Descriptives for Australia 2001 person file


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
COUNTRY unique country/year number 13183 148 148 148.00 .000
CASENUM unique unit identifier 13183 1 6786 3410.69 1954.913
PWEIGHT person weight 13183 166 3624 1132.73 513.364
PAGE age 13183 15 75 43.69 17.397
PHOURSU usual hours worked per week 13183 0 50 18.32 19.968
PHOURSA actual hours worked per week 0

PWEEKTL total weeks worked 9465 0 52 30.84 23.978
PWEEKFT weeks worked full-time 9465 0 52 22.35 24.220
PWEEKPT weeks worked part-time 9465 0 52 8.42 16.468
PWEEKUP weeks unemployed 0

PSLOT1 country specific person information 1 13183 0 2 .18 .470
PSLOT2 country specific person information 2 11864 110 999 206.75 152.582
PGWAGE gross wages and salaries 6769 520 277472 34408.97 25091.693
PNWAGE net wages and salaries 0

PGWTIME gross wages per unit of time 6769 10 5336 661.71 482.533
PNWTIME net wages per unit of time 0

PMERC mandatory employer contributions 0

PSELF self-employment income 1081 -130000 475124 23840.44 43992.731
PYTAX income taxes 7969 -6968 206544 7551.88 11426.456
PWTAX property/wealth taxes 0

PMEEC mandatory employee contributions 0

PSOCRET state old-age and survivors benefits 1891 312 12896 7590.27 3454.214
PUNEMP unemployment compensation benefits 404 208 12324 7888.68 2207.234
PPRVPEN private occupational and other pensions 772 312 61464 12041.23 10820.611
PPUBPEN public sector occupational pensions 0

PCONFRIN non-mandatory employer contributions and in-kind earnings 0

PSTSICK short-term sickness and work injury benefits 87 2600 53040 18188.64 12097.411
PCHBEN child-related benefits 1603 156 40560 5368.52 4461.843
PFAMLV family leave benefits 712 312 11440 6531.62 3361.376
PUNEMPTL total unemployment benefits 404 208 12324 7888.68 2207.234
PPENSTL total pensions 2881 156 66560 11172.74 6490.708
Valid N (listwise) 0

Frequencies for Australia 2001 person file

Frequency Table

PPNUM person identifier

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head 6786 51.5 51.5 51.5
2 wife or steady partner 3901 29.6 29.6 81.1
3 oldest other adult 1798 13.6 13.6 94.7
4 2nd oldest oth adlt 587 4.5 4.5 99.2
5 3rd oldest oth adlt 99 .8 .8 99.9
31 4th oldest oth adlt 10 .1 .1 100.0
32 5th oldest oth adlt 2 .0 .0 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PAGE age

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 15 224 1.7 1.7 1.7
16 228 1.7 1.7 3.4
17 239 1.8 1.8 5.2
18 221 1.7 1.7 6.9
19 213 1.6 1.6 8.5
20 198 1.5 1.5 10.0
21 205 1.6 1.6 11.6
22 181 1.4 1.4 13.0
23 217 1.6 1.6 14.6
24 214 1.6 1.6 16.2
27 25-29 years old 1137 8.6 8.6 24.9
32 30-34 years old 1252 9.5 9.5 34.4
37 35-39 years old 1300 9.9 9.9 44.2
42 40-44 years old 1344 10.2 10.2 54.4
47 45-49 years old 1184 9.0 9.0 63.4
52 50-54 years old 1152 8.7 8.7 72.1
55 204 1.5 1.5 73.7
56 187 1.4 1.4 75.1
57 179 1.4 1.4 76.5
58 161 1.2 1.2 77.7
59 158 1.2 1.2 78.9
60 153 1.2 1.2 80.0
61 142 1.1 1.1 81.1
62 163 1.2 1.2 82.3
63 153 1.2 1.2 83.5
64 109 .8 .8 84.3
67 65-69 years old 582 4.4 4.4 88.8
72 70-74 years old 568 4.3 4.3 93.1
75 75 years or over 915 6.9 6.9 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PSEX gender

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 male 6346 48.1 48.1 48.1
2 female 6837 51.9 51.9 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PMART marital status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 single 5268 40.0 40.0 40.0
2 married (registered or de facto) 7915 60.0 60.0 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PREL relationship

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head of household 6786 51.5 51.5 51.5
2 partner of head 3901 29.6 29.6 81.1
3 child 1816 13.8 13.8 94.8
4 other relative 204 1.5 1.5 96.4
5 non relative 476 3.6 3.6 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PPARSTA partnership and parenthood status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 head/spouse with partner, without children 3466 26.3 26.3 26.3
2 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child < 18 3498 26.5 26.5 52.8
3 head/spouse with partner and children, youngest child 18+ 838 6.4 6.4 59.2
4 single head, without children 2098 15.9 15.9 75.1
5 single head, with children, youngest child < 18 571 4.3 4.3 79.4
6 single head, with children, youngest child 18+ 216 1.6 1.6 81.1
7 child with partner, age 18+, living with single parent 2 .0 .0 81.1
8 child with partner, age 18+, living with parent with partner 1 .0 .0 81.1
9 single child, age 18+, living with single parent 315 2.4 2.4 83.5
10 single child, age 18+, living with parent with partner 840 6.4 6.4 89.9
11 child, age under 18, living with single parent 170 1.3 1.3 91.1
12 child, age under 18, living with parent with partner 488 3.7 3.7 94.8
13 other person living with partner 69 .5 .5 95.4
14 single other person 611 4.6 4.6 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PETHNAT ethnicity/nationality

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Australia 9751 74.0 74.0 74.0
2 main English speaking countries 1454 11.0 11.0 85.0
3 other 1978 15.0 15.0 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PIMMIGR immigration status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 born in Australia 9751 74.0 74.0 74.0
2 arrived before 1991 2729 20.7 20.7 94.7
3 arrived in 1991 or after 703 5.3 5.3 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PEDUC educational level

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 still at school 592 4.5 4.5 4.5
2 higher/bachelor degree, postgraduate diploma 1796 13.6 13.6 18.1
3 other post-school qualifications 3863 29.3 29.3 47.4
4 no post-school qualifications 6932 52.6 52.6 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PTOCC occupational training

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PENROL currently enrolled in education

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 still at school 592 4.5 4.5 4.5
121 F-T studying, in school 5 .0 .0 4.5
122 F-T studying, TAFE college 129 1.0 1.0 5.5
123 F-T studying, higher education 406 3.1 3.1 8.6
124 F-T studying, other 34 .3 .3 8.8
131 P-T studying, in school 4 .0 .0 8.9
132 P-T studying, TAFE college 345 2.6 2.6 11.5
133 P-T studying, higher education 288 2.2 2.2 13.7
134 P-T studying, other 125 .9 .9 14.6
200 not currently studying 11255 85.4 85.4 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PDISABL disability status

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PCLFS labour force status in the current period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 191 Emp; 35+ hours 5828 44.2 44.2 44.2
192 Emp; <35 hours 2030 15.4 15.4 59.6
210 Unemp; ILO unemployed 547 4.1 4.1 63.8
321 NILF; still at school 338 2.6 2.6 66.3
322 NILF; studying full-time 220 1.7 1.7 68.0
341 NILF; permanently unable to work 135 1.0 1.0 69.0
391 NILF; studying part-time 83 .6 .6 69.6
399 NILF; other 3978 30.2 30.2 99.8
931 NILF; unpaid voluntary worker 24 .2 .2 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PCMAS main activity status in the current period

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Emp; 35+ hours 5776 43.8 43.8 43.8
221 Not Emp; still at school 592 4.5 4.5 48.3
222 Not Emp; studying full-time 574 4.4 4.4 52.7
241 Not Emp; permanently unable to work 134 1.0 1.0 53.7
270 Not Emp; unemployed 396 3.0 3.0 56.7
291 Not Emp; studying part-time 125 .9 .9 57.6
299 Not Emp; other not in the labour force 3978 30.2 30.2 87.8
901 Indist; employed <35 hours 1477 11.2 11.2 99.0
902 Indist; employed <35 hours and studying part-time 110 .8 .8 99.8
903 Not Emp; unpaid voluntary worker 21 .2 .2 100.0
Total 13183 100.0 100.0

PUMAS main activity status during the income reference period

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PACTIV status in employment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 100 paid employed 6955 52.8 86.1 86.1
210 self-employed ; employer 264 2.0 3.3 89.4
220 self-employed ; own-account worker 774 5.9 9.6 99.0
410 oth emp ; contributing family worker 50 .4 .6 99.6
421 oth emp ; employee paid in kind 5 .0 .1 99.7
431 oth emp ; unpaid voluntary worker 24 .2 .3 100.0
490 oth emp ; contributing family worker or voluntary worker 3 .0 .0 100.0
Total 8075 61.3 100.0
Missing -1 5108 38.7

Total 13183 100.0

POCC occupation

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 managers and administrators 599 4.5 7.6 7.6
2 professionals 1448 11.0 18.4 26.0
3 associate professionals 936 7.1 11.9 38.0
4 tradespersons and related workers 976 7.4 12.4 50.4
5 advanced clerical and service workers 340 2.6 4.3 54.7
6 intermediate clerical and service workers 1345 10.2 17.1 71.8
7 intermediate production and transport workers 681 5.2 8.7 80.5
8 elementary clerical, sales and service workers 779 5.9 9.9 90.4
9 labourers and related workers 754 5.7 9.6 100.0
Total 7858 59.6 100.0
Missing -1 5325 40.4

Total 13183 100.0

PIND industry

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 agriculture, forestry and fishing 406 3.1 5.2 5.2
2 mining 84 .6 1.1 6.2
3 manufacturing 891 6.8 11.3 17.6
4 production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 62 .5 .8 18.4
5 building and construction 558 4.2 7.1 25.5
6 wholesale trade 376 2.9 4.8 30.2
7 retail trade 1102 8.4 14.0 44.3
8 hotels and restaurants 410 3.1 5.2 49.5
9 transport and storage 353 2.7 4.5 54.0
10 communication 134 1.0 1.7 55.7
11 financial intermediation 293 2.2 3.7 59.4
12 real estate & renting services 931 7.1 11.8 71.3
13 public administration & defence 404 3.1 5.1 76.4
14 education 582 4.4 7.4 83.8
15 health and community 778 5.9 9.9 93.7
16 cultural and recreational services 191 1.4 2.4 96.1
17 personal and other services 303 2.3 3.9 100.0
Total 7858 59.6 100.0
Missing -1 5325 40.4

Total 13183 100.0

PTYPEWK sector of employment

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PSKILL skill level in employment

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PNEMP number of persons in local unit

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PFULPAR full-time or part-time and reason why

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 35+ usual weekly hours 4830 36.6 71.2 71.2
201 <35 usual weekly hours 1953 14.8 28.8 100.0
Total 6783 51.5 100.0
Missing -1 6400 48.5

Total 13183 100.0

PCONTRA permanency of contract

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PSUPERV supervise other workers

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PTENURE tenure in current job

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PSECJOB more than one job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 110 Has second job in paid employment 359 2.7 4.6 4.6
120 Has second job as employer or own account worker 108 .8 1.4 5.9
140 Has second job as contributing family worker 18 .1 .2 6.2
190 Has second job not in paid employment 50 .4 .6 6.8
200 No second job 7323 55.5 93.2 100.0
Total 7858 59.6 100.0
Missing -1 5325 40.4

Total 13183 100.0

PWEXPTL total duration of work all experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PWEXPFT duration of full-time work experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PWEXPPT duration of part-time work experience

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0

PSEARCH looking for job and reason why

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 101 Unemployed, looked for full-time work 386 2.9 72.6 72.6
102 Unemployed, looked for part-time work 146 1.1 27.4 100.0
Total 532 4.0 100.0
Missing -1 12636 95.9

System 15 .1

Total 12651 96.0

Total 13183 100.0

PCARE current caregiving status

Frequency Percent
Missing -1 13183 100.0