Variable Name

Variable definition

Programs included in this variable


V2 Mandatory Employer Contribution 0 no data
V7 Mandatory Contribution for Self-Employment 0 no data
V11 Income taxes 0 no data
V13 Mandatory Employee Contribution 0 no data
V16 Sick Pay Sickness Insurance aa
V17 Accident Pay Employment Injuries and Occupational Diseases a
V18 Disability Pay Disability Pay Misschien ook beter bij V16 (zoals 1985)?
V19 Social Retirement Benefits 1. Retirement Pensions a
2. Survivors' Pensions
3. Guaranteed Minimum Income for the Elderly
4. Complementary Pensions
V19S1 Basic old age benefit a a
V19S2 Supplementary old age benefit aa a
V19S3 Early retirement benefit a a
V19S4 survivor's pensions a a
V19SR Oth. soc. retirem. not incl. inV19S1-V19S4 a a
V20 Family or Child Allowance Family Allowances a
V20S1 Child allowance a a
V20S2 Advance maintenance (single parents pgm) a a
V20S3 Orphan's pension allowance a a
V20SR Other child allowance amounts a a
V21 Unemployment Compensation Unemployment Insurance a
V21S1 Unemployment insurance a a
V21S2 Training or retraining allowance a a
V21S3 Placement/resettlement benefits a a
V21SR Other unemployment benefits a a
V22 Maternity Allowances 0 included in V1, Wages and Salaries
V22S1 Pay replacement a a
V22S2 Birth premium a a
V22S3 Other maternity/paternity benefits a a
V23 Military/Vet/War Benefits 0 some included in V24
V24 Other Social Insurance 1. Social Assistance = Bestaansminimum + aanvullende hulp a
2. Allowance of Military Service -> other cash income ???
V24S1 Invalid care premium a a
V24S2 Non means-tested student premium a a
V24SR Other social benefits a a
V25 Means-Tested Cash Benefits 1. Fund for Social Subsistence ? = iets te maken met sociale bijstand ? Gaat het niet om bijzondere voorzieningen binnen sociale verzekeringen ? Beter in V24 bij other social insurance ? a
2. Special indemnities for the Disabled
V25S1 Social assistance a a
V25S2 Old age assistance a a
V25S3 Unemployment assistance a a
V25S4 Unmarried mother's allowance a a
V25SR Other means-tested allowance a a
V26 All Near-Cash Benefits 0 a
V26S1 Near cash food benefits a a
V26S2 Near cash housing benefits a a
V26S3 Near cash medical benefits a a
V26S4 Near cash heating benefits a a
V26S5 Near cash education benefits a a
V26SR Other near cash means-tested benefits a a
V32 Private Pensions 0 no data
V32S1 Occupational pensions a a
V32S2 Opting out pensions a a
V32SR Other private pension income a a
V33 Public Sector Pensions 0 included in Social Retirement Benefits, V19
V34 Alimony or Child Support Alimony or Child Support a
V34X Alimony/child support paid a a
V35 Other Regular Private Income 0 no data
V35S1 Regular transfers from relatives a a
V35S2 Reg.transfers from private charitable organ. a a
V35SR Other regular private income a a
V36 Other Cash Income ???? a
V37 Realized Lump Sum Income 0 no data