Descriptives for Spain 1980 household file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
CASENUM UNIQUE UNIT NUMBER 23972 1 23972 11986.50 6920.265
HWEIGHT SAMPLE WEIGHT (from head of household) 23972 .0439189 1.6987190 .407973515 .2727394334
D4 NUMBER OF PERSONS 23972 1 17 3.69 1.779
D5 UNIT STRUCTURE 23972 5.00 5.00 5.0000 .00000
D6 NUMBER OF EARNERS 23972 0 4 1.54 .762
D27 NUMBER OF CHILDREN UNDER AGE 18 23972 0 11 1.19 1.395
D28 AGE OF THE YOUNGEST CHILD 13147 .00 17.00 7.0754 5.12558
NUM6574 NUMBER OF PERSONS AGED 65 TO 74 23972 0 3 .26 .561
WEEKHDFT HEAD WEEKS WORKED FULL TIME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
WEEKHDPT HEAD WEEKS WORKED PART TIME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
WEEKHDUP HEAD WEEKS UNEMPLOYED 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
WEEKSPUP SPOUSE WEEKS UNEMPLOYED 19431 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
HRSHD HOURS WORKED PER WEEK HEAD 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
HRSSP HOURS WORKED PER WEEK SPOUSE 19431 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
TOTEXP TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23972 14601 11587547 865732.64 629834.176
FOODEXP FOOD EXPENDITURES 23972 0 7548112 277826.91 167712.278
HOUSEXP HOUSING EXPENDITURES 23972 368 6412567 161380.69 218413.903
APPEXP CLOTHING EXPENDITURES 23972 0 2320590 75797.80 90105.146
TRANEXP TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURES 23972 0 5885782 113946.23 194886.481
V1 GROSS WAGES AND SALARIES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V1NET NET WAGES AND SALARIES 23939 .00 9350058.00 410958.2161 461694.78142
V2 MANDATORY EMPLOYER CONTRIB. 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V3 NONMANDATORY EMPLOYER CONT. 23969 .00 14000.00 39.8450 371.72422
V4 FARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V5 NONFARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME 23939 .00 8800000.00 109160.5323 298020.16939
V6 IN-KIND EARNINGS 23972 0 45130 249.52 887.295
V7 MAND.CONTRIB. FOR SELF-EMP. 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V8 CASH PROPERTY INCOME 23939 .00 20000000.00 9484.4747 150484.41750
V9 NONCASH PROPERTY INCOME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V10 MARKET VALUE OF RESIDENCE(HOMEOWNERS) 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V11 INCOME TAXES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V12 PROPERTY OR WEALTH TAXES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V13 MANDATORY EMPLOYEE CONTRIB. 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V14 OTHER DIRECT TAXES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V15 INDIRECT TAXES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V16 SICK PAY 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V17 ACCIDENT PAY 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V18 DISABILITY PAY 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V19 SOCIAL RETIREMENT BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V20 CHILD OR FAMILY ALLOWANCES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V21 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V22 MATERNITY ALLOWANCES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V23 MILITARY / VET./ WAR BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V24 RESIDUAL SOCIAL INSURANCE 23939 .00 5000000.00 110576.9641 182675.81888
V25 MEANS-TESTED CASH BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V26 ALL NEAR CASH BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V27 VALUE OF NON-CASH FOOD BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V28 VALUE OF NON-CASH HOUSING BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V29 VALUE OF NON-CASH MEDICAL BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V30 VALUE OF NON-CASH HEATING BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V31 VALUE OF NON-CASH EDUCATION BENEFITS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V32 PRIVATE PENSIONS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V33 PUBLIC SECTOR PENSIONS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V34 ALIMONY OR CHILD SUPPORT 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V35 RESIDUAL REGULAR PRIVATE INCOME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V36 OTHER CASH INCOME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V37 REALIZED LUMP SUM INCOME 23939 .00 12000000.00 4686.6330 97106.08839
V39 GROSS WAGE/SALARY HEAD 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V39NET NET WAGE/SALARY HEAD 23745 0 9350058 315369.76 389468.022
V40 HOURLY WAGE RATE HEAD 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V41 GROSS WAGE/SALARY SPOUSE 19431 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
V41NET NET WAGE/SALARY SPOUSE 227 0 1500000 353754.35 306001.761
V42 HOURLY WAGE RATE SPOUSE 19431 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
NEARCHB NEAR CASH HOUSING BENEFITS (new = V26S2) 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
NEARCOB NEAR CASH EXCEPT HOUSING (new = V26-V26S2) 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
SELFI SELF EMPLOYMENT INCOME 23939 .00 8800000.00 109160.5323 298020.16939
EARNING EARNINGS 23939 .00 9350058.00 520118.7484 489834.40742
FI FACTOR INCOME 23939 .00 20000000.00 529603.2231 513216.54916
PENSIOI OCCUPATIONAL PENSIONS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
MI MARKET INCOME 23939 .00 20000000.00 529603.2231 513216.54916
MEANSI MEANS TESTED INCOME 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
OTHSOCI SOCIAL INSURANCE EX 19-21 23939 .00 5000000.00 110576.9641 182675.81888
SOCI SOCIAL INSURANCE TRANSFERS 23939 .00 5000000.00 110576.9641 182675.81888
SOCTRANS SOCIAL TRANSFERS 23939 .00 5000000.00 110576.9641 182675.81888
PRIVATI PRIVATE TRANSFERS 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
TRANSI TRANSFER INCOME 23939 .00 5000000.00 110576.9641 182675.81888
GI GROSS INCOME 23939 .00 20252000.00 640180.1871 477457.17132
PAYROLL MAND PAYROLL TAXES 23972 .00 .00 .0000 .00000
DPI NET DISPOSABLE INCOME AFTER TAXES 23939 .00 20252000.00 640180.1871 477457.17132
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Spain 1980 household file

Frequency Table


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 4541 18.9 18.9 18.9
1.00 19431 81.1 81.1 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 16 3 .0 .0 .0
17 12 .1 .1 .1
18 28 .1 .1 .2
19 31 .1 .1 .3
20 48 .2 .2 .5
21 52 .2 .2 .7
22 107 .4 .4 1.2
23 118 .5 .5 1.7
24 157 .7 .7 2.3
25 229 1.0 1.0 3.3
26 228 1.0 1.0 4.2
27 277 1.2 1.2 5.4
28 271 1.1 1.1 6.5
29 351 1.5 1.5 8.0
30 395 1.6 1.6 9.6
31 377 1.6 1.6 11.2
32 484 2.0 2.0 13.2
33 449 1.9 1.9 15.1
34 450 1.9 1.9 17.0
35 522 2.2 2.2 19.1
36 468 2.0 2.0 21.1
37 490 2.0 2.0 23.1
38 460 1.9 1.9 25.1
39 442 1.8 1.8 26.9
40 529 2.2 2.2 29.1
41 345 1.4 1.4 30.5
42 477 2.0 2.0 32.5
43 495 2.1 2.1 34.6
44 534 2.2 2.2 36.8
45 598 2.5 2.5 39.3
46 524 2.2 2.2 41.5
47 539 2.2 2.2 43.8
48 595 2.5 2.5 46.2
49 583 2.4 2.4 48.7
50 670 2.8 2.8 51.5
51 480 2.0 2.0 53.5
52 617 2.6 2.6 56.0
53 534 2.2 2.2 58.3
54 527 2.2 2.2 60.5
55 520 2.2 2.2 62.6
56 518 2.2 2.2 64.8
57 546 2.3 2.3 67.1
58 533 2.2 2.2 69.3
59 501 2.1 2.1 71.4
60 515 2.1 2.1 73.5
61 333 1.4 1.4 74.9
62 400 1.7 1.7 76.6
63 349 1.5 1.5 78.1
64 370 1.5 1.5 79.6
65 395 1.6 1.6 81.2
66 359 1.5 1.5 82.7
67 411 1.7 1.7 84.5
68 352 1.5 1.5 85.9
69 322 1.3 1.3 87.3
70 375 1.6 1.6 88.8
71 267 1.1 1.1 89.9
72 290 1.2 1.2 91.2
73 266 1.1 1.1 92.3
74 267 1.1 1.1 93.4
75 252 1.1 1.1 94.4
76 223 .9 .9 95.4
77 202 .8 .8 96.2
78 171 .7 .7 96.9
79 142 .6 .6 97.5
80 145 .6 .6 98.1
81 75 .3 .3 98.4
82 84 .4 .4 98.8
83 58 .2 .2 99.0
84 60 .3 .3 99.3
85 36 .2 .2 99.4
86 38 .2 .2 99.6
87 24 .1 .1 99.7
88 20 .1 .1 99.8
89 16 .1 .1 99.8
90 9 .0 .0 99.9
91 8 .0 .0 99.9
92 5 .0 .0 99.9
93 6 .0 .0 99.9
94 3 .0 .0 100.0
95 1 .0 .0 100.0
97 4 .0 .0 100.0
98 2 .0 .0 100.0
99 3 .0 .0 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 15 3 .0 .0 .0
16 3 .0 .0 .0
17 10 .0 .1 .1
18 19 .1 .1 .2
19 35 .1 .2 .4
20 70 .3 .4 .7
21 122 .5 .6 1.3
22 171 .7 .9 2.2
23 185 .8 1.0 3.2
24 234 1.0 1.2 4.4
25 309 1.3 1.6 6.0
26 298 1.2 1.5 7.5
27 347 1.4 1.8 9.3
28 353 1.5 1.8 11.1
29 385 1.6 2.0 13.1
30 459 1.9 2.4 15.5
31 410 1.7 2.1 17.6
32 494 2.1 2.5 20.1
33 490 2.0 2.5 22.6
34 460 1.9 2.4 25.0
35 498 2.1 2.6 27.6
36 518 2.2 2.7 30.2
37 455 1.9 2.3 32.6
38 434 1.8 2.2 34.8
39 371 1.5 1.9 36.7
40 512 2.1 2.6 39.3
41 314 1.3 1.6 41.0
42 452 1.9 2.3 43.3
43 466 1.9 2.4 45.7
44 479 2.0 2.5 48.1
45 503 2.1 2.6 50.7
46 536 2.2 2.8 53.5
47 531 2.2 2.7 56.2
48 530 2.2 2.7 59.0
49 442 1.8 2.3 61.2
50 556 2.3 2.9 64.1
51 419 1.7 2.2 66.2
52 448 1.9 2.3 68.6
53 447 1.9 2.3 70.9
54 415 1.7 2.1 73.0
55 439 1.8 2.3 75.3
56 396 1.7 2.0 77.3
57 349 1.5 1.8 79.1
58 364 1.5 1.9 81.0
59 312 1.3 1.6 82.6
60 326 1.4 1.7 84.2
61 265 1.1 1.4 85.6
62 261 1.1 1.3 86.9
63 261 1.1 1.3 88.3
64 261 1.1 1.3 89.6
65 224 .9 1.2 90.8
66 234 1.0 1.2 92.0
67 199 .8 1.0 93.0
68 193 .8 1.0 94.0
69 168 .7 .9 94.9
70 165 .7 .8 95.7
71 125 .5 .6 96.4
72 111 .5 .6 96.9
73 120 .5 .6 97.6
74 88 .4 .5 98.0
75 90 .4 .5 98.5
76 63 .3 .3 98.8
77 60 .3 .3 99.1
78 55 .2 .3 99.4
79 33 .1 .2 99.6
80 33 .1 .2 99.7
81 15 .1 .1 99.8
82 9 .0 .0 99.9
83 8 .0 .0 99.9
84 7 .0 .0 99.9
85 5 .0 .0 100.0
86 2 .0 .0 100.0
87 4 .0 .0 100.0
88 1 .0 .0 100.0
89 2 .0 .0 100.0
Total 19431 81.1 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 20851 87.0 87.0 87.0
2 female 3121 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 ANDALUCIA 4414 18.4 18.4 18.4
2 ARAGON 1301 5.4 5.4 23.8
3 ASTURIAS 691 2.9 2.9 26.7
4 BALEARES 478 2.0 2.0 28.7
5 CANARIAS 866 3.6 3.6 32.3
6 CANTABRIA 528 2.2 2.2 34.5
7 CASTILLA Y LEON 3340 13.9 13.9 48.5
8 CASTILLA-LA MANCHA 1159 4.8 4.8 53.3
9 CATALU0A 2368 9.9 9.9 63.2
10 COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA 1768 7.4 7.4 70.6
11 EXTREMADURA 931 3.9 3.9 74.4
12 GALICIA 2226 9.3 9.3 83.7
13 MADRID 1269 5.3 5.3 89.0
14 MURCIA 457 1.9 1.9 90.9
15 NAVARRA 364 1.5 1.5 92.4
16 PAIS VASCO (EUSKADI) 1204 5.0 5.0 97.5
17 RIOJA 344 1.4 1.4 98.9
18 CEUTA Y MELILLA 264 1.1 1.1 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 23972 100.0 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 19431 81.1 100.0 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 missing 227 .9 .9 .9
1.00 illiterate 1638 6.8 6.8 7.8
2.00 without formal education 6029 25.2 25.2 32.9
3.00 basic edec. 11366 47.4 47.4 80.3
4.00 primary education 1620 6.8 6.8 87.1
5.00 secondary education 1138 4.7 4.7 91.8
6.00 technical secondary 354 1.5 1.5 93.3
7.00 pre-university level 827 3.4 3.4 96.8
8.00 university education 773 3.2 3.2 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 missing 19204 80.1 98.8 98.8
1.00 illiterate 20 .1 .1 98.9
2.00 without formal education 54 .2 .3 99.2
3.00 basic edec. 75 .3 .4 99.6
4.00 primary education 21 .1 .1 99.7
5.00 secondary education 19 .1 .1 99.8
7.00 pre-university level 33 .1 .2 100.0
8.00 university education 5 .0 .0 100.0
Total 19431 81.1 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 23972 100.0 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 19431 81.1 100.0 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 no head/not applicable 8308 34.7 34.7 34.7
.00 inactive /1st job search 2 .0 .0 34.7
1.00 chimical, physical, geological and similar 31 .1 .1 34.8
2.00 architects, higher engineers 48 .2 .2 35.0
3.00 architects and technical engineers, draughtspersons 154 .6 .6 35.6
4.00 aircraft and ship pilots and associates 18 .1 .1 35.7
5.00 biological, agronomical forestry and similar 14 .1 .1 35.8
6.00 Medical doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists and sim 140 .6 .6 36.4
7.00 medical, veterinarian and pharmaceutical assistants 141 .6 .6 36.9
8.00 statistician, mathematician, actuary, computing prof 21 .1 .1 37.0
9.00 economists 15 .1 .1 37.1
11.00 bookkeepers 24 .1 .1 37.2
12.00 legal professionals 58 .2 .2 37.4
13.00 teaching professionals 385 1.6 1.6 39.0
14.00 religious professionals 44 .2 .2 39.2
15.00 authors, journalists and similar 7 .0 .0 39.3
16.00 sculptors, painters, decorators, photographers a sim 54 .2 .2 39.5
17.00 musicians and stage related professionals 14 .1 .1 39.5
18.00 sports related professionals 6 .0 .0 39.6
19.00 professionals and technicians not elsewhere classif 72 .3 .3 39.9
20.00 legislators and senior government officials 34 .1 .1 40.0
21.00 directors and corporate managers 232 1.0 1.0 41.0
24.00 person in not well specified occupations 84 .4 .4 41.3
25.00 armed forces professionals 303 1.3 1.3 42.6
31.00 heads of public or private administrative offices 277 1.2 1.2 43.7
32.00 data entry operators 78 .3 .3 44.1
33.00 accounting and bookkeeping clerks 395 1.6 1.6 45.7
34.00 calculating machine operators 26 .1 .1 45.8
35.00 chiefs and inspectors in transport and communication 53 .2 .2 46.0
36.00 train conductors 38 .2 .2 46.2
37.00 mail carriers 132 .6 .6 46.8
38.00 telephone and telegraph operator 39 .2 .2 46.9
39.00 other employees in administrative services 675 2.8 2.8 49.7
40.00 directors and managers of enterprises and shops 46 .2 .2 49.9
41.00 managing director of enterprises and shops 636 2.7 2.7 52.6
42.00 purchase and sales managers 68 .3 .3 52.9
43.00 commercial travellers and technical salespersons 316 1.3 1.3 54.2
44.00 brokers, estate and insurance agents 44 .2 .2 54.4
45.00 shop salespersons 314 1.3 1.3 55.7
49.00 traders and salespersons not elsewhere classified 213 .9 .9 56.6
50.00 directors and managers in hotels and restaurants 5 .0 .0 56.6
51.00 managing director of hotels and restaurants 185 .8 .8 57.4
52.00 personnel managers in domestic services 26 .1 .1 57.5
53.00 cooks, waiters and similar 209 .9 .9 58.3
54.00 services personnel not elsewhere classified 80 .3 .3 58.7
55.00 caretakers, domestic cleaners and similar 362 1.5 1.5 60.2
56.00 launderers and pressers 27 .1 .1 60.3
57.00 hairdressers, beauticians and related 47 .2 .2 60.5
58.00 protective services workers 239 1.0 1.0 61.5
59.00 personnel from services not elsewhere classified 87 .4 .4 61.8
60.00 directors of agricultural, fishery enterprises 10 .0 .0 61.9
61.00 self-employed in agriculture and fishery 1443 6.0 6.0 67.9
62.00 workers in field crop and animal producing 1005 4.2 4.2 72.1
63.00 forestry workers 60 .3 .3 72.4
64.00 fishery workers and hunters 115 .5 .5 72.8
70.00 department managers and foremen 260 1.1 1.1 73.9
71.00 miners and similar extraction workers 136 .6 .6 74.5
72.00 iron industrial workers 300 1.3 1.3 75.7
73.00 wood preparation and processing, paper production 128 .5 .5 76.3
74.00 preparation and processing of chimical products 110 .5 .5 76.7
75.00 textile goods preparation and processing 85 .4 .4 77.1
76.00 leather and skin preparation and treatment 17 .1 .1 77.2
77.00 food and beverage preparation and production 317 1.3 1.3 78.5
78.00 tobacco preparers and tobbacco products makers 17 .1 .1 78.5
79.00 tailors, dressmakers 113 .5 .5 79.0
80.00 shoemaking trades workers 62 .3 .3 79.3
81.00 workers in furniture and other wooden articles prod 273 1.1 1.1 80.4
82.00 stone splitters, cutters and carvers 41 .2 .2 80.6
83.00 blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers 264 1.1 1.1 81.7
84.00 mechanics, watch makers, precision workers 627 2.6 2.6 84.3
85.00 electrical and electronic equipment mechanics 360 1.5 1.5 85.8
86.00 operators in radio, TV and cinema 13 .1 .1 85.9
87.00 tinsmiths, sheet-metal workers, plumbers a. similar 296 1.2 1.2 87.1
88.00 jewelers and silversmiths 25 .1 .1 87.2
89.00 potters and glass makers 108 .5 .5 87.6
90.00 rubber and plastic production workers 49 .2 .2 87.9
91.00 paper and cardboard products workers 4 .0 .0 87.9
92.00 workers in graphic arts 111 .5 .5 88.3
93.00 painters 125 .5 .5 88.9
94.00 other craftsmen not elsewhere classified 41 .2 .2 89.0
95.00 building frame and related trades 1016 4.2 4.2 93.3
96.00 plant and machine operators 46 .2 .2 93.5
97.00 charging and unloadinng of materials, merchandise 209 .9 .9 94.3
98.00 drivers and other operating personnel in transport 901 3.8 3.8 98.1
99.00 laborers, other workers not elsewhere classified 459 1.9 1.9 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 no head/not applicable 19259 80.3 99.1 99.1
6.00 Medical doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists and sim 2 .0 .0 99.1
7.00 medical, veterinarian and pharmaceutical assistants 13 .1 .1 99.2
8.00 statistician, mathematician, actuary, computing prof 1 .0 .0 99.2
13.00 teaching professionals 26 .1 .1 99.3
15.00 authors, journalists and similar 1 .0 .0 99.3
19.00 professionals and technicians not elsewhere classif 3 .0 .0 99.4
31.00 heads of public or private administrative offices 1 .0 .0 99.4
32.00 data entry operators 7 .0 .0 99.4
33.00 accounting and bookkeeping clerks 1 .0 .0 99.4
34.00 calculating machine operators 1 .0 .0 99.4
38.00 telephone and telegraph operator 3 .0 .0 99.4
39.00 other employees in administrative services 13 .1 .1 99.5
41.00 managing director of enterprises and shops 9 .0 .0 99.5
45.00 shop salespersons 9 .0 .0 99.6
49.00 traders and salespersons not elsewhere classified 5 .0 .0 99.6
51.00 managing director of hotels and restaurants 4 .0 .0 99.6
53.00 cooks, waiters and similar 12 .1 .1 99.7
54.00 services personnel not elsewhere classified 8 .0 .0 99.7
55.00 caretakers, domestic cleaners and similar 24 .1 .1 99.9
56.00 launderers and pressers 6 .0 .0 99.9
57.00 hairdressers, beauticians and related 1 .0 .0 99.9
59.00 personnel from services not elsewhere classified 1 .0 .0 99.9
61.00 self-employed in agriculture and fishery 2 .0 .0 99.9
62.00 workers in field crop and animal producing 2 .0 .0 99.9
74.00 preparation and processing of chimical products 1 .0 .0 99.9
76.00 leather and skin preparation and treatment 1 .0 .0 99.9
77.00 food and beverage preparation and production 2 .0 .0 99.9
78.00 tobacco preparers and tobbacco products makers 1 .0 .0 99.9
79.00 tailors, dressmakers 6 .0 .0 100.0
82.00 stone splitters, cutters and carvers 1 .0 .0 100.0
83.00 blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers 1 .0 .0 100.0
84.00 mechanics, watch makers, precision workers 1 .0 .0 100.0
89.00 potters and glass makers 1 .0 .0 100.0
91.00 paper and cardboard products workers 1 .0 .0 100.0
99.00 laborers, other workers not elsewhere classified 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 19431 81.1 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 not applicable 227 .9 .9 .9
.00 other 6576 27.4 27.4 28.4
1.00 agricultural produce 2887 12.0 12.0 40.4
6.00 non-agricultural 14282 59.6 59.6 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 not applicable 19204 80.1 98.8 98.8
.00 other 41 .2 .2 99.0
1.00 agricultural produce 6 .0 .0 99.1
6.00 non-agricultural 180 .8 .9 100.0
Total 19431 81.1 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 nonworker/not applic. 8308 34.7 34.7 34.7
.00 other 2 .0 .0 34.7
1.00 employers 796 3.3 3.3 38.0
2.00 businesspeople without workers or self-employed 3210 13.4 13.4 51.4
4.00 public or private sector employees 11656 48.6 48.6 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid -1.00 nonworker/not applic. 19259 80.3 99.1 99.1
1.00 employers 1 .0 .0 99.1
2.00 businesspeople without workers or self-employed 25 .1 .1 99.2
4.00 public or private sector employees 146 .6 .8 100.0
Total 19431 81.1 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 up to 2000 2903 12.1 12.1 12.1
2 2001-10000 3986 16.6 16.6 28.7
3 10001-50000 4362 18.2 18.2 46.9
4 50001-500000 9883 41.2 41.2 88.2
5 more than 500000 2838 11.8 11.8 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 not married 4541 18.9 18.9 18.9
2.00 married 19431 81.1 81.1 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2.00 married 19431 81.1 100.0 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1.00 owned 16428 68.5 68.5 68.5
2.00 rented 5484 22.9 22.9 91.4
3.00 other (partly free housing) 2060 8.6 8.6 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 23972 100.0 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid .00 19431 81.1 100.0 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 in other situation 135 .6 .6 .6
1 working more th 1/3 of reg hrs in previous week 15742 65.7 65.7 66.2
2 working less th 1/3 of regular hours 462 1.9 1.9 68.2
3 military service no paid job (not worked before) 8 .0 .0 68.2
4 unemployed with previous job 1103 4.6 4.6 72.8
5 looking for 1st employment 6 .0 .0 72.8
6 retired or disabled 5956 24.8 24.8 97.7
7 rentiers 123 .5 .5 98.2
8 sudents or pupils 64 .3 .3 98.4
9 housekeepers 373 1.6 1.6 100.0
Total 23972 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 in other situation 151 .6 .8 .8
1 working more th 1/3 of reg hrs in previous week 2110 8.8 10.9 11.6
2 working less th 1/3 of regular hours 685 2.9 3.5 15.2
3 military service no paid job (not worked before) 1 .0 .0 15.2
4 unemployed with previous job 107 .4 .6 15.7
5 looking for 1st employment 7 .0 .0 15.8
6 retired or disabled 673 2.8 3.5 19.2
7 rentiers 2 .0 .0 19.2
8 sudents or pupils 41 .2 .2 19.4
9 housekeepers 15654 65.3 80.6 100.0
Total 19431 81.1 100.0
Missing System 4541 18.9

Total 23972 100.0