration of part-time work experience - spouse

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 3622 100.0

SEARCHHD looking for job and reason why - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Looking for a job 133 3.7 9.3 9.3
200 Not looking for a job 1302 35.9 90.7 100.0
Total 1435 39.6 100.0
Missing -1 2187 60.4

Total 3622 100.0

SEARCHSP looking for job and reason why - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Looking for a job 107 3.0 9.0 9.0
200 Not looking for a job 1078 29.8 91.0 100.0
Total 1185 32.7 100.0
Missing -1 2437 67.3

Total 3622 100.0

CAREHD current caregiving status - head

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 191 Caregiver; works <30hrs because of care of children or other 78 2.2 39.8 39.8
201 Not caregiver; works <30hrs because of other reasons 118 3.3 60.2 100.0
Total 196 5.4 100.0
Missing -1 3420 94.4

System 6 .2

Total 3426 94.6

Total 3622 100.0

CARESP current caregiving status - spouse

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 191 Caregiver; works <30hrs because of care of children or other 150 4.1 47.2 47.2
201 Not caregiver; works <30hrs because of other reasons 168 4.6 52.8 100.0
Total 318 8.8 100.0
Missing -1 3289 90.8

System 15 .4

Total 3304 91.2

Total 3622 100.0