Recoding was not carried out. There is a mix of levels in "no post-school qualifications" (code 9). There was some initial doubt about "Basic Vocational qualifications" (code 8). The data provider explained that it consists of lower secondary education + a couple of years. It is therefore more likely to be put to medium. The ISCED Manual confirms this. Since 60 percent of the population is included in code 9, LIS decided not to recode. If LIS users want to pursue a recode they may do so on their own responsability. The mapping below may serve as suggestion. The problematic category is pointed out. PEDUC ISCED97 LIS recode 1 Still at school 9 2 Higher degree 6 3 3 Postgraduate diploma 6 3 4 Bachelors degree 5A 3 5 Undergraduate diploma 5B 3 6 Associate Diploma 5B 3 7 Skilled vocational qualifications 4B 2 8 Basic vocational qualifications 3B/3C 2 9 No post-school qualifications 1 - 3 1 or 2 ? comment : The frequencies are uncomparable with earlier datasets.