Descriptives for Spain 2000 person file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 14320 142 142 142.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 14320 1 4966 2463.77 1443.919
PWEIGHT person weight 14320 0 3 1.02 .454
PAGE age 14316 0 85 40.24 22.642
PHOURSU usual hours worked per week 12089 -9 1072 32.07 116.806
PHOURSA actual hours worked per week 0

PWEEKTL total weeks worked 11796 0 1048 27.52 74.261
PWEEKFT weeks worked full-time 0

PWEEKPT weeks worked part-time 0

PWEEKUP weeks unemployed 11891 0 1026 3.42 14.549
PSLOT1 country specific person information 1 9446 8 80 17.20 5.672
PSLOT2 country specific person information 2 11921 0 96 9.17 21.090
PGWAGE gross wages and salaries 3079 5000 27246480 2326140.37 1877253.498
PNWAGE net wages and salaries 4871 5000 34416046 2029216.52 1581053.414
PGWTIME gross wages per unit of time 3077 5000 2270540 206323.44 146727.329
PNWTIME net wages per unit of time 4810 2000 1811908 163812.63 101440.546
PMERC mandatory employer contributions 0

PSELF self-employment income 1009 -100000 36000000 2503468.29 2915569.873
PYTAX income taxes 0

PWTAX property/wealth taxes 0

PMEEC mandatory employee contributions 0

PSOCRET state old-age and survivors benefits 2364 15000 9600000 1267430.92 779702.820
PUNEMP unemployment compensation benefits 302 35000 4080000 479866.38 462688.288
PPRVPEN private occupational and other pensions 28 24000 2748000 983531.00 714602.788
PPUBPEN public sector occupational pensions 0

PCONFRIN non-mandatory employer contributions and in-kind earnings 0

PSTSICK short-term sickness and work injury benefits 89 35000 3100000 504597.78 501635.031
PCHBEN child-related benefits 111 6000 2640000 195780.27 319205.946
PFAMLV family leave benefits 55 11000 1600000 481333.02 342122.334
PUNEMPTL total unemployment benefits 541 35000 4080000 462986.86 382786.373
PPENSTL total pensions 2888 15000 9600000 1217984.12 798390.649
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Spain 2000 person file

Frequency Table

PPNUM person identifier

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head 4966 34.7 34.7 34.7
2 wife or steady partner 3497 24.4 24.4 59.1
3 oldest other adult 2176 15.2 15.2 74.3
4 2nd oldest oth adlt 1094 7.6 7.6 81.9
5 3rd oldest oth adlt 422 2.9 2.9 84.9
6 youngest child 1351 9.4 9.4 94.3
7 2nd yngst child 550 3.8 3.8 98.2
8 3rd yngst child 74 .5 .5 98.7
31 4th oldest oth adlt 125 .9 .9 99.5
32 5th oldest oth adlt 32 .2 .2 99.8
33 6th oldest oth adlt 8 .1 .1 99.8
34 7th oldest oth adlt 3 .0 .0 99.8
35 8th oldest oth adlt 1 .0 .0 99.9
36 9th oldest oth adlt 1 .0 .0 99.9
51 unknown age , 1st person 1 .0 .0 99.9
52 unknown age , 2nd person 1 .0 .0 99.9
53 unknown age , 3rd person 1 .0 .0 99.9
61 4th yngst child 9 .1 .1 99.9
62 5th yngst child 4 .0 .0 100.0
63 6th yngst child 2 .0 .0 100.0
64 7th yngst child 1 .0 .0 100.0
65 8th yngst child 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 14320 100.0 100.0

PAGE age

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 120 .8 .8 .8
1 151 1.1 1.1 1.9
2 154 1.1 1.1 3.0
3 106 .7 .7 3.7
4 128 .9 .9 4.6
5 116 .8 .8 5.4
6 113 .8 .8 6.2
7 115 .8 .8 7.0
8 118 .8 .8 7.8
9 135 .9 .9 8.8
10 150 1.0 1.0 9.8
11 152 1.1 1.1 10.9
12 142 1.0 1.0 11.9
13 140 1.0 1.0 12.9
14 152 1.1 1.1 13.9
15 158 1.1 1.1 15.0
16 169 1.2 1.2 16.2
17 187 1.3 1.3 17.5
18 190 1.3 1.3 18.8
19 169 1.2 1.2 20.0
20 190 1.3 1.3 21.3
21 210 1.5 1.5 22.8
22 234 1.6 1.6 24.4
23 221 1.5 1.5 26.0
24 263 1.8 1.8 27.8
25 258 1.8 1.8 29.6
26 251 1.8 1.8 31.4
27 275 1.9 1.9 33.3
28 232 1.6 1.6 34.9
29 266 1.9 1.9 36.8
30 268 1.9 1.9 38.6
31 283 2.0 2.0 40.6
32 240 1.7 1.7 42.3
33 241 1.7 1.7 44.0
34 234 1.6 1.6 45.6
35 240 1.7 1.7 47.3
36 189 1.3 1.3 48.6
37 194 1.4 1.4 50.0
38 198 1.4 1.4 51.4
39 200 1.4 1.4 52.8
40 200 1.4 1.4 54.1
41 190 1.3 1.3 55.5
42 172 1.2 1.2 56.7
43 187 1.3 1.3 58.0
44 173 1.2 1.2 59.2
45 178 1.2 1.2 60.4
46 187 1.3 1.3 61.7
47 171 1.2 1.2 62.9
48 165 1.2 1.2 64.1
49 168 1.2 1.2 65.3
50 156 1.1 1.1 66.4
51 162 1.1 1.1 67.5
52 187 1.3 1.3 68.8
53 161 1.1 1.1 69.9
54 147 1.0 1.0 70.9
55 143 1.0 1.0 71.9
56 133 .9 .9 72.9
57 159 1.1 1.1 74.0
58 163 1.1 1.1 75.1
59 131 .9 .9 76.0
60 125 .9 .9 76.9
61 167 1.2 1.2 78.1
62 98 .7 .7 78.8
63 114 .8 .8 79.6
64 163 1.1 1.1 80.7
65 179 1.3 1.3 81.9
66 150 1.0 1.0 83.0
67 139 1.0 1.0 84.0
68 183 1.3 1.3 85.2
69 153 1.1 1.1 86.3
70 182 1.3 1.3 87.6
71 148 1.0 1.0 88.6
72 136 .9 .9 89.6
73 134 .9 .9 90.5
74 131 .9 .9 91.4
75 127 .9 .9 92.3
76 125 .9 .9 93.2
77 129 .9 .9 94.1
78 109 .8 .8 94.8
79 111 .8 .8 95.6
80 93 .6 .6 96.3
81 91 .6 .6 96.9
82 75 .5 .5 97.4
83 49 .3 .3 97.8
84 76 .5 .5 98.3
85 85 years or over 244 1.7 1.7 100.0
Total 14316 100.0 100.0
Missing System 4 .0

Total 14320 100.0

PSEX gender

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 6981 48.8 48.8 48.8
2 female 7339 51.3 51.3 100.0
Total 14320 100.0 100.0

PMART marital status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 never married 3590 25.1 30.0 30.0
2 married 7018 49.0 58.7 88.7
3 separated 172 1.2 1.4 90.1
4 divorced 116 .8 1.0 91.1
5 widowed 1068 7.5 8.9 100.0
Total 11964 83.5 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 204 1.4

Total 2356 16.5

Total 14320 100.0

PREL relationship

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head of household 4966 34.7 34.7 34.7
2 husband/wife of head 3497 24.4 24.4 59.1
3 own child 4847 33.8 33.8 92.9
4 step/adopted/foster child 32 .2 .2 93.2
5 sibling 105 .7 .7 93.9
6 step/adopted/foster sibling 7 .0 .0 94.0
7 grand child (including step/adopted/foster) 252 1.8 1.8 95.7
8 son/daughter in law 110 .8 .8 96.5
9 other relative 141 1.0 1.0 97.5
10 not related 53 .4 .4 97.8
11 own parent 138 1.0 1.0 98.8
12 step/adopted/foster parent, guardian 1 .0 .0 98.8
13 grand parent (including step/adopted/foster) 10 .1 .1 98.9
14 parent in law (including step/adopted/foster) 161 1.1 1.1 100.0
Total 14320 100.0 100.0

PPARSTA partnership and parenthood status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 2424 16.9 16.9 16.9
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 2742 19.1 19.1 36.1
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 1828 12.8 12.8 48.8
4 single head, without children 988 6.9 6.9 55.7
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 85 .6 .6 56.3
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 396 2.8 2.8 59.1
7 child with partner, age 18+, living with single parent 60 .4 .4 59.5
8 child with partner, age 18+, living with parent with partner 70 .5 .5 60.0
9 single child, age 18+, living with single parent 548 3.8 3.8 63.8
10 single child, age 18+, living with parent with partner 1920 13.4 13.4 77.2
11 child, age under 18, living with single parent 114 .8 .8 78.0
12 child, age under 18, living with parent with partner 2135 14.9 14.9 92.9
13 other person living with partner 245 1.7 1.7 94.7
14 single other person 765 5.3 5.3 100.0
Total 14320 100.0 100.0

PETHNAT ethnicity/nationality

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 national 11870 82.9 99.2 99.2
2 national with second nationality 14 .1 .1 99.3
3 non-national, EU-citizenship 39 .3 .3 99.7
4 non-national, non-EU-citizenship 40 .3 .3 100.0
5 non-national, but nationality unknown 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 11964 83.5 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 204 1.4

Total 2356 16.5

Total 14320 100.0

PIMMIGR immigration status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 English 10 .1 .1 .1
2 French 7 .0 .1 .1
3 German 10 .1 .1 .2
4 Castillian (Spanish) 10066 70.3 84.4 84.7
5 Italian 1 .0 .0 84.7
6 Dutch 1 .0 .0 84.7
7 Portuguese 26 .2 .2 84.9
8 Danish 1 .0 .0 84.9
15 Arabic 6 .0 .1 85.0
16 Catalan 565 3.9 4.7 89.7
17 Basque 138 1.0 1.2 90.8
18 Galician 708 4.9 5.9 96.8
19 Mallorcan 135 .9 1.1 97.9
20 Valencian 240 1.7 2.0 99.9
26 Icelandic 1 .0 .0 99.9
27 Norwegian 4 .0 .0 100.0
28 Polish 1 .0 .0 100.0
90 2 .0 .0 100.0
Total 11922 83.3 100.0
Missing -1 2150 15.0

System 248 1.7

Total 2398 16.7

Total 14320 100.0

PEDUC educational level

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 no education, or pre-primary (lSCED 0) 1773 12.4 14.8 14.8
2 primary education (lSCED 1) 3334 23.3 27.9 42.7
3 first stage of secondary level (lSCED 2) 2615 18.3 21.9 64.6
4 vocational training, intermediate level (ISCED 3 or 4) 713 5.0 6.0 70.6
5 vocational training, advanced level (ISCED 4 or 5) 783 5.5 6.6 77.1
6 second stage of secondary level (lSCED 3) 1157 8.1 9.7 86.8
7 initial university degree, or equivalent (lSCED 5) 763 5.3 6.4 93.2
8 higher university degree, or post-doctorate (lSCED 6) 813 5.7 6.8 100.0
Total 11951 83.5 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 217 1.5

Total 2369 16.5

Total 14320 100.0

PTOCC occupational training

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 14320 100.0

PENROL currently enrolled in education

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 enrolled gen/higher educ, <1st stage of secon level 4 .0 .0 .0
112 enrolled gen/higher educ, 1st stage of secon level 131 .9 1.1 1.1
113 enrolled gen/higher educ, 2nd stage of secon level 283 2.0 2.3 3.4
114 enrolled gen/higher educ, 3rd level other than univ 2 .0 .0 3.5
115 enrolled gen/higher educ, initial univ degree 165 1.2 1.4 4.8
116 enrolled gen/higher educ, higher univ degree 431 3.0 3.5 8.4
121 enrolled vocat educ, 3rd level, FT 4 .0 .0 8.4
122 enrolled vocat educ, 3rd level, PT 1 .0 .0 8.4
125 enrolled vocat educ, training, FT 204 1.4 1.7 10.1
126 enrolled vocat educ, training, PT 126 .9 1.0 11.1
127 enrolled vocat educ, training, by corresp 39 .3 .3 11.4
128 enrolled vocat educ, training, modal unknown 2 .0 .0 11.5
200 not enrolled in education 10753 75.1 88.5 100.0
Total 12145 84.8 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 23 .2

Total 2175 15.2

Total 14320 100.0

PDISABL disability status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 11 has illness/disability,severely hampered 726 5.1 6.1 6.1
12 has illness/disability,hampered to some extent 1209 8.4 10.1 16.2
13 has illness/disability,not hampered 803 5.6 6.7 23.0
19 has illness/disability,not known if hampered 5 .0 .0 23.0
20 does not have illness/disability 9178 64.1 77.0 100.0
Total 11921 83.2 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 247 1.7

Total 2399 16.8

Total 14320 100.0

PCLFS labour force status in the current period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; at work; normally working 15+ hours 5191 36.3 42.7 42.7
112 Emp; worked last 7 days, work <15 hours main activity 105 .7 .9 43.6
113 Emp; worked last 7 days, work not main activity 97 .7 .8 44.4
121 Emp; temporarily absent 32 .2 .3 44.7
181 Emp; regular armed forces 47 .3 .4 45.0
191 Emp; indist; normally working 15+ hours 135 .9 1.1 46.1
211 Unemp; ILO, registered 499 3.5 4.1 50.3
213 Unemp; ILO, not registered 136 .9 1.1 51.4
214 Unemp; ILO, already found a job 16 .1 .1 51.5
221 Unemp; not ILO, registered, actively seeking 14 .1 .1 51.6
222 Unemp; not ILO, registered, lookking but not actively 58 .4 .5 52.1
231 Unemp; not ILO; self-defined unemployed, actively seeking 1 .0 .0 52.1
232 Unemp; not ILO; self-defined unemployed, looking but not act 9 .1 .1 52.2
233 Unemp; not ILO; self-defined unemployed, not seeking work 135 .9 1.1 53.3
241 Unemp; not ILO; actively searching, not available or registe 3 .0 .0 53.3
292 Unemp; ILO unknown, registered 1 .0 .0 53.3
293 Unemp; ILO unknown, self-declared unemployed 2 .0 .0 53.3
299 Unemp; ILO unknown 1 .0 .0 53.3
311 NILF; main activity is retirement 1755 12.3 14.4 67.8
312 NILF; not seeking work because retired 35 .2 .3 68.1
321 NILF; main activity is education or training 918 6.4 7.6 75.6
331 NILF; main activity is housework, looking after children or 2048 14.3 16.9 92.5
332 NILF; not seeking work because of housework 194 1.4 1.6 94.1
341 NILF; main activity is ill/disabled 252 1.8 2.1 96.2
342 NILF; not seeking work because ill / disabled 150 1.0 1.2 97.4
351 NILF; main activity is rentier 8 .1 .1 97.5
398 NILF; not seeking work for other reasons 226 1.6 1.9 99.3
399 NILF; not seeking work, reason unknown 1 .0 .0 99.3
411 Not emp; waiting for outcome of job application 1 .0 .0 99.3
421 Not emp; discouraged worker 3 .0 .0 99.4
431 Not emp; seeking work but not actively 23 .2 .2 99.6
901 LFS uncertain; did not work last 7 days, unknown if work <15 3 .0 .0 99.6
903 LFS uncertain; does not work 15+ hours, unknown if works les 51 .4 .4 100.0
Total 12150 84.8 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 18 .1

Total 2170 15.2

Total 14320 100.0

PCMAS main activity status in the current period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; working 15+ hours, civilian 5191 36.3 42.7 42.7
112 Emp; working <15 hours 105 .7 .9 43.6
181 Emp; regular armed forces 47 .3 .4 44.0
191 Emp; working 15+ hours, unknown if civilian 135 .9 1.1 45.1
211 Not Emp; retired 1806 12.6 14.9 60.0
221 Not Emp; in education or training 1031 7.2 8.5 68.4
231 Not Emp; housework, looking after children or oth pers 2416 16.9 19.9 88.3
241 Not Emp; permanently disabled to work 245 1.7 2.0 90.3
242 Not Emp; not seeking work because illness/injury 170 1.2 1.4 91.7
251 Not Emp; rentier 8 .1 .1 91.8
271 Not Emp; unemployed 678 4.7 5.6 97.4
272 Not Emp; already found a job 4 .0 .0 97.4
273 Not Emp; discouraged 1 .0 .0 97.4
289 Not Emp; engaged in other activity 230 1.6 1.9 99.3
299 Not Emp; temp absent from 15+ hour job 32 .2 .3 99.6
999 Indist; not working 15+ hours, no other info 51 .4 .4 100.0
Total 12150 84.8 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 18 .1

Total 2170 15.2

Total 14320 100.0

PUMAS main activity status during the income reference period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; paid employment 3978 27.8 33.4 33.4
112 Emp; paid apprenticeship or training 19 .1 .2 33.5
113 Emp; self-employment 945 6.6 7.9 41.4
114 Emp; unpaif family work 46 .3 .4 41.8
181 Emp; regular armed forces 45 .3 .4 42.2
182 Emp; community or military service 9 .1 .1 42.3
190 Emp; indistinguishable 12 .1 .1 42.4
210 Not Emp; retired 1661 11.6 13.9 56.3
221 Not Emp; in education or training 1200 8.4 10.1 66.4
231 Not Emp; housework, looking after children or oth pers 2243 15.7 18.8 85.2
270 Not Emp; unemployed 660 4.6 5.5 90.7
299 Not Emp; indistinguishable 33 .2 .3 91.0
901 Indist; 6 months in emp and 6 months not in emp 138 1.0 1.2 92.2
902 Indist; more than 6 months in uncertain situation (employmen 919 6.4 7.7 99.9
903 Indist; not more than 6 months in employment, not in employm 17 .1 .1 100.0
Total 11925 83.3 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 243 1.7

Total 2395 16.7

Total 14320 100.0

PACTIV status in employment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Emp; paid employment as main activity 4317 30.1 78.9 78.9
121 Emp; training under special scheme related to emp 20 .1 .4 79.3
122 Emp; paid apprenticeship 26 .2 .5 79.7
131 Emp; paid employment as secondary/occasional activity 69 .5 1.3 81.0
210 Self-Emp; employer 322 2.2 5.9 86.9
220 Self-Emp; own account worker 635 4.4 11.6 98.5
290 Self-Emp; indistinguishable 19 .1 .3 98.8
410 Oth emp; contributing family worker 64 .4 1.2 100.0
Total 5472 38.2 100.0
Missing -1 8644 60.4

System 204 1.4

Total 8848 61.8

Total 14320 100.0

POCC occupation

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 armed forces 47 .3 .9 .9
1100 legislators & senior officials 10 .1 .2 1.0
1200 corporate managers 101 .7 1.8 2.9
1300 general managers 266 1.9 4.9 7.7
2100 physical, mathematical & engineering science professionals 103 .7 1.9 9.6
2200 life science & health professionals 146 1.0 2.7 12.3
2300 teaching professionals 238 1.7 4.3 16.6
2400 other professionals 175 1.2 3.2 19.8
3100 physical & engineering science associate professionals 148 1.0 2.7 22.6
3200 life science & health associate professionals 39 .3 .7 23.3
3300 teaching associate professionals 7 .0 .1 23.4
3400 other associate professionals 488 3.4 8.9 32.3
4100 office clerks 215 1.5 3.9 36.2
4200 customer services clerks 176 1.2 3.2 39.5
5100 personal & protective services workers 498 3.5 9.1 48.6
5200 models, salespersons & demonstrators 321 2.2 5.9 54.4
6100 market-oriented skilled agricultural & fishery workers 271 1.9 5.0 59.4
7100 extraction & building trades workers 493 3.4 9.0 68.4
7200 metal, machinery etc trades workers 258 1.8 4.7 73.1
7300 precision, handicraft, printing etc trades workers 44 .3 .8 73.9
7400 other craft etc trades workers 187 1.3 3.4 77.3
8100 stationary-plant etc operators 45 .3 .8 78.1
8200 machine operators & assemblers 185 1.3 3.4 81.5
8300 drivers & mobile-plant operators 275 1.9 5.0 86.5
9100 sales & services elementary occupations 364 2.5 6.7 93.2
9200 agricultural, fishery etc labourers 98 .7 1.8 95.0
9300 labourers in mining, construction, manufact. & transport 274 1.9 5.0 100.0
Total 5472 38.2 100.0
Missing -1 8644 60.4

System 204 1.4

Total 8848 61.8

Total 14320 100.0

PIND industry

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1010 agriculture, hunting & related service activities 355 2.5 6.5 6.5
1020 forestry, logging & related service activities 29 .2 .5 7.0
2050 fishing, operation of fish hatcheries & fish farms; rsa 26 .2 .5 7.5
3100 mining of coal & lignite; extraction of peat 7 .0 .1 7.6
3110 extract. of crude petrol & nat. gas; rsa excl. surveying 3 .0 .1 7.7
3140 other mining and quarrying 21 .1 .4 8.1
4150 manufacture of food products and beverages 184 1.3 3.4 11.4
4160 manufacture of tobacco products 5 .0 .1 11.5
4170 manufacture of textiles 58 .4 1.1 12.6
4180 manuf. of wearing apparel; dressing, dyeing of fur 50 .3 .9 13.5
4190 tanning & dressing of leather; manuf. of luggage, etc. 37 .3 .7 14.2
4200 manuf. of wood & wood products except furniture 38 .3 .7 14.9
4210 manuf. of paper & paper products 22 .2 .4 15.3
4220 publishing, printing & reproduction of recorded media 34 .2 .6 15.9
4230 manuf. of coke, refined petroleum products, nuclear fuel 9 .1 .2 16.0
4240 manuf. of chemicals & chemical products 42 .3 .8 16.8
4250 manuf. of rubber & plastic products 37 .3 .7 17.5
4260 manuf. of other non-metallic mineral products 52 .4 1.0 18.4
4270 manuf. of basic metals 42 .3 .8 19.2
4280 manuf. of fabricated metal products, exc. machinery 109 .8 2.0 21.2
4290 manuf. of machinery & equipment n.e.c 60 .4 1.1 22.3
4300 manuf. of office, accounting & computing machinery 2 .0 .0 22.3
4310 manuf. of electrical mach. & apparatus n.e.c. 27 .2 .5 22.8
4320 manuf. of radio, TV, communication equipment 24 .2 .4 23.3
4330 manuf. of medical, precision & optical instruments, watches 6 .0 .1 23.4
4340 manuf. of motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers 55 .4 1.0 24.4
4350 manuf. of other transport equipment 21 .1 .4 24.8
4360 manuf. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. 68 .5 1.2 26.0
4370 recycling 3 .0 .1 26.1
5400 electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply 20 .1 .4 26.4
5410 collection, purification, distribution of water 16 .1 .3 26.7
6450 construction 634 4.4 11.6 38.3
7500 sale, maintenance & repair of motor vehicles; fuel sale 132 .9 2.4 40.7
7510 wholesale trade & commission trade exc. motor veh. 146 1.0 2.7 43.4
7520 retail trade exc. motor vehicles; repair of pers. goods 533 3.7 9.7 53.1
8550 hotels and restaurants 319 2.2 5.8 59.0
9600 land-transport; transport via pipelines 177 1.2 3.2 62.2
9610 water transport 5 .0 .1 62.3
9620 air transport 7 .0 .1 62.4
9630 supporting & auxiliary transport activities; travel ag. 35 .2 .6 63.0
9640 post & telecommunications 78 .5 1.4 64.5
10650 financial intermediation exc. insurance & pension 103 .7 1.9 66.4
10660 insurance & pension funding exc. compul. social sec. 31 .2 .6 66.9
10670 activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 10 .1 .2 67.1
11700 real estate activities 28 .2 .5 67.6
11710 renting of machinery & equipment w/o operator 12 .1 .2 67.8
11720 computer & related activities 50 .3 .9 68.8
11730 research and development 8 .1 .1 68.9
11740 other business activities 329 2.3 6.0 74.9
12750 public administration & defence; compul. social sec. 346 2.4 6.3 81.2
13800 education 337 2.4 6.2 87.4
14850 health and social work 330 2.3 6.0 93.4
15900 sewage & refuse disposal, sanitation & similar activ. 20 .1 .4 93.8
15910 activities of membership organisations n.e.c. 32 .2 .6 94.4
15920 recreational, cultural, sporting activities 107 .7 2.0 96.3
15930 other service activities 58 .4 1.1 97.4
16950 private households with employed persons 139 1.0 2.5 99.9
17990 extra-territorial organisations & bodies 4 .0 .1 100.0
Total 5472 38.2 100.0
Missing -1 8644 60.4

System 204 1.4

Total 8848 61.8

Total 14320 100.0

PTYPEWK sector of employment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 private 4325 30.2 82.4 82.4
200 public 925 6.5 17.6 100.0
Total 5250 36.7 100.0
Missing -1 8846 61.8

System 224 1.6

Total 9070 63.3

Total 14320 100.0

PSKILL skill level in employment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Has had formal training or education required for present jo 2796 19.5 53.3 53.3
200 Has not had formal training or education required for presen 2411 16.8 45.9 99.2
900 Training / apprenticeship 42 .3 .8 100.0
Total 5249 36.7 100.0
Missing -1 8846 61.8

System 225 1.6

Total 9071 63.3

Total 14320 100.0

PNEMP number of persons in local unit

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 none 670 4.7 12.8 12.8
2 1 - 4 employees 956 6.7 18.3 31.1
3 5 - 19 employees 1257 8.8 24.0 55.1
4 20 - 49 employees 751 5.2 14.3 69.4
5 50 - 99 employees 477 3.3 9.1 78.5
6 100 - 499 employees 640 4.5 12.2 90.7
7 500 employees or more 485 3.4 9.3 100.0
Total 5236 36.6 100.0
Missing -1 8846 61.8

System 238 1.7

Total 9084 63.4

Total 14320 100.0

PFULPAR full-time or part-time and reason why

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 FT; 30 hours or more 4893 34.2 87.4 87.4
201 PT; undergoing education or training 71 .5 1.3 88.6
202 PT; housework, looking after children or other persons 131 .9 2.3 91.0
203 PT; personal illness or disability 16 .1 .3 91.3
204 PT; want to work more hours, but cannot find a full-time job 181 1.3 3.2 94.5
205 PT; do not work to work more hours 56 .4 1.0 95.5
208 PT; other reason 77 .5 1.4 96.9
209 PT; reason unknown 5 .0 .1 96.9
901 Indist; work <30 hours, not considered part-time 36 .3 .6 97.6
902 Indist; work 15+ hours 135 .9 2.4 100.0
Total 5601 39.1 100.0
Missing -1 8644 60.4

System 75 .5

Total 8719 60.9

Total 14320 100.0

PCONTRA permanency of contract

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 Permanent employment 2853 19.9 67.5 67.5
200 Fixed-term or short-term contract 1136 7.9 26.9 94.4
300 Casual work with no contract 154 1.1 3.6 98.0
400 Some other working arrangement 84 .6 2.0 100.0
Total 4227 29.5 100.0
Missing -1 9889 69.1

System 204 1.4

Total 10093 70.5

Total 14320 100.0

PSUPERV supervise other workers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Superviser/co-ordinater, has influence on their promotions 356 2.5 8.5 8.5
120 Superviser/co-ordinater, not influence on their promotions 738 5.2 17.5 26.0
190 Superviser/co-ordinater, no info on influence over promotion 2 .0 .0 26.1
200 Does not supervise or co-ordinate work of any personnel 3111 21.7 73.9 100.0
Total 4207 29.4 100.0
Missing -1 9889 69.1

System 224 1.6

Total 10113 70.6

Total 14320 100.0

PTENURE tenure in current job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 1 .0 .0 .0
0 138 1.0 2.6 2.6
0 175 1.2 3.3 6.0
0 108 .8 2.1 8.0
0 101 .7 1.9 9.9
0 95 .7 1.8 11.8
0 82 .6 1.6 13.3
1 89 .6 1.7 15.0
1 56 .4 1.1 16.1
1 52 .4 1.0 17.1
1 85 .6 1.6 18.7
1 66 .5 1.3 19.9
1 37 .3 .7 20.6
1 64 .4 1.2 21.9
1 67 .5 1.3 23.1
1 45 .3 .9 24.0
1 29 .2 .6 24.5
1 35 .2 .7 25.2
1 30 .2 .6 25.8
2 26 .2 .5 26.3
2 24 .2 .5 26.7
2 26 .2 .5 27.2
2 29 .2 .6 27.8
2 15 .1 .3 28.1
2 3 .0 .1 28.1
2 38 .3 .7 28.8
3 17 .1 .3 29.2
4 17 .1 .3 29.5
5 15 .1 .3 29.8
6 8 .1 .2 29.9
7 12 .1 .2 30.1
8 5 .0 .1 30.2
9 4 .0 .1 30.3
10 9 .1 .2 30.5
11 10 .1 .2 30.7
12 10 .1 .2 30.9
13 2 .0 .0 30.9
14 3 .0 .1 31.0
15 2 .0 .0 31.0
1002 3571 24.9 67.9 98.9
1003 1 .0 .0 98.9
1016 56 .4 1.1 100.0
Total 5258 36.7 100.0
Missing -1 8846 61.8

System 216 1.5

Total 9062 63.3

Total 14320 100.0

PSECJOB more than one job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 additional job or business on top of main job 162 1.1 3.1 3.1
201 no additional job or business on top of main job 5088 35.5 96.9 100.0
Total 5250 36.7 100.0
Missing -1 8846 61.8

System 224 1.6

Total 9070 63.3

Total 14320 100.0

PWEXPTL total duration of work all experience

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Work experience: currently working 15+ hours in recent job/b 1244 8.7 10.3 10.3
112 Work experience: currently working 15+ hours in recent job/b 234 1.6 1.9 12.2
114 Work experience: currently working 15+ hours in not recent j 3788 26.5 31.3 43.5
119 Work experience: currently working 15+ hours, unknown if rec 139 1.0 1.1 44.7
121 Work experience: currently not working, has already worked 1 4420 30.9 36.5 81.2
200 No work experience; has never worked 15+ hours 2274 15.9 18.8 100.0
Total 12099 84.5 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 69 .5

Total 2221 15.5

Total 14320 100.0

PWEXPFT duration of full-time work experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 14320 100.0

PWEXPPT duration of part-time work experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 14320 100.0

PSEARCH looking for job and reason why

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Looking for job replacing main job 356 2.5 3.0 3.0
102 Looking for job in addition to main job 46 .3 .4 3.4
103 Looking for job in addition to or replacing current job 85 .6 .7 4.1
104 Looking for job for non workers 746 5.2 6.2 10.3
201 Not looking, engaged in other activity 927 6.5 7.8 18.1
202 Not looking, homemaker or care of others 2232 15.6 18.7 36.8
203 Not looking, retired 1777 12.4 14.9 51.7
204 Not looking, own illness or disability 452 3.2 3.8 55.4
205 Not looking, believes no suitable work available 20 .1 .2 55.6
206 Not looking, already found job 16 .1 .1 55.7
207 Not looking, awaiting outcome of application or interview 13 .1 .1 55.9
208 Not looking, other reasons 307 2.1 2.6 58.4
209 Not looking, no reason given 4965 34.7 41.6 100.0
Total 11942 83.4 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 226 1.6

Total 2378 16.6

Total 14320 100.0

PCARE current caregiving status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 Child only, affects paid work 524 3.7 4.4 4.4
112 Child only, does not affect paid work 1491 10.4 12.5 16.9
113 Child only, unknown effect on paid work 4 .0 .0 16.9
114 Child and others, affects paid work 65 .5 .5 17.5
115 Child and others, does not affect paid work 79 .6 .7 18.1
121 Others only, affects paid work 135 .9 1.1 19.3
122 Others only, does not affect paid work 351 2.5 2.9 22.2
123 Others only, unknown effect on paid work 9 .1 .1 22.3
200 NOT CAREGIVER 9264 64.7 77.7 100.0
Total 11922 83.3 100.0
Missing -1 2152 15.0

System 246 1.7

Total 2398 16.7

Total 14320 100.0