Descriptives for Canada 2000 person file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 72850 134 134 134.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 72850 1 28970 14453.49 8369.437
PWEIGHT person weight 72850 8 5059 411.65 383.121
PAGE age 72850 0 80 36.66 21.776
PHOURSU usual hours worked per week 48197 0 100 22.74 21.424
PHOURSA actual hours worked per week 0

PWEEKTL total weeks worked 50758 0 52 35.54 22.286
PWEEKFT weeks worked full-time 48081 0 903 167.75 320.056
PWEEKPT weeks worked part-time 48081 0 903 145.20 326.446
PWEEKUP weeks unemployed 50758 0 52 2.43 8.612
PSLOT1 country specific person information 1 49449 0 5200 1318.99 1025.843
PSLOT2 country specific person information 2 50758 101 999 303.18 311.746
PGWAGE gross wages and salaries 37225 25 1150000 28976.44 30268.092
PNWAGE net wages and salaries 0

PGWTIME gross wages per unit of time 33512 2 96 16.01 8.957
PNWTIME net wages per unit of time 0

PMERC mandatory employer contributions 0

PSELF self-employment income 6400 -50000 480000 13164.04 30481.383
PYTAX income taxes 37811 10 988890 7583.30 12882.197
PWTAX property/wealth taxes 0

PMEEC mandatory employee contributions 38852 25 6400 1399.31 979.392
PSOCRET state old-age and survivors benefits 12697 25 19750 9237.74 3764.134
PUNEMP unemployment compensation benefits 6416 500 22250 4464.75 3607.096
PPRVPEN private occupational and other pensions 7148 25 110000 13812.57 13598.894
PPUBPEN public sector occupational pensions 0

PCONFRIN non-mandatory employer contributions and in-kind earnings 0

PSTSICK short-term sickness and work injury benefits 0

PCHBEN child-related benefits 8582 25 260000 2808.47 6291.755
PFAMLV family leave benefits 0

PUNEMPTL total unemployment benefits 6416 500 22250 4464.75 3607.096
PPENSTL total pensions 15062 25 117000 14927.68 12391.922
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Canada 2000 person file

Frequency Table

PPNUM person identifier

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head 28970 39.8 39.8 39.8
2 wife or steady partner 17132 23.5 23.5 63.3
3 oldest other adult 8399 11.5 11.5 74.8
4 2nd oldest oth adlt 3117 4.3 4.3 79.1
5 3rd oldest oth adlt 719 1.0 1.0 80.1
6 youngest child 8250 11.3 11.3 91.4
7 2nd yngst child 4506 6.2 6.2 97.6
8 3rd yngst child 1247 1.7 1.7 99.3
31 4th oldest oth adlt 142 .2 .2 99.5
32 5th oldest oth adlt 23 .0 .0 99.5
33 6th oldest oth adlt 4 .0 .0 99.5
61 4th yngst child 277 .4 .4 99.9
62 5th yngst child 63 .1 .1 100.0
63 6th yngst child 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 72850 100.0 100.0

PAGE age

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 676 .9 .9 .9
1 784 1.1 1.1 2.0
2 797 1.1 1.1 3.1
3 840 1.2 1.2 4.3
4 898 1.2 1.2 5.5
5 961 1.3 1.3 6.8
6 960 1.3 1.3 8.1
7 1020 1.4 1.4 9.5
8 1023 1.4 1.4 10.9
9 1087 1.5 1.5 12.4
10 1110 1.5 1.5 13.9
11 1043 1.4 1.4 15.4
12 1111 1.5 1.5 16.9
13 1027 1.4 1.4 18.3
14 1007 1.4 1.4 19.7
15 1065 1.5 1.5 21.2
16 1084 1.5 1.5 22.6
17 1075 1.5 1.5 24.1
18 1040 1.4 1.4 25.5
19 1026 1.4 1.4 27.0
20 1023 1.4 1.4 28.4
21 1035 1.4 1.4 29.8
22 1009 1.4 1.4 31.2
23 970 1.3 1.3 32.5
24 960 1.3 1.3 33.8
25 958 1.3 1.3 35.1
26 949 1.3 1.3 36.4
27 953 1.3 1.3 37.7
28 869 1.2 1.2 38.9
29 935 1.3 1.3 40.2
30 966 1.3 1.3 41.5
31 933 1.3 1.3 42.8
32 991 1.4 1.4 44.2
33 1056 1.4 1.4 45.6
34 976 1.3 1.3 47.0
35 1162 1.6 1.6 48.6
36 1147 1.6 1.6 50.1
37 1188 1.6 1.6 51.8
38 1188 1.6 1.6 53.4
39 1234 1.7 1.7 55.1
40 1244 1.7 1.7 56.8
41 1268 1.7 1.7 58.5
42 1235 1.7 1.7 60.2
43 1213 1.7 1.7 61.9
44 1247 1.7 1.7 63.6
45 1208 1.7 1.7 65.3
46 1084 1.5 1.5 66.8
47 1188 1.6 1.6 68.4
48 1037 1.4 1.4 69.8
49 984 1.4 1.4 71.2
50 998 1.4 1.4 72.5
51 989 1.4 1.4 73.9
52 974 1.3 1.3 75.2
53 954 1.3 1.3 76.5
54 950 1.3 1.3 77.8
55 796 1.1 1.1 78.9
56 781 1.1 1.1 80.0
57 695 1.0 1.0 81.0
58 702 1.0 1.0 81.9
59 668 .9 .9 82.8
60 626 .9 .9 83.7
61 583 .8 .8 84.5
62 586 .8 .8 85.3
63 585 .8 .8 86.1
64 624 .9 .9 87.0
65 559 .8 .8 87.7
66 584 .8 .8 88.5
67 551 .8 .8 89.3
68 554 .8 .8 90.1
69 564 .8 .8 90.8
70 543 .7 .7 91.6
71 536 .7 .7 92.3
72 485 .7 .7 93.0
73 463 .6 .6 93.6
74 501 .7 .7 94.3
75 474 .7 .7 94.9
76 452 .6 .6 95.6
77 399 .5 .5 96.1
78 385 .5 .5 96.6
79 390 .5 .5 97.2
80 2055 2.8 2.8 100.0
Total 72850 100.0 100.0

PSEX gender

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 35407 48.6 48.6 48.6
2 female 37443 51.4 51.4 100.0
Total 72850 100.0 100.0

PMART marital status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 single (never married) 29355 40.3 40.3 40.3
2 married 30793 42.3 42.3 82.6
3 common-law 4401 6.0 6.0 88.7
4 separated 1887 2.6 2.6 91.3
5 divorced 2639 3.6 3.6 94.9
6 widowed 3700 5.1 5.1 100.0
Total 72775 99.9 100.0
Missing System 75 .1

Total 72850 100.0

PREL relationship

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Head of household 28970 39.8 39.8 39.8
2 Spouse 17132 23.5 23.5 63.3
3 Child 21953 30.1 30.1 93.4
4 Other 4795 6.6 6.6 100.0
Total 72850 100.0 100.0

PPARSTA partnership and parenthood status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 15146 20.8 20.8 20.8
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 15230 20.9 20.9 41.7
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 3888 5.3 5.3 47.0
4 single head, without children 9466 13.0 13.0 60.0
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 1672 2.3 2.3 62.3
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 700 1.0 1.0 63.3
7 child with partner, age 18+, living with single parent 47 .1 .1 63.3
8 child with partner, age 18+, living with parent with partner 54 .1 .1 63.4
9 single child, age 18+, living with single parent 988 1.4 1.4 64.8
10 single child, age 18+, living with parent with partner 3971 5.5 5.5 70.2
11 child, age under 18, living with single parent 2672 3.7 3.7 73.9
12 child, age under 18, living with parent with partner 14221 19.5 19.5 93.4
13 other person living with partner 1313 1.8 1.8 95.2
14 single other person 3482 4.8 4.8 100.0
Total 72850 100.0 100.0

PETHNAT ethnicity/nationality

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PIMMIGR immigration status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 not immigrant 11608 15.9 76.1 76.1
1 0- 9 678 .9 4.4 80.6
2 10-19 903 1.2 5.9 86.5
3 20-29 813 1.1 5.3 91.8
4 30-39 572 .8 3.8 95.6
5 40 and more 675 .9 4.4 100.0
Total 15249 20.9 100.0
Missing -1 15409 21.2

System 42192 57.9

Total 57601 79.1

Total 72850 100.0

PEDUC educational level

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Never attended school 177 .2 .3 .3
2 1-4 years of elementary school 854 1.2 1.5 1.8
3 5-8 years of elementary school 5572 7.6 9.7 11.5
4 9-10 years of elementary and secondary school 6390 8.8 11.2 22.7
5 11-13 years element. & second. school, but not graduated 3506 4.8 6.1 28.8
6 Graduated high school 9434 12.9 16.5 45.3
7 Some non-university postsecondary (no certificate) 4642 6.4 8.1 53.4
8 Some university (no certificate) 3057 4.2 5.3 58.7
9 Non-university postsecondary certificate 15823 21.7 27.6 86.3
10 University certificate below Bachelor's 924 1.3 1.6 87.9
11 Bachelor's degree 4863 6.7 8.5 96.4
12 University certificate above Bachelor's, Master's Degree 2059 2.8 3.6 100.0
Total 57301 78.7 100.0
Missing -1 15409 21.2

System 140 .2

Total 15549 21.3

Total 72850 100.0

PTOCC occupational training

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PENROL currently enrolled in education

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 elementary or secondary school attended 2956 4.1 5.8 5.8
121 community college/institute of applied arts attended 2006 2.8 4.0 9.8
122 business/commercial school attended 256 .4 .5 10.3
123 trade/vocational school attended 568 .8 1.1 11.4
131 post-secondary CEGEP attended 504 .7 1.0 12.4
132 university attended 2705 3.7 5.3 17.7
200 did not attend 41764 57.3 82.3 100.0
Total 50759 69.7 100.0
Missing -1 22091 30.3

Total 72850 100.0

PDISABL disability status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 yes 12672 17.4 22.1 22.1
2 no 44768 61.5 77.9 100.0
Total 57440 78.8 100.0
Missing -1 15409 21.2

System 1 .0

Total 15410 21.2

Total 72850 100.0

PCLFS labour force status in the current period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 EMPLOYED 35192 48.3 69.3 69.3
200 UNEMPLOYED 1796 2.5 3.5 72.9
300 NOT IN LABOUR FORCE 13770 18.9 27.1 100.0
Total 50758 69.7 100.0
Missing -1 22092 30.3

Total 72850 100.0

PCMAS main activity status in the current period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 199 Emp; working at a job or business 31718 43.5 55.2 55.2
210 Not Emp; retired 10778 14.8 18.8 74.0
221 Not Emp; going to school 5653 7.8 9.8 83.8
299 Not Emp; other 9292 12.8 16.2 100.0
Total 57441 78.8 100.0
Missing -1 15409 21.2

Total 72850 100.0

PUMAS main activity status during the income reference period

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PACTIV status in employment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 PAID EMPLOYED 33564 46.1 86.1 86.1
211 Self-emp; employer, incorporated business with paid help 942 1.3 2.4 88.5
212 Self-emp; employer, not incorp. business with paid help 844 1.2 2.2 90.7
221 Self-emp; own-account, incorporated business, no paid help 755 1.0 1.9 92.7
222 Self-emp; own-account, not incorp. business, no paid help 2745 3.8 7.0 99.7
411 Oth Emp; unpaid family worker 119 .2 .3 100.0
Total 38969 53.5 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

Total 72850 100.0

POCC occupation

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Senior Management Occupations (A011-A016) 181 .2 .5 .5
2 Other Management Occupations (A111-A392) 2690 3.7 7.2 7.7
3 Professionals in Business and Finance (B011-B022) 733 1.0 2.0 9.7
4 Financial/Secretarial/Administrative Occup. (B111-B318) 1874 2.6 5.0 14.7
5 Clerical Occupations, Including Supervisors (B411-B576) 3524 4.8 9.4 24.1
6 Natural and Applied Sciences & Related Occup (C011-C175) 1998 2.7 5.4 29.5
7 Professionals in Health, & Nurse (Supervisr) (D011-D112) 925 1.3 2.5 32.0
8 Technical, Assisting & Rel. Occup in Health (D211-D313) 1005 1.4 2.7 34.7
9 Social Science, Government Service and Religion (E216) 973 1.3 2.6 37.3
10 Teachers and Professors (E111-E133) 1485 2.0 4.0 41.3
11 Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport (F011-F154) 907 1.2 2.4 43.7
12 Wholesale/Insurance/Real Estate/Grain Buyers (G111-G134) 916 1.3 2.5 46.1
13 Retail Salespers/Clerk/cashier/Supervsr (G011,G211-G311) 2579 3.5 6.9 53.1
14 Cooks, Food/Beverage Service, Supervsrs (G012,G411-G513) 1512 2.1 4.1 57.1
15 Occupation in Protective Services (G611-G631) 547 .8 1.5 58.6
16 Childcare and Home Support Workers (G811-G814) 873 1.2 2.3 60.9
17 Sales/Service Occup n.e.c., (incl. Travel/Accom/Sport) (G013 3644 5.0 9.8 70.7
18 Contractor & Superv in Trades/Transportation (H011-H022) 494 .7 1.3 72.0
19 Construction Trades (H111-H145) 834 1.1 2.2 74.3
20 Other Trades Occupations (H211-H535) 2001 2.7 5.4 79.6
21 Transport and Equipment Operators (H611-H737) 1499 2.1 4.0 83.6
22 Trades/Construction/Transportation Labourers (H811-H832) 808 1.1 2.2 85.8
23 Occupations Unique to Primary Industry (I011-I216) 2324 3.2 6.2 92.0
24 Machine Operators/Assemblers in Manufact. (J011-J228) 2385 3.3 6.4 98.4
25 Labourer in Processing/Manufacturing/Util. (J311-J319) 584 .8 1.6 100.0
Total 37295 51.2 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

System 1674 2.3

Total 35555 48.8

Total 72850 100.0

PIND industry

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1000 agriculture, hunting and forestry 1435 2.0 3.8 3.8
4000 manufacturing 5115 7.0 13.5 17.3
5000 electricity, gas and water supply 316 .4 .8 18.2
6000 construction 2353 3.2 6.2 24.4
7000 wholesale and retail trade 5850 8.0 15.5 39.9
8000 hotels and restaurants 2726 3.7 7.2 47.1
9000 transport, storage and communications 1768 2.4 4.7 51.8
11000 real estate, renting and business activities 1763 2.4 4.7 56.4
12000 public administration and defence; compuls. social security 2210 3.0 5.8 62.3
13000 education 2619 3.6 6.9 69.2
14000 health and social work 3925 5.4 10.4 79.6
20001 Forestry/Fishing, Mining, Oil&Gas (1131-1153,2100-2131) - NA 1169 1.6 3.1 82.7
20002 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Leasing (5211-5331) - NA 1846 2.5 4.9 87.6
20003 Information/Culture/Recreation (5111-5142,7111-7139) - NACE 1715 2.4 4.5 92.1
20004 Management, Administrative & Other Support (5511-5629) - NAC 1238 1.7 3.3 95.4
20005 Other Services (8111 - 8141) - NACE 7,15,16 1752 2.4 4.6 100.0
Total 37800 51.9 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

System 1169 1.6

Total 35050 48.1

Total 72850 100.0

PTYPEWK sector of employment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 PRIVATE 31470 43.2 80.8 80.8
200 PUBLIC 7499 10.3 19.2 100.0
Total 38969 53.5 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

Total 72850 100.0

PSKILL skill level in employment

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PNEMP number of persons in local unit

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 less than 20 17130 23.5 45.5 45.5
2 20 to 99 10204 14.0 27.1 72.5
3 100 to 499 6630 9.1 17.6 90.1
4 500 to 999 1455 2.0 3.9 94.0
5 1000 and over 2261 3.1 6.0 100.0
Total 37680 51.7 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

System 1289 1.8

Total 35170 48.3

Total 72850 100.0

PFULPAR full-time or part-time and reason why

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 FT; 30 or more hours per week 30354 41.7 77.9 77.9
211 PT; involuntary, could only find part-time work 1232 1.7 3.2 81.1
221 PT; voluntary, own illness or disability 90 .1 .2 81.3
222 PT; voluntary, caring for own children 359 .5 .9 82.2
223 PT; voluntary, caring for elder relative(s) 12 .0 .0 82.2
224 PT; voluntary, other personal or family responsibilities 391 .5 1.0 83.2
225 PT; voluntary, going to school 1950 2.7 5.0 88.2
226 PT; voluntary, did not want full-time work 874 1.2 2.2 90.5
228 PT; voluntary, other reason 1081 1.5 2.8 93.3
299 PT; indist, no reason given 10 .0 .0 93.3
901 Indist; full-time work under 30 hours per week 534 .7 1.4 94.7
999 Indist; don't know 2082 2.9 5.3 100.0
Total 38969 53.5 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

Total 72850 100.0

PCONTRA permanency of contract

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PSUPERV supervise other workers

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PTENURE tenure in current job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 < 1 month 129 .2 .3 .3
1 436 .6 1.1 1.5
2 813 1.1 2.1 3.5
3 869 1.2 2.2 5.8
4 954 1.3 2.4 8.2
5 726 1.0 1.9 10.1
6 772 1.1 2.0 12.1
7 871 1.2 2.2 14.3
8 842 1.2 2.2 16.5
9 674 .9 1.7 18.2
10 595 .8 1.5 19.7
11 525 .7 1.3 21.1
12 3825 5.3 9.8 30.9
13 275 .4 .7 31.6
14 358 .5 .9 32.5
15 401 .6 1.0 33.5
16 497 .7 1.3 34.8
17 309 .4 .8 35.6
18 369 .5 .9 36.6
19 333 .5 .9 37.4
20 338 .5 .9 38.3
21 323 .4 .8 39.1
22 274 .4 .7 39.8
23 227 .3 .6 40.4
24 935 1.3 2.4 42.8
25 156 .2 .4 43.2
26 238 .3 .6 43.8
27 241 .3 .6 44.4
28 353 .5 .9 45.3
29 227 .3 .6 45.9
30 226 .3 .6 46.5
31 282 .4 .7 47.2
32 251 .3 .6 47.9
33 219 .3 .6 48.4
34 182 .2 .5 48.9
35 168 .2 .4 49.3
36 415 .6 1.1 50.4
37 110 .2 .3 50.7
38 153 .2 .4 51.1
39 141 .2 .4 51.4
40 236 .3 .6 52.0
41 147 .2 .4 52.4
42 152 .2 .4 52.8
43 193 .3 .5 53.3
44 199 .3 .5 53.8
45 168 .2 .4 54.2
46 114 .2 .3 54.5
47 117 .2 .3 54.8
48 337 .5 .9 55.7
49 74 .1 .2 55.9
50 95 .1 .2 56.1
51 110 .2 .3 56.4
52 196 .3 .5 56.9
53 96 .1 .2 57.2
54 118 .2 .3 57.5
55 173 .2 .4 57.9
56 122 .2 .3 58.2
57 118 .2 .3 58.5
58 75 .1 .2 58.7
59 98 .1 .3 59.0
60 282 .4 .7 59.7
61 51 .1 .1 59.8
62 78 .1 .2 60.0
63 100 .1 .3 60.3
64 191 .3 .5 60.8
65 100 .1 .3 61.0
66 104 .1 .3 61.3
67 145 .2 .4 61.7
68 122 .2 .3 62.0
69 106 .1 .3 62.3
70 93 .1 .2 62.5
71 84 .1 .2 62.7
72 270 .4 .7 63.4
73 53 .1 .1 63.5
74 71 .1 .2 63.7
75 76 .1 .2 63.9
76 123 .2 .3 64.2
77 63 .1 .2 64.4
78 74 .1 .2 64.6
79 114 .2 .3 64.9
80 93 .1 .2 65.1
81 81 .1 .2 65.3
82 57 .1 .1 65.5
83 60 .1 .2 65.6
84 181 .2 .5 66.1
85 39 .1 .1 66.2
86 44 .1 .1 66.3
87 51 .1 .1 66.4
88 102 .1 .3 66.7
89 51 .1 .1 66.8
90 56 .1 .1 67.0
91 98 .1 .3 67.2
92 79 .1 .2 67.4
93 70 .1 .2 67.6
94 50 .1 .1 67.7
95 43 .1 .1 67.8
96 139 .2 .4 68.2
97 20 .0 .1 68.2
98 37 .1 .1 68.3
99 49 .1 .1 68.5
100 101 .1 .3 68.7
101 42 .1 .1 68.8
102 62 .1 .2 69.0
103 97 .1 .2 69.2
104 64 .1 .2 69.4
105 62 .1 .2 69.6
106 40 .1 .1 69.7
107 60 .1 .2 69.8
108 140 .2 .4 70.2
109 18 .0 .0 70.2
110 46 .1 .1 70.3
111 54 .1 .1 70.5
112 120 .2 .3 70.8
113 63 .1 .2 71.0
114 67 .1 .2 71.1
115 66 .1 .2 71.3
116 71 .1 .2 71.5
117 56 .1 .1 71.6
118 44 .1 .1 71.7
119 46 .1 .1 71.9
120 140 .2 .4 72.2
121 34 .0 .1 72.3
122 45 .1 .1 72.4
123 62 .1 .2 72.6
124 151 .2 .4 73.0
125 68 .1 .2 73.1
126 52 .1 .1 73.3
127 126 .2 .3 73.6
128 76 .1 .2 73.8
129 88 .1 .2 74.0
130 56 .1 .1 74.2
131 62 .1 .2 74.3
132 262 .4 .7 75.0
133 44 .1 .1 75.1
134 54 .1 .1 75.2
135 73 .1 .2 75.4
136 135 .2 .3 75.8
137 49 .1 .1 75.9
138 69 .1 .2 76.1
139 105 .1 .3 76.3
140 74 .1 .2 76.5
141 54 .1 .1 76.7
142 56 .1 .1 76.8
143 52 .1 .1 77.0
144 150 .2 .4 77.3
145 31 .0 .1 77.4
146 27 .0 .1 77.5
147 58 .1 .1 77.6
148 121 .2 .3 77.9
149 56 .1 .1 78.1
150 51 .1 .1 78.2
151 92 .1 .2 78.5
152 56 .1 .1 78.6
153 52 .1 .1 78.7
154 44 .1 .1 78.8
155 29 .0 .1 78.9
156 135 .2 .3 79.3
157 22 .0 .1 79.3
158 30 .0 .1 79.4
159 44 .1 .1 79.5
160 87 .1 .2 79.7
161 51 .1 .1 79.9
162 33 .0 .1 80.0
163 80 .1 .2 80.2
164 65 .1 .2 80.3
165 53 .1 .1 80.5
166 30 .0 .1 80.5
167 31 .0 .1 80.6
168 135 .2 .3 81.0
169 28 .0 .1 81.0
170 38 .1 .1 81.1
171 45 .1 .1 81.2
172 85 .1 .2 81.5
173 31 .0 .1 81.5
174 42 .1 .1 81.7
175 57 .1 .1 81.8
176 37 .1 .1 81.9
177 56 .1 .1 82.0
178 23 .0 .1 82.1
179 34 .0 .1 82.2
180 123 .2 .3 82.5
181 28 .0 .1 82.6
182 35 .0 .1 82.7
183 40 .1 .1 82.8
184 68 .1 .2 82.9
185 46 .1 .1 83.1
186 46 .1 .1 83.2
187 79 .1 .2 83.4
188 64 .1 .2 83.5
189 52 .1 .1 83.7
190 34 .0 .1 83.8
191 30 .0 .1 83.8
192 133 .2 .3 84.2
193 16 .0 .0 84.2
194 21 .0 .1 84.3
195 19 .0 .0 84.3
196 63 .1 .2 84.5
197 24 .0 .1 84.6
198 26 .0 .1 84.6
199 65 .1 .2 84.8
200 33 .0 .1 84.9
201 29 .0 .1 84.9
202 19 .0 .0 85.0
203 24 .0 .1 85.1
204 89 .1 .2 85.3
205 16 .0 .0 85.3
206 17 .0 .0 85.4
207 21 .0 .1 85.4
208 54 .1 .1 85.6
209 24 .0 .1 85.6
210 16 .0 .0 85.7
211 38 .1 .1 85.8
212 31 .0 .1 85.8
213 29 .0 .1 85.9
214 21 .0 .1 86.0
215 14 .0 .0 86.0
216 72 .1 .2 86.2
217 10 .0 .0 86.2
218 31 .0 .1 86.3
219 19 .0 .0 86.3
220 47 .1 .1 86.5
221 27 .0 .1 86.5
222 27 .0 .1 86.6
223 48 .1 .1 86.7
224 29 .0 .1 86.8
225 32 .0 .1 86.9
226 19 .0 .0 86.9
227 20 .0 .1 87.0
228 71 .1 .2 87.2
229 17 .0 .0 87.2
230 24 .0 .1 87.3
231 35 .0 .1 87.4
232 56 .1 .1 87.5
233 28 .0 .1 87.6
234 27 .0 .1 87.6
235 39 .1 .1 87.7
236 49 .1 .1 87.9
237 35 .0 .1 88.0
238 26 .0 .1 88.0
239 29 .0 .1 88.1
240 91 .1 .2 88.3
241 19 .0 .0 88.4
242 22 .0 .1 88.4
243 26 .0 .1 88.5
244 83 .1 .2 88.7
245 41 .1 .1 88.8
246 60 .1 .2 89.0
247 51 .1 .1 89.1
248 46 .1 .1 89.2
249 42 .1 .1 89.3
250 41 .1 .1 89.4
251 33 .0 .1 89.5
252 144 .2 .4 89.9
253 22 .0 .1 90.0
254 11 .0 .0 90.0
255 24 .0 .1 90.0
256 68 .1 .2 90.2
257 22 .0 .1 90.3
258 37 .1 .1 90.4
259 50 .1 .1 90.5
260 36 .0 .1 90.6
261 31 .0 .1 90.7
262 20 .0 .1 90.7
263 17 .0 .0 90.8
264 66 .1 .2 90.9
265 12 .0 .0 91.0
266 21 .0 .1 91.0
267 27 .0 .1 91.1
268 50 .1 .1 91.2
269 35 .0 .1 91.3
270 34 .0 .1 91.4
271 43 .1 .1 91.5
272 27 .0 .1 91.6
273 27 .0 .1 91.6
274 15 .0 .0 91.7
275 12 .0 .0 91.7
276 104 .1 .3 92.0
277 9 .0 .0 92.0
278 14 .0 .0 92.0
279 13 .0 .0 92.1
280 48 .1 .1 92.2
281 29 .0 .1 92.3
282 30 .0 .1 92.3
283 32 .0 .1 92.4
284 50 .1 .1 92.6
285 24 .0 .1 92.6
286 16 .0 .0 92.7
287 14 .0 .0 92.7
288 61 .1 .2 92.9
289 4 .0 .0 92.9
290 10 .0 .0 92.9
291 15 .0 .0 92.9
292 64 .1 .2 93.1
293 17 .0 .0 93.1
294 18 .0 .0 93.2
295 50 .1 .1 93.3
296 24 .0 .1 93.4
297 22 .0 .1 93.4
298 17 .0 .0 93.5
299 16 .0 .0 93.5
300 55 .1 .1 93.7
301 8 .0 .0 93.7
302 10 .0 .0 93.7
303 33 .0 .1 93.8
304 58 .1 .1 93.9
305 25 .0 .1 94.0
306 37 .1 .1 94.1
307 40 .1 .1 94.2
308 34 .0 .1 94.3
309 26 .0 .1 94.3
310 17 .0 .0 94.4
311 13 .0 .0 94.4
312 83 .1 .2 94.6
313 11 .0 .0 94.7
314 18 .0 .0 94.7
315 13 .0 .0 94.7
316 60 .1 .2 94.9
317 26 .0 .1 95.0
318 33 .0 .1 95.1
319 44 .1 .1 95.2
320 26 .0 .1 95.2
321 23 .0 .1 95.3
322 24 .0 .1 95.4
323 6 .0 .0 95.4
324 68 .1 .2 95.5
325 10 .0 .0 95.6
326 15 .0 .0 95.6
327 19 .0 .0 95.7
328 57 .1 .1 95.8
329 20 .0 .1 95.9
330 29 .0 .1 95.9
331 28 .0 .1 96.0
332 16 .0 .0 96.0
333 13 .0 .0 96.1
334 15 .0 .0 96.1
335 11 .0 .0 96.1
336 40 .1 .1 96.2
337 6 .0 .0 96.3
338 11 .0 .0 96.3
339 10 .0 .0 96.3
340 37 .1 .1 96.4
341 18 .0 .0 96.5
342 27 .0 .1 96.5
343 19 .0 .0 96.6
344 29 .0 .1 96.6
345 20 .0 .1 96.7
346 6 .0 .0 96.7
347 6 .0 .0 96.7
348 57 .1 .1 96.9
349 8 .0 .0 96.9
350 10 .0 .0 96.9
351 9 .0 .0 96.9
352 41 .1 .1 97.0
353 7 .0 .0 97.1
354 19 .0 .0 97.1
355 21 .0 .1 97.2
356 10 .0 .0 97.2
357 15 .0 .0 97.2
358 10 .0 .0 97.3
359 2 .0 .0 97.3
360 38 .1 .1 97.4
361 3 .0 .0 97.4
362 6 .0 .0 97.4
363 13 .0 .0 97.4
364 44 .1 .1 97.5
365 16 .0 .0 97.6
366 13 .0 .0 97.6
367 24 .0 .1 97.7
368 17 .0 .0 97.7
369 9 .0 .0 97.7
370 10 .0 .0 97.8
371 11 .0 .0 97.8
372 49 .1 .1 97.9
373 2 .0 .0 97.9
374 3 .0 .0 97.9
375 9 .0 .0 97.9
376 30 .0 .1 98.0
377 6 .0 .0 98.0
378 3 .0 .0 98.0
379 26 .0 .1 98.1
380 20 .0 .1 98.2
381 15 .0 .0 98.2
382 2 .0 .0 98.2
383 8 .0 .0 98.2
384 28 .0 .1 98.3
385 3 .0 .0 98.3
386 7 .0 .0 98.3
387 4 .0 .0 98.3
388 21 .0 .1 98.4
389 4 .0 .0 98.4
390 7 .0 .0 98.4
391 9 .0 .0 98.4
392 9 .0 .0 98.5
393 12 .0 .0 98.5
394 3 .0 .0 98.5
395 5 .0 .0 98.5
396 24 .0 .1 98.6
397 4 .0 .0 98.6
398 7 .0 .0 98.6
399 5 .0 .0 98.6
400 8 .0 .0 98.6
401 7 .0 .0 98.7
402 8 .0 .0 98.7
403 11 .0 .0 98.7
404 10 .0 .0 98.7
405 5 .0 .0 98.7
406 3 .0 .0 98.8
407 5 .0 .0 98.8
408 24 .0 .1 98.8
409 2 .0 .0 98.8
410 5 .0 .0 98.8
411 6 .0 .0 98.9
412 14 .0 .0 98.9
413 4 .0 .0 98.9
414 6 .0 .0 98.9
415 8 .0 .0 98.9
416 7 .0 .0 99.0
417 8 .0 .0 99.0
418 10 .0 .0 99.0
420 16 .0 .0 99.1
421 6 .0 .0 99.1
422 2 .0 .0 99.1
423 2 .0 .0 99.1
424 6 .0 .0 99.1
425 3 .0 .0 99.1
426 10 .0 .0 99.1
427 9 .0 .0 99.1
428 6 .0 .0 99.2
429 10 .0 .0 99.2
430 5 .0 .0 99.2
431 1 .0 .0 99.2
432 13 .0 .0 99.2
433 1 .0 .0 99.2
434 1 .0 .0 99.2
435 5 .0 .0 99.3
436 10 .0 .0 99.3
437 5 .0 .0 99.3
438 4 .0 .0 99.3
439 3 .0 .0 99.3
440 2 .0 .0 99.3
441 5 .0 .0 99.3
442 2 .0 .0 99.3
443 3 .0 .0 99.3
444 6 .0 .0 99.4
445 2 .0 .0 99.4
448 6 .0 .0 99.4
449 4 .0 .0 99.4
450 1 .0 .0 99.4
451 5 .0 .0 99.4
452 5 .0 .0 99.4
453 5 .0 .0 99.4
454 1 .0 .0 99.4
455 2 .0 .0 99.4
456 3 .0 .0 99.4
457 1 .0 .0 99.4
460 3 .0 .0 99.5
461 4 .0 .0 99.5
463 4 .0 .0 99.5
464 4 .0 .0 99.5
465 4 .0 .0 99.5
466 1 .0 .0 99.5
467 1 .0 .0 99.5
468 8 .0 .0 99.5
471 1 .0 .0 99.5
472 8 .0 .0 99.5
473 1 .0 .0 99.5
474 2 .0 .0 99.6
475 3 .0 .0 99.6
477 7 .0 .0 99.6
478 1 .0 .0 99.6
480 5 .0 .0 99.6
482 2 .0 .0 99.6
483 1 .0 .0 99.6
484 6 .0 .0 99.6
485 6 .0 .0 99.6
486 4 .0 .0 99.6
487 5 .0 .0 99.7
488 3 .0 .0 99.7
489 5 .0 .0 99.7
490 1 .0 .0 99.7
492 12 .0 .0 99.7
496 1 .0 .0 99.7
499 3 .0 .0 99.7
500 4 .0 .0 99.7
504 7 .0 .0 99.7
505 1 .0 .0 99.8
506 1 .0 .0 99.8
507 4 .0 .0 99.8
510 2 .0 .0 99.8
511 1 .0 .0 99.8
513 1 .0 .0 99.8
516 8 .0 .0 99.8
518 1 .0 .0 99.8
519 1 .0 .0 99.8
522 1 .0 .0 99.8
523 4 .0 .0 99.8
524 3 .0 .0 99.8
525 4 .0 .0 99.8
527 2 .0 .0 99.8
528 4 .0 .0 99.8
533 1 .0 .0 99.8
534 1 .0 .0 99.9
535 1 .0 .0 99.9
537 1 .0 .0 99.9
540 3 .0 .0 99.9
541 1 .0 .0 99.9
544 1 .0 .0 99.9
546 3 .0 .0 99.9
547 2 .0 .0 99.9
548 1 .0 .0 99.9
549 2 .0 .0 99.9
552 6 .0 .0 99.9
553 1 .0 .0 99.9
555 2 .0 .0 99.9
556 1 .0 .0 99.9
560 1 .0 .0 99.9
561 1 .0 .0 99.9
562 1 .0 .0 99.9
563 1 .0 .0 99.9
565 1 .0 .0 99.9
567 1 .0 .0 99.9
574 1 .0 .0 99.9
576 5 .0 .0 99.9
579 1 .0 .0 99.9
580 1 .0 .0 100.0
588 2 .0 .0 100.0
592 1 .0 .0 100.0
596 1 .0 .0 100.0
600 2 .0 .0 100.0
601 2 .0 .0 100.0
602 1 .0 .0 100.0
606 1 .0 .0 100.0
607 1 .0 .0 100.0
612 1 .0 .0 100.0
614 1 .0 .0 100.0
615 1 .0 .0 100.0
619 1 .0 .0 100.0
628 1 .0 .0 100.0
636 1 .0 .0 100.0
648 1 .0 .0 100.0
657 1 .0 .0 100.0
Total 38954 53.5 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

System 15 .0

Total 33896 46.5

Total 72850 100.0

PSECJOB more than one job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 help multiple jobs any month 3853 5.3 9.9 9.9
201 did not hold multiple jobs 35116 48.2 90.1 100.0
Total 38969 53.5 100.0
Missing -1 33881 46.5

Total 72850 100.0

PWEXPTL total duration of work all experience

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 < 1yr or never worked full-time 7130 9.8 14.8 14.8
1 2776 3.8 5.8 20.5
2 1499 2.1 3.1 23.6
3 1650 2.3 3.4 27.0
4 1474 2.0 3.1 30.1
5 1181 1.6 2.4 32.5
6 1187 1.6 2.5 35.0
7 1066 1.5 2.2 37.2
8 996 1.4 2.1 39.3
9 961 1.3 2.0 41.3
10 1249 1.7 2.6 43.9
11 1091 1.5 2.3 46.1
12 1003 1.4 2.1 48.2
13 946 1.3 2.0 50.2
14 984 1.4 2.0 52.2
15 1046 1.4 2.2 54.4
16 1017 1.4 2.1 56.5
17 831 1.1 1.7 58.2
18 871 1.2 1.8 60.0
19 900 1.2 1.9 61.9
20 1146 1.6 2.4 64.2
21 1024 1.4 2.1 66.3
22 839 1.2 1.7 68.1
23 867 1.2 1.8 69.9
24 781 1.1 1.6 71.5
25 959 1.3 2.0 73.5
26 885 1.2 1.8 75.3
27 778 1.1 1.6 76.9
28 732 1.0 1.5 78.4
29 642 .9 1.3 79.8
30 922 1.3 1.9 81.7
31 702 1.0 1.5 83.1
32 578 .8 1.2 84.3
33 507 .7 1.1 85.4
34 515 .7 1.1 86.5
35 683 .9 1.4 87.9
36 476 .7 1.0 88.9
37 416 .6 .9 89.7
38 370 .5 .8 90.5
39 324 .4 .7 91.2
40 664 .9 1.4 92.5
41 322 .4 .7 93.2
42 305 .4 .6 93.8
43 303 .4 .6 94.5
44 272 .4 .6 95.0
45 421 .6 .9 95.9
46 255 .4 .5 96.4
47 192 .3 .4 96.8
48 190 .3 .4 97.2
49 173 .2 .4 97.6
50 50 or more years 1171 1.6 2.4 100.0
Total 48272 66.3 100.0
Missing -1 15409 21.2

System 9169 12.6

Total 24578 33.7

Total 72850 100.0

PWEXPFT duration of full-time work experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PWEXPPT duration of part-time work experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PSEARCH looking for job and reason why

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 72850 100.0

PCARE current caregiving status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 111 PT or irreg; caring for own children 371 .5 4.3 4.3
121 PT or irreg; caring for elder relative(s) 12 .0 .1 4.5
201 PT or irreg; other reasons besides care 8220 11.3 95.5 100.0
Total 8603 11.8 100.0
Missing -1 64247 88.2

Total 72850 100.0